Legislation Boring But Important-Please support H.R.3858
First time here? Read the Oldest Posts and LOOK AT PICTURES at the links below. Words can't describe what rescuers saw once they hit the ground.
1. Read some of the oldest Posts first to get the entire story.
2. Best video footage: Click here
3. This blog has the BEST PICTURES so far of Katrina Animals. It is all pics and good ones Click here Warning pics of dead animals.
4. School shooting story WITHOUT ANY GORY PICS -- and ton of other great pics Click here
5. And this is one of our groups blogs --
Click here
6. Most amazing photography: I mean must see: Click here
7. My own favorite Post: Click here
8. To reunite pets with owners: Click here
A Handwritten Note Begging for Mercy for dogs left behind in a school used as an evacuation center. The Butcher of St Bernard found no mercy only torture and bullets when they blasted away instead of feeding 14 small dogs and puppies. Our rescue team discovered this after being asked to respond to see if the animals were alive. We found the animals shot and had CNN over the next day and the Attorney Generals Office interested in 24 hours. Pasado Rescue quickly got involved with a reward and offer to assist with the investigation. HSUS had pictures of the shootings many days prior to us finding them. I am not sure why they didn't act.
Legislation Boring But Important-Please support H.R.3858
Reprinted from this website: http://dsmith.fpage.com/hr3858_pets.htm
"Dear God you remember Hurricane Katrina and Rita and the horrid way pets were left behind to die some a slow and very horrid death. You know how we and others have prayed that this would never happen again with your help this may come true.
A wonderful group of people in Washington and across the world have been trying to require families to stay together like they have in the state of Minnesota. Did you know they save not only the humans but their companion animals too. They say in Minnesota not only is it right to keep a family together, in the long run it saves money for the tax payer too.
Take New Orleans and surrounding areas what will be the cost of cleaning up all the human and animal body's? What will be the cost to the children who lost their furry companion? What will be the cost to the little old ladies who had to leave the only ones who loved the cats. What will be the cost to the family who came home and found their companion animal had died in the crate where the left him to be safe or the companion animal who they tied to be safe both drowned little by little. What will be the cost to families when they here about the 12 to 15 pets - dogs and puppies- that had been tied to classroom windows, doors and then shot."
Please support H.R.3858
Title: To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to ensure that State and local emergency preparedness operational plans address the needs of individuals with household pets and service animals following a major disaster or emergency.
Press Release
Congressman Tom Lantos Legislation Will Ensure That in Future Disasters, People Will Not be Forced to Abandon Household Pets
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Washington, DC – Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) and co-sponsors Christopher Shays (R-CT), Don Young (R-AK) and James Oberstar (D-MN) and Barney Frank (D-MA), today introduced legislation to ensure that in any future disaster, federal officials will not separate people from their household pets and service animals such as seeing-eye dogs, as they did in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act, H.R. 3858), requires local and state emergency preparedness authorities to include in their evacuation plans how they will accommodate household pets or service animals in case of a disaster. Local and state authorities must submit these plans in order to qualify for grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“The devastation in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama brought unbelievable images into American homes every night,” Lantos said. “The losses of life and property were simply staggering. And on top of all that, the sight of evacuees choosing between being rescued or remaining with their pets, perhaps even having to leave behind the trained and faithful helping animals that some people with disabilities rely on every day, was just heartbreaking. Our legislation will put an end to that.”
Lantos is the co-founder of the Friends of Animals Caucus; he currently co-chairs the caucus with Rep. Shays.
“Katrina taught us the hard lesson that, as we prepare for future emergencies, it's important we include in our plans ways to protect our pet owners and their pets,” Shays said. “The common-sense bill we are introducing today requires state and local preparedness groups to include in their protocols plans for evacuation of pet owners, pets and service animals in the event of a major disaster so that owners don’t have to make a choice between their personal safety and their pets’ safety."
At a news conference announcing the bill, officials from the Humane Society of the United States, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Doris Day Animal League and the Best Friends Animal Society emphasized their support for this initiative.
Lantos is a cosponsor of a dozen bills addressing issues raised the Gulf Coast disaster. Among these bills are measures to give Medicaid to those affected by the disaster, to provide additional funds to local and educational agencies to support elementary and secondary schools for displaced students, to assist vulnerable children in foster care by providing states maintenance payments on behalf of foster children in areas affected by the hurricane, and to let natural disaster victims declare bankruptcy as needed without having to enter newly-enacted repayment programs.
It's a big problem
by sandy99, 10/14/05 9:55 ET
Re: adopted or authanized? by ericrice, 10/14/05
The solution is bigger than anything I can possibly contemplate at this time, am desperately trying to help with one situation for one woman some of whose cats have wound up in a kill shelter and it's taking up so much time. (she has had a stroke, her house is in a shambles, she cannot care for them any more but THIS is not the fate she would have had in mind for them after all they'd been through--and some have health problems making them poor adoption prospects)
Katrina is the disaster that just keeps "giving" and "giving" in oh, so many cruel ways
Adoptions of Katrina dogs postponed until year's end
BALDWIN PARK -- There has been a slight "paws' in the quest for local people wanting to acquire one of the 10 Hurricane Katrina canines up for adoption at the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter. The adoptions scheduled to take place Saturday have been put on hold until the end of the year. On Thursday, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, along with other pet organizations, requested all animal shelters, breed rescue groups and others sheltering animal survivors of the hurricane, extend the holding period of the pets until Dec. 31. "They asked us to hold off on our adoptions that were going to take place Saturday at the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter,' said Brenda Jimenez, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County Care and Control. "They want us to give people more time to claim their animals.' ASPCA officials said shelters nationwide agreed to care for the pets until Saturday. However, after more than 1,000 of them were reunited, they decided to ask for more time. "A lot of animals are being reunited and they seemed to have underestimated the amount of time needed to get as many of them as possible back to their owners,' Sanchez said. Although many local residents had hoped to take one of the 10 dogs housed at the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter home, they will now have to wait to see if their owners come forward. "We'll continue to treat them and if they are not reunited by December we'll adopt them out into a new home,' said county spokeswoman Kaye Michaelson. "But for now, they'll stay with us and will be waiting for their owners.' Of the 8,000 dogs, cats, horses, and other animals that were rescued in Louisiana and Mississippi, 124 have been housed in shelters throughout California. A handful already have been reunited with their owners. "Sassy was the first, and on Wednesday there was Princess who was in Pomona,' said Dawn Cotterell, spokeswoman for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles. "Right now we are working on Snowball and Simba, who we think will be reunited in a few days.' Along with those four dogs, the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter also is scheduling a reunion to take place soon. "The owner of Panda, a Jack Russell Terrier mix who was actually a show dog, came forward and a reunion will happen in days,' Sanchez said. "His owner was on vacation when Katrina hit her Mississippi home and she was not allowed to go back for him.' Panda's owner saw his picture onwww.petfinder.com and contacted the spcaLA. In order to prove that Panda was hers, county officials said the owner sent in photos that confirmed her claim. Panda will be flying to Memphis, where his owner has relocated to since Hurricane Katrina, in a few days. "She's been e-mailing and calling and she is so happy to have Panda back. She can't wait,' Jimenez said. "That's the goal, to get these pets back home.'
re: lamar dixon
I was there. You stated that unless you were there stfu correct? Well I was there starting 5 days after the shelter began. I stayed for 23 days. I worked 16-18 hours per day. I spent 3,000 of my personal funds to do so. I did go out into the field with rescue crews over and over again. I do agree with you,hsus is not solely to blame. laspca and aspca should also share the blame for how poorly managed the rescue efforts were fully 2 weeks after the hurricane struck and continuing on to this day in the badly managed attempt to reunite owners.
The total lack of common sense was appalling.
1. When I arrived there no one was making any attempt at all to keep track of or train the volunteers in any way. That continued for over a week and a half.
2. Volunteers were not checking in,wearing name tags or being instructed in sanitation procedures for over 2 WEEKS.
3. Those volunteers were handling dogs who had been in toxic areas and were not instructed in proper handwashing techniques or the use of protective gear,nor was protective gear provided. This continued for over 2 weeks.
4. Volunteers were turned away at several points in time leaving us with not enough people to properly attend to the sanitation and feeding of the animals.
5. Medical crews spent more then 2 weeks trying to treat critical animals with nothing but donated supplies and not very many of them.
6. over 25 certified veterinarians who volunteered were turned away.
7. For over 2 weeks there was no medical care on site for volunteers despite the fact that we had 5 bite cases in barn 5 alone in one day. 15 bite cases in one day in all the barns and 40 cases of heat exhaustion. They also made no provisions for transport to the hospital.
8. Over 150 rescued pit bulls and other animals were STOLEN off the premises,some in broad daylight before funds were made available for fencing and security guards.
9.No sanitation efforts were made to prevent the spread of diseases such as parvo. Such as spraying a bleach solution along the runways and the potty yard. For the first 2 weeks bowls were merely rinsed and put back into different cages until a VOLUNTEER bought and set up bleach baths for the bowls.
10. Cats,birds and rabbits were housed in areas surrounded by barking dogs rather than moving them to the quieter horse barns to reduce their stress levels.
11. They sent crews into devastated areas with NO central command center and no way of contacting anyone if something went wrong and No check in time Also no maps of the area.
12. 9,000 please pick up my pet calls came in,in 2 weeks and just 2,300 of them were addressed because field crews were not given the information.
13. volunteers were being stricken with heat exhaustion simply because none of the "leaders" had enough common sense to put up a shade tent over the kennel cleaning area behind barn 5.
14. many animals were mislabled,misplaced or unidentifiable on the pet websites due to poor paperwork and poor photography. Good luck finding your black cat or black lab from a picture taken in a kennel in the dark.
15. More than one owner was notified that their pet was found and they came to claim it the very next day only to find that it had been shipped out the night before despite signs ALL over its crate saying do not ship owner to pick up.
16. Volunteers(including locals) were inhibited from fostering the pets even though they had references and even though we were constantly in danger of being shut down due to being over capacity. Accredited rescue groups were also prevented or delayed in taking animals even with the full knowlege that we were over capacity,unable to intake more animals and unable to properly care for the ones on site.
17. Several times we were not allowed to bring in any but critical animals due to overcrowding and laspca's obstruction.
18. Animals were not given vaccines or microchipped until they were exported giving us no chance of ever finding the animals stolen off the premises and leaving the possibility of rampant disease spread.
19. Volunteers and experienced rescue groups were obstructed (and in some cases endangered) at every turn by the paid heads of every organization involved.
20. Volunteers were not instructed in the proper way to handle highly stressed animals which is why so many were bitten as they leaned into crates.
21. Animal behaviorists were not on site until 2 weeks after the shelter was running. This caused some dogs to mislabeled as vicious when in fact they were just highly stressed.
22. People came in and just went pet shopping and then claimed some animal was theirs. Pet owners were not given name tags or asked any questions for the first 2 weeks I was there. If you said hey that's my dog you got to take it no questions asked and no paperwork like say a drivers licens as a record to show who took the Big GAME pit bull with the cropped ears ,that as with all the others was unneutered.
23 Heavily pregnant dogs were kept in high stress and extreme heat conditions for WEEKS rather than being relocated to safer areas. They were allowed to whelp in undisinfected crates in barn one next to sick and injured dogs in 110 degree heat.
24. Puppies and kittens at high risk for disease were handled and left in extreme conditions even though anyone with half a brain would realize they are at higher risk espcially with regards to the lack of sanitation and not giving vaccines until export. Across the board mandates to feed only once daily were used even with small breeds,puppies,elderly and emaciated animals that SHOULD have been fed 4 small meals daily
The funds recieved SHOULD have been used to
1. put up security as soon as the first dog was stolen.
2. hire people to fill in where volunteers were overtaxed.
3. print out comprehensive volunteer manuals which included sanitation and handling techniques.
4 print out comprehensive owner manuals that listed every shelter and gave instructions on how to find their pet or get someone to go retrieve their pet.
5. supply food and water and needed sanitation supplies to every volunteer on a consistant basis.
6.rent an air conditioned tent or building for critical and heat stressed animals like rabbits and cats.
7. hire an on site dispatch center to maintain contact with crews in the field and facilitate communication between barns
8. Hire a public relations team to encourage local volunteers and businesses to get involved.
9. Vet supplies.
10. Water TRUCKS and crews paid to do food and water drops around the city so rescue crews could focus on getting animals OUT. Petco offered to facilitate this effort and none of the agencies involved took them up on it.
Between the 3 agencies involved they took in MILLIONS of dollars of donations. They should be required to publicly account for the uses of those funds. ALL of those donations should have been used solely for Katrina animals and the rescue efforts and if they weren't the public should know. "It was unprecedented disaster" as an excuse only works for a limited time. As soon as they realized the scope of the disaster steps should have been taken to ensure that they had what they needed to do their job,even if it meant borrowing the money. If they were incapable of dealing with a problem of this magnitude they should have HIRED a disaster management proffesional(oh wait one of the volunteers they turned away WAS a trained/accredited d.m person)to run the rescue efforts.
I was there with thousands of other dedicated volunteers who did their best in extreme conditions to save animals. I SAW the heads of every agency in their air conditioned trailers having "meetings" The only other time I saw them around the barns was when the media was on site. Their hands were always clean. I never once saw one of the top people stop to give water or clean a cage.
Sadky in the fight for power as usual it was the animals that suffered.
Dear Eric--sorry to be so slow in responding--I've
been swamped dealing with Katrina evacuees as well as
pets, etc. These are the pictures of Coco and her
final reunion with Pam Kilby, her owner. The first few
are of me and Coco in my garden, then one of
Roland(Pam's friend/aide from the same boarding house
on Constance Street in NO--he was the fellow that Pam
left Coco with when she was medically evacuated--then
the cops ordered Roland out and wouldnt let him take
Coco!)Roland arrived here in Columbia, SC with
several hundred evacuees and I met him at our
center.All he was concerned about was Coco, so I
promised him I'd try to help--thats where Lilla and
ultimately you stepped in. The last few pictures are
of Pam in NC and her final reunion with Coco--thats me
handing her over to Pam, and me saying goodbye to Miss
Coco--I've christened her " Miss Coco Blanche Dubois
formerly of New Orleans"--named for the character in
"Streetcar Named Desire" whose famous line was that
she had "always relied on the kindmess of
strangers"!!! That certainly fits Coco--if it werent
for you and Lilla and unknown others working
tirelessly for these animals they wouldnt have had a
chance for happy reunions! I (and Roland and Pam) are
forever grateful to you--both Pam and Roland are
somewhat mentally challenged and were totally blown
away that total strangers would do this for them!
Probably the first time in years that someone has
truly cared about their situation. And yes it was a
joyous reunion!!!! Pam and Coco are now safely in a
beautiful highrise in Wilmington NC sponsored by the
housing authority and Council on Aging, with all
services available to them. Pam has a sister and other
family there, so shes in good hands. Coco is doing
great, has had a bath and nail trim, and heartworm
check and meds; I'm helping Roland relocate to the
same building in Wilmington,NC, so this is having a
very happy ending. When things calm down in your life,
please know that I'd love to meet. I've told
Janis(another of "Coco's Angels") that I have a place
on the SC coast halfway between Myrtle Beach and
Charleston, SC--we could meet there for a relaxing
weekend sometime to decompress. Thanks again
Eric--we'll stay in touch. Also I'll send the other
pictures of Coco at Lilla's in Baton Rouge, and the
National Geographic crew that helped me get another
evacuee Bill Hicks into the lower Garden District to
rescue his cat "Concat". That will be included in the
National Geographic special on Nov 20 on PBS--a
program called "Nature"" focusing on Katrina pet
reunions. I am eternally grateful----BLESS YOU
ERIC!!!!! Tanya Sisk
Email to Chairman of the HSUS Board (Dr. David Wiebers)
by CParadox, 10/14/05 8:59 ET
Dr. Wiebers,
I am writing to you to express my frank disgust with the manner in whichthe HSUS has dealt with, and reacted to, the work of Pasado's Safe Haven,an animal rescue organization working in Louisiana.
In your role as Chair of the Board of Directors of HSUS, I am sure you areaware of the statement released on 12 October by one Bernard Unti, whosemissive to members of HSUS identifies him as a senior policy advisor tothe President of HSUS. In light of the fact that Mr. Unti is a historian,I am not entirely certain what qualifications or advice he can reasonablybring to the business of animal welfare or, in this case, disasterresponse and rescue, but that is decidedly beside the point.
What is more pertinant, however, is the woefully ignorant and wilfullyblind manner in which both Mr. Unti and, presumably, Mr. Pacelle, havedecided to respond to a number of issues relating to the situation in theGulf Coast.
First, while I cannot speak with any first-hand knowledge, anecdotal andcircumstantial evidence strongly suggests that HSUS's response to thecrisis in the southern United States has been nothing short of comical.Pointedly, while other rescue groups and, indeed, the office of theAttorney General of Louisiana, have been aware of the dog-shootingsituation in St. Bernard for weeks, HSUS's only public response, on 12October, was far more than a day late or a dollar short. This isparticularly so for an organization which purportedly received over $15million in donations directed at hurricane relief.
Mr. Unti notes that Mr. Pacelle wrote to the Louisiana Attorney General on3 October to urge the latter to investigate; once again, a day late and adollar short. The situation in Louisiana, and in St. Bernard, was so farremoved from the norm as to render Mr. Unti's statement that "It is ourgeneral experience, however, that a state attorney general’s office doesnot typically require or even desire the financial support of a non-profitentity in order to conduct its own law enforcement investigations" almostfarcical.
Further, I, and many other observers of HSUS and other rescueorganizations, take serious umbrage with the patronizing dismissal ofindividual reactions to the crisis. To wit, Mr. Unti's statement thatPasado's Safe Haven made "an ill-advised statement on their website."
Dr. Wiebers, in the face of overwhelming evidence of bureaucratic inertia,mismanagement, and a somewhat unbelievable lack of willingness to confrontthe situation, the senior staff of HSUS has chosen instead to both insultand demean the efforts of on-the-ground rescuers, most of whom have far,far fewer resources than does HSUS. It is in monumentally bad taste, andbad faith, for HSUS senior staff, in the person of Mr. Unti, to claim themoral high ground while simultaneously engaging in mud-slinging of themost egregious sort. Rescue organizations are both stretched to the limitand without significant backup in the disaster area, and the very lastthing they need is for HSUS to add insult to injury - it is puerile and,frankly, leaves HSUS in an exceedingly bad light.
As the Chair of the Board of Directors of HSUS, you have both theauthority and the obligation to direct the operations, mentally, and tone,of your organization, and current public opinion is decidedly unflatteringin this regard. There remain many thousands of animals suffering in theGulf Coast region; perhaps your organizations efforts would be betterdirected towards actual animal welfare work, rather than a displaced anddisfunctional media strategy.
Until such time, I can assure you, HSUS will receive no monetary supportfrom me, as I am not at all convinced that my donation would be used foranything more than displays of administrative ineptitude.
oooh, HSUS will love this legsilation---because they want the FEMA contract to be the one in charge of rescue. I respect HSUS for what they are good at--which is lobbying; but I do not respect their rescue abilities and I am ashamed that they didn't co-chair the rescue efforts with the likes of a Pasados or COde3Associates or any of the other ACTUAL rescue groups.
Pet Rescue List Feedback
by dogmagnet, 10/14/05 12:18 ET
Thought I'd post this because I know how so many of you out there care so deeply.
Here is what we are experiencing while making the calls through the pet rescue list.
Many happy stories, many sad stories, many people VERY grateful. People who were at the SuperDome and had to leave their pets behind, people who came home and discovered some of their pets alive, and some not. People who believe their pets have been rescued, but are now unable to locate them. People who have already been re-united with their pets. People who are caring for other peoples pets, and often the owners are unknown. People who found their pet just an hour ago. Heartbreaking and heartwarming in the same call....~Julie
re: lamar dixon
21. Animal behaviorists were not on site until 2 weeks after the shelter was running. This caused some dogs to mislabeled as vicious when in fact they were just highly stressed
This is definitely true. In barn 2 there was a German shepherd in a small kennel in a stall by itself. There was signs everywhere warning volunteers to stay away and that the dog was vicious. The poor dog had not been out in days; he had no water. He would not look at us or even respond. He was staring straight ahead, unblinking. We told Melodie, then the barn manager. When she saw the dog, she was so angry. We observed the dog for signs of aggression. After 20 minutes, he finally looked at us. Melodie ripped up the signs; she was disgusted. We gave the dog water and very slowly opened the kennel. He did not make any aggressive signs, etc. After he drank many bowls of water, he got out of the kennel. An hour later he did become more energetic and jumped around a lot. He would be a handful for most dog walkers. None of us believed that he was aggressive.
HSUS has shown themselves for what they are. A PR and Donation Marketing Org. The spin that has come out on every topic is just sickening. Worse than the WhiteHouse. Taking credit for others work, exaggerating numbers, calling everything a success, showing pics of reunions when Stealth Volunteers has 3x as many people working for free as they have in the HSUS call centers.
Why even respond to anything about Pasado? PASADO HAD MADE NO REFERENCE TO THEM IN ANY STATEMENTS. Why not simply give Pasado 5k and PR that.
I have seen numerous statements from them about "how everything went so well." But much like FEMA's first days on the ground where they said all is well the reports from volunteers, vets, rescuers, owners of animals looking for pets and others shows that ALL IS NOT WELL.
All you people that are going to reply to this take up for the HSUS should really look at the quality of the people reporting the same stuff over and over again.
I have reserved my judgement but too many reputable people are reporting to much of the same story over and over again. HSUS/LASPCA/State Vet mired themselves in politics and red tape and brow beating and ANIMALS DIED BECAUSE OF IT. I imagine that only 1/2 of it is out now as I know people are fully looking into how many people called the 1800Humane1 list and how long it took to get it into play. This is not going to be pretty for the HSUS. Intake was a joke and anyone that works with shelters like the HSUS does daily knows that pushing the responsibility for documenting animals to the shlelters was a joke. The stories of how they are "giving" animals to friends etc is endless. It isn't made up it is fact.
The "cover" up is always worse than the crime. People would have forgiven HSUS if they had not put out a constant stream of PR spin and cover up. Constant. That has proven to be untrue in many ways.
It is like they don't want any criticism whatsoever. They play to the millions who know nothing of the problems and never will.
Per state vet all animals in packs now. and this idea that all of the animals are packed and dangerous is WRONG. Many, Many, many more are simply starving under the very same house they have been at for 5 weeks. I sent feeders to my addresses and every single animal was still in the same spot waiting for their now every 3 week feeding.
Re: Lamar Dixon
7. For over 2 weeks there was no medical care on site for volunteers despite the fact that we had 5 bite cases in barn 5 alone in one day...They also made no provisions for transport to the hospital.
The barn manager (of barn 2) before Melodie did arrange to have ambulances in the parking lot around 5 pm because he knew that volunteers were passing out and would have heat stroke. (Of course, the reason why volunteers were working themselves into the ground was that there were not enough volunteers to care for the dogs). I can't remember his name. He was wearing an American Humane Society t-shirt. That could have just been a one day policy (Sept 11 or 12) because he ended up quitting very shortly.
Hard Hearted Animal People
(this concerning an elderly woman who surrendered her cats thinking they would all be sent to good homes)
Well folks, this morning I had the most unpleasant encounter I've ever had with anyone in the animal welfare community this morning with the E.D. at the Virginia Beach SPCA. She told me she was "insulted" by my voicemail of yesterday urging them to take no action regarding the toothless 9-year-old cat until we could sort out where it was going to end up. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. (As you recall one of the workers at Virginia Beach SPCA told me that because he was toothless and had "medical issues" the cat was not a good prospect for adopting and the odds were that he would end up being euthanised.) Adams denied that I was told this, she says her staff member wouldn't have said that but I didn't use the word euthanised, nor was I looking to hear it. She was the rudest piece of work, considering what we're all trying to do.
I told her I had found two organisations that were willing to take this cat
should the owner wish to surrender. She said Virginia Beach SPCA didn't need any
help and didn't want to know about who was offering to assist. She requested the
owner's contact information so I provided it to her. I can only assume it is
their intention to see this cat's journey through to the end, when it ends up in
a happy, suitable home for it is clear that no further information will be
provided to me by them. And I hope that the owner does not become confused. Her
animals have gone to at least six shelters across the U.S. My sense is that all these places calling her could be confusing for her. And I don't know whether she would ask the right questions to ensure no one ended up being euthanised that didn't need to be. All I want to do is respect her wish and coordinate some of this for her and make her final decision-making easier to do. And I get yelled at by some witch in Virginia.
I didn't want to call the owner before I had gathered information on all of the animals but it looks as though I will have to do so to make sure it's gone okay with the Virginia Beach people. I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why.
Once again another sad story of an almost reunion:
WASHINGTON and NEW YORK (October 12, 2005) - The Humane Society of the United States, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), United Animal Nations (UAN) and Best Friends Animal Society are asking all animal shelters, breed rescue groups and others who are sheltering animal victims of Hurricane Katrina to voluntarily extend the hold period of those animals to allow for more family reunions to occur.
Since Hurricane Katrina struck, more than 8,000 dogs, cats, horses, livestock and other animals have been rescued in Louisiana and Mississippi. Most of these animals were triaged through emergency shelters established at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales, La., Louisiana State University (LSU), and the Forrest County Multi-purpose Center in Hattiesburg, Miss. More than 200 animal shelters in the United States and assorted rescue groups agreed to take Katrina survivors into their care while rescue operations were ongoing.
Under a previous agreement, shelters expected to hold animals until October 15. That date was established early in the disaster response before there was a clear understanding of the magnitude and complexity of the rescue, relief and reunion operation. Now, shelters, fosters and other groups are asked to hold the animals not less than 30 days from the date the agency posted or edited the animal’s photo on Petfinder’s website (http://disaster.petfinder.com/emergency/). The national animal protection organizations are appealing to shelters to extend the hold period until December 15 when possible.
The ASPCA has released a document on foster recommendations that encourages all groups holding Katrina pets to post photographs and related information of those animals on Petfinder’s site: http://disaster.petfinder.com/emergency/ which has been the central location for rescued pet information.
Animal shelters are also encouraged to commit staff and volunteers to navigate the Petfinder site regularly for lost reports from owners that may match animals in their possession. For the full text of the Katrina Foster Recommendations, go to www.aspca.org.
"As the rescue and recovery efforts draw to a close we are faced with the daunting task of reuniting as many Katrina pets with their owners as possible," said Julie Morris, senior vice president of ASPCA National Outreach. "As these pet owners’ lives have been completely turned upside down, we would like to extend as a long a window as possible for them to locate their pets."
"We especially want to encourage the American public to support local animal shelters in this difficult time, by assisting their efforts to reunite animals with those who have lost them," said John Snyder, senior director of The HSUS’s companion animals section. "There's no better moment to find out what needs your local shelters have as they respond together to this unprecedented crisis."
There have been more than 1,000 reunions of pets and their families to date including in-person reunions in Louisiana and Mississippi and matches through Petfinder. The HSUS and ASPCA will pay the transportation costs and help with the logistics to reunite pets with their families when needed.
Persons looking for their displaced pets who may have been rescued from the disaster zone should regularly monitor the Petfinder site and also check Petharbor.com, another website posting rescued pet information. Those in need of assistance to navigate the websites should call 1-800-HUMANE 1.
About the ASPCA®
Founded in 1866, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (ASPCA) was the first humane organization established in the Western Hemisphere and today has one million supporters. The ASPCA's mission is to provide an effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. The ASPCA® provides national leadership in humane education, government affairs and public policy, shelter support, and animal poison control. The NYC headquarters houses a full-service animal hospital, animal behavior center, and adoption facility. The Humane Law Enforcement department enforces New York's animal cruelty laws and is featured on the reality television series Animal Precinct on Animal Planet. Visit www.aspca.org for more information
About The HSUS
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization representing more than 9 million members and constituents. The non-profit organization is a mainstream voice for animals, with active programs in companion animals and equine protection, disaster preparedness and response, wildlife and habitat protection, animals in research and farm animal welfare. The HSUS protects all animals through education, investigation, litigation, legislation, advocacy, and field work. The group is based in Washington and has numerous field representatives across the country. On the Web at www.hsus.org.
Media Contacts: Chris Hayes/ASPCA (212) 725-4500, Karen L. Allanach/HSUS (301)548-7778, kallanach@hsus.org
The Humane Society of the United States
2100 L St., NW
Washington, DC 20037
Promoting the Protect
...if anyone knows of a perfect organization-please post! ...I think collectively,all the rescue groups would do better in the future if they worked as a unified team. Unfortunately,this was the first time any animal rescue of this magnitude was ever attempted.
Molly" the service dog rescued
by kristysmom, 10/14/05 13:40 ET
Molly belonged to the blind woman who has cancer and had to be taken out of the hospital, they were reunitedHAPPY ENDING
Pasado- Not perfect but for size and resources and lack of politics dollar for dollar they pulled they did most right. I spent lots of time with them and at Lamar also. Their dedication to TRACKING animals was fabulous. Sure I am glad HSUS showed but they could have been so much better. They promote themselves as a rescue org but they obviously have not prepared. If they had they would have a tracking system. If nothing else I would like to see some standards for intake that are used. paper on top of crates obviously does not work.
To the management of lamar dixon.
Volunteers came from as far away as Alsaka to help the animals of YOUR state. They gave up their time and their money to save animals they had never met purely because they knew it needed to be done.
You repaid this effort to help your region by forcing the tired and overworked volunteers to move off the grassy areas near the ponds to the barren and rocky area in front out of pure pettiness. Your excuse to the hot,tired and traumatized volunteers who were saving your states animals was that they were killing the grass. Your concern for grass when animals were starving and dying is disgusting. Your price gouging and obstructiveness in the face of such tragedy illustrates the baseness of human nature.
You put every obstacle possible in the way of the rescue efforts and you should be ashamed. You refused to allow volunteers and the leading agencies full access to your site even after gouging them for over 6,000 dollars PER day. The fact that you even charged rescue agencies to use your venue is sad in a time when everyone should have been doing whatever they could to help. You placed strictures and contingencies on the shelter which gravely hindered rescue attempts. You did your utmost to make an already miserable experience even worse for volunteers. SHAME ON YOU.
You just don't get it. People,total strangers from all across the USA and beyond came together to help your devestated state. We sweated and cried. We worked 18 hour days and saw things that broke our hearts. We gave our time and our money and we gave up families,vacations and paychecks to do so. We did so with no expectation of reward other than saving lives and reuniting families. The saddest thing is that we did it DESPITE you. You could have been an active partner in this effort to help the community that YOU not us belong to and instead you chose to hinder us. I hope that when your actions become fully public and you have to face the music that you blame no one but yourself.
It was "us" the donors to HSUS that asked of the HSUS why they were not doing anything not Pasado.
HSUS should have just sent a few thousand to Pasado, and it would be over. But they just write a press release for everything....They do not understand the speed of new on the internet and how to respond. Wayne and Bernie should be in here and other place dialoging with us.
BTW - I didn't see why Pasado would get that upset? They really said nothing about Pasado in the release...so Pasado should just go about their business as well. I don't think Pasado's response was needed to HSUS simply laying out what they were doing or not doing and why.
HSUS versus Pasados -Those of us who emailed the HSUS requests based on reports we were hearing from the field were probably giving some of the first negative feedback HSUS has ever received from its members. I actually got a response from the last email I sent to HSUS. Among other things, I asked that resources be provided to Pasados for the SBP dog shooting investigation. When I saw the HSUS response, "Why doesn't Pasados request funding from the HSUS?" it was almost like getting a message from God. HSUS did not respond to my other requests in that email (to take on the state of LA, the LA vet or to DO SOMETHING, EVEN IF IT'S WRONG,) just the one about Pasados.
Pasados may not be perfect since no organization can be "perfect" in everyone's eyes. Maybe responding to the HSUS wasn't necessary but sheer exhaustion has caused many an individual or organization to respond to gossip or criticism during this emergency. The fact is that the HSUS is not even worthy of a response from Pasados.
What HSUS can't accept is the fact that Pasados has emerged as a class act. Pasados has a model which should be emulated in future disasters! Pasados takes the high road in their approach to other living creatures, even people, and proves it by being able to work with regional authority whenever that is remotely possible. They are effective, respectful and you can count on them if you want a return for your donation! They are enough to make anyone very proud.
Therefore, even though Pasados is just a small organization, HSUS could not help themselves. They had to take a swipe at them.
Unfortunately, HSUS' reputation/donation base will not be hurt much by their "response" because there aren't enough members paying attention other than looking at the HSUS website.
HSUS has proven that they will never be able to work with other organizations for a unified cause without new leadership. The reason volunteers were turned away was because they knew they couldn't provide leadership for the ones they had. More volunteers would've just made things more chaotic for HSUS.
I hope the HSUS board will see the light. They need leaders who will roll up their sleeves and keep their eye on the target rather than the mirror. Highly doubtful but in case they are reading this..., and you never know.
Jane Garrison has made a tremendous effort and deserves much respect, as does Eric, Pasados, Bestfriends and everyone else who went there to help rather than to further their own interests or market share!
Janis: I am replying to your email dated 10-14-05 regarding your concerns about the Houston SPCA and their record keeping system as regards animals from the Katrina disaster. Please be advised, that I have personally spoken with the President of the Houston SPCA, Patricia Mercer, who assured me that there is no truth to the allegations that they have not kept records on the animals that came to them from the Larmar Dixon Center in Gonzales, LA.
Not only have each of these animals been entered into their tracking system, each animal received a microchip and State of Texas Health Certificate before being moved to two other shelters for holding and fostering. All of the animals that the Houston SPCA received were airlifted to either the Dumb Friends League in Denver or the Capital Area Humane Society in Cincinnati where they are waiting reunification with their owners.
If a dog or cat was lucky enough to be sent to the Houston SPCA, that animal has a great chance of being reunited with its owner. I hope that this addresses your concerns about the Houston SPCA.
Thank you,
Pam Burney
Senior Director, ASPCA
Hurst, Texas
Response to the SPCA asking to not leave food...The LASPCA was the LARGEST group in New Orleans leaving feeding stations. (I actually think this is all they were doing) They marked ALL feeding stations on walls with spray paint...LASPCA F/W and the date. NOW they want to make it look like others were doing it, while we were actually out there saving animals. Just because the people of New Orleans are complaining about the rats, flies, maggots etc., does not give the LASPCA the right to blame it on people (most of them from out of state) who won't be here next year to defend themselves. The LASPCA needs to own up to what they did and tell the pet owners to stop complaining about the rats etc. and take their pets with them next time. ALSO, could the fact that NO garbage has been picked up in new orleans have something to do with the problem? There was a story on N.O. television tonight regarding no garbage pick up.
22887. Best Friends Weekly News 10/14/05
by Balyn, 10/14/05 19:09 ET
Once again, a rapidly changing situation in and around New Orleans this week.
OVERVIEW: Earlier this week, the official state rescue center at Gonzalez closed down as the owners of the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center took back their facility. On Monday, volunteer rescuers moved the last animals out of there- about 80 pit bulls. Fifty of them were flown to California, the rest came to the Best Friends relief center at Tylertown.
Before then, the Gonzalez operation had also been headquarters to about 85 teams of volunteer rescuers, many of whom have now disbanded. But about 10 teams are still on the ground in New Orleans, and working their way through lists of homes to visit where people left their animals. Most of the animals they rescue each day are now coming to the Best Friends relief center.
Regarding the three parishes of greater New Orleans - Jefferson, Orleans, and St. Bernard:
JEFFERSON PARISH: Best Friends continues our relationship with Jefferson Parish animal control, taking animals from their shelter needing special care. (Special cheers to animal care director Bert Smith and his staff for their tireless courage and perseverance - and for feeding our volunteers!)
ORLEANS PARISH: Animal care for Orleans Parish is managed by the Louisiana SPCA, which is being supported by the Humane Society of the U.S. The LASPCA was expecting to have a new shelter opening in Algiers by now. We're told that they will have room there for 400 dogs and 150 cats, but that the facility is not yet open. Also that the LASPCA is not currently supporting private animal rescue volunteers around the city - which is why Best Friends is continuing that.
St. BERNARD PARISH: Their new temporary shelter is being supported by the ASPCA. Animal control officer Cecile Trog says that her contract with parish authorities continues through mid-November, but is uncertain after that.Whatever happens then, the ASPCA is committed to helping as necessary.
THE BEST FRIENDS RELIEF CENTER: We're currently taking animals each day from the rescue teams in New Orleans (as described above). And Best Friends plans to keep our center open at Tylertown as long as necessary for rescued animals needing critical care from any of the New Orleans parishes. (Animals needing long-term special care are being brought to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah.)
TRANSPORT AND FOSTER: We're working with local groups still rescuing animals and who need help getting them out to foster homes. Two new air-conditioned transport trucks are on their way to the Best Friends relief center in Tylertown. (We just heard that the trucks are going to be paid for by two very kind donors who have previously been involved in paying for airlift operations. Another blessing!)
OTHER SUPPORT: We continue to support local rescue groups around south-east Louisiana with supplies, equipment, finances, etc. to help them continue their work.
OTHER GOOD NEWS: Lots of reunions. Any moment now, the folks at Tylertown will be having a celebration as the 100th on-site reunion takes place.Off-site reunions are gathering steam, too. And the first two dogs we brought to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah for special care have just been identified by their families.
VOLUNTEERS AND OTHER OFFERS: Hundreds of members of Best Friends have volunteered their help, and we continue to work our way through your offers.Volunteers rotate through the relief center at Tylertown, and thanks to you, we're always ready to send in replacements.
Can anyone help
by looneymom424, 10/14/05 18:40 ET
I have contacted the Dallas red cross no help I have contacted directory assistance no help. I have contacted someone who lives on the road actually a lot of people on that road in Dallas nothing. I need to find Judy Maldonado now. They list her on the red cross site as in Dallas Bent tree drive???? no numbers. Her poodle needs her now. It is a senior poodle.
also If anyone is in Chalmette, LA could they find out if Bette Palmeri is alive??? Or maybe a Heidi who lived at the same Plaza Dr. Her older beagle needs her now. The person who is involved with these dogs has sent mail to them. But no word yet??? Are they forwarding the mail or just holding it there??? Judy is from NOLA but moved to Dallas, TX with evacuees. Hope we can reunite these pets with people that I am sure are missing them. I sent a letter to my foster express mail with confirmation and he got it. Hopefully he will contact HSMO soon. I also put in the letter a picture of his dog and told him that other pets from Pearlington, MS are waiting for their owners. Maybe we can make more reunifications soon. I will be gone Oct 20-23 due to scheduled vacation would lose if dont take. I need this break. If anyone needs a pet transported from Florida, Orlando to MO maybe to transport other places let me know I will be coming back the 23rd. johnhasty2001@yahoo.com
Rescuers threaten to kill (another story)
by WillowLu, 10/14/05 18:07 ET
National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" Friday, October 14, story on the Katrina animal situation is on line now at
You can read a little of the text, and listen to the whole 7:45 minute story.
Most shocking is the tale of Kathy Graff, looking for her dog, who her husband had promised not to leave behind. He was not allowed to take, or remain with, their dog. Kathy says that when "rescuers" arrived, "They forced him to get into a boat. They said, 'you can't take her. We'll either slit her throat, shoot her, or you can leave her on the porch.'"
This report is detailed enought to be true. Examine the date. This did not occur early in the rescue effort. Originally posted on Best Friends website.
September 29, 2005 : 10:27 PM ET
posted by: dfergy_1
I also just returned from Lamar Dixon this week. They are in need of volunteers on an ongoing basis. I had originally set out on my way to Louisiana to go on rescue missions, however when I got there most of the people were packing up to go further inland and FEMA was taking down the tent that housed the volunteers the next morning. I met up with a girl who was on her way out and she had been on two rescue missions earlier during the week and was frustrated because they were not allowed to rescue the cats. Apparently there was a Forestry guy from Florida there that had formed a small rescue team and was tranquilizing the dogs and not allowing cat rescues. I had heard about this guy on my way down and was very upset hearing this, I didn't even want to meet the guy when I got down there. It turned out that he had packed up and left the afternoon I arrived. My whole rescue plan kind of fell by the wayside, I didn't know anyone down there. The HSUS staff had a meeting that evening and decided that they needed 30 volunteers to stay during the hurricane. I put my name on the list to stay, I ended up transporting the birds to Baton Rouge with several other women. The birds were probably the most vulnerable under hurricane conditions and thankfully were moved to safety. After that I was unsure as to where I was needed, after the Barn 1 morning meeting with the barn manager and volunteers, I ended up working with the cats. There were not many pet cats, they don't last there much longer than a day before their owners claim them or they are exported to other shelters. The majority of the cats left were all ferel cats. They were a rough group, they really have been through hell. I felt like there were so many of us cat people there, that we were almost tripping over each other. When we were done, which was still early morning, I began touring the barn. I kept seeing big orange signs on stalls that said VMAT ONLY. Everytime I would look in, there would be sick, emaciated dogs, cats with eye infections etc, all with bone dry water dishes, no food, and sitting in many feces and urine. This may sound graphic to some, but this is the truth. I asked a volunteer what VMAT was and she told me they were the sick ones that the vets were treating. I asked who was supposed to care for their other needs and she told me VMAT. I addressed it with the barn manager and she said VMAT took care of their own animals. I tracked down VMAT people, and they said it was the volunteers responsibility to feed, water, clean and walk the VMAT animals, and that they were just the medical side of the care. I was absolutely livid that these animals had slipped throught the cracks like this. I immediately formed my own team with people I had recruited that seemed to not have any designated areas of responsibility and we busted butt to get these VMAT animals taken care of. That became my only mission while I was volunteering at Lamar Dixon. I replaced the signs and added signs that instructed the volunteers to Feed, water, clean crates and walk all VMAT animals. I took this up with the barn manager and she still did not seem real receptive to this. I don't know how the rest of the barn operations went but I can tell you, getting these VMAT animals taken care of by us and any future volunteers was my number one focus. I ended up fostering two dogs that I bonded with that were VMAT patients and were released to my care. It used to be that you had to foster a minimum of 6, that has changed completely. The two dogs I brought home with me are doing absolutely awesome and they have been the most well behaved, grateful dogs I have ever known. I took them shopping at Petsmart yesterday and they had a blast picking their own toys and beds. They get along great with my other pets and my kids just love them. I hope that the the mis-communication that was going on with the VMAT animals is over and if anyone has any knowledge otherwise please email me. Lamar Dixon has got its share of problems, but if not for the loving care and devotion of many volunteers these animals would be screwed. I'm glad I went even though I didn't end up on rescue missions, working with VMAT and intake was very fulfilling for me and I would like to go back in October sometime to do another week. If anyone is going and has questions, please email me, dfergy_1@yahoo.com.
"Pasado's Safe Haven has never asked The HSUS for support of its investigative work in these matters"
Point is, they shouldn't HAVE TO ASK!
HSUS will never see another penny from me. I have immense respect for every single volunteer, Pasado as well as DRAR and a host of other small non-prof's who are busting ass to do the right thing.
This whole thing sucks.
Just Returned from LA. Lamar/Dixon Expo Center
Posted: Sep 23, 2005 at 5:44 AM
I have just walked in the door from Lamar/dixon expo center...I Really dont even know where to start...I guess I will start with Monday...We had heard of some folks down in New Orleans at a Winn Dixie store that needed help and supplies..they were bringing in animals right and left and they had hardly no help.. so Monday morning we went in.. Those people were doing an amazing job in the most awful place...they were having to evac their animals to lamar dixon so we loaded up as many as we could haul and took them back . When we got back I was sent to Barn 5... it was the intake barn..Now this is a huge long barn like you would see at a fair grounds..when I walked in I couldnt believe what I saw.. dogs in cages two and three deep.. smaller dogs stacked on the larger ones..after they were inprocessed then we kept them until they had been vetted..I looked around and in one of the cages was a little Shih-Tzu who was clearly in distress...She was covered in the dried goo that covers the city...I got her out and tried to get a vet to look at her.. NO LUCK..so I bathed her and got her as cool as possible..( the heat in those barns was unbearable )I finally grabbed a vet and we gave her fluids..she perked up a little but I thought she should go to VMAT to be watched... they said NO.. shes fine..so I put her back in her cage and went to work .. I found dogs that hadnt been fed since the day before and hadnt been out of their cages in 2 days...(Now let me tell you there is no other way to describe this other than organized CHAOS !!) the first night I was there we took in 367 dogs... in about 6 hours time..Tryin to get them bathed.. cages cleaned and fed and watered.. was a job..) another volunteer from california named stephen and I jumped in and tried to catch up !! I honestly dont remember what time I finally went to bed that nite..but I kept checking on my little shih-tzu .. she seemed better..at 7 the next morning we started again.. I cannot tell you guys how hard it was seeing these poor lost homeless souls...I will never forget them..There was a blind older poodle..who was soo scared.. there was a little mixed breed pup who was sooo starved you wouldnt even think he could stand.. but he wagged that tail everytime ya got near him..( we ended up callin Him super dog !!) there was a great dane who couldnt walk.. there were so many pitt-bulls and they were all so funny and sweet ( I didnt have the aggressive animals in my barn)But I know it will be very hard to place all of them !all most all of these poor animals were emaciated.. and covered with that dried sludge .. they had sores, cuts, scraps.. some went straight to vmat for treatment.some were in good shape..I noticed my little shih-tzu.. she was in distress again..I once again chased a vet down and after a heated discussion she agreed to give her fluids again..Okay I get her back on her feet and go about tending to all the rest in the barn..Now while all of this is going on I have maybe 9 or 10 small animal rescue groups FIGHTING over the small dogs.. I mean literally fighting..but they only wanted the small dogs.. not the medium or large dogs and certainly not any with any pitt in them..I was just appalled.. at all the wonderful dogs that they wouldnt take because .. they just werent the cute little fluffy ones..okay I am worn out.. gotta sleep for a bit.. will finish this when I am coherent...
Okay got some sleep !
I will finish the story about the little shih-tzu...I had kept a very close eye on her.. it was obvious she was not used to being in the heat and it was killing her.. Oh did I mention she was about to give birth ?Well anyway... When I noticed her starting to crash I would get wet towels and wrap her in them.. get her cool and put her back.. I kept kinda hiding her so they wouldn't export her..I finally found a rescue group from Baton Rouge that was goin to take her but they were going to let me bring her home
because of the hurricane... so they were getting all of the dogs together to export..which meant they just were shipping them out to diffent rescues on planes or vans.. and I was of course sobbing because I was afraid she wasnt going to make it...and the gal from the rescue told me I could take her home..SO we get her and the other dogs that they were adopting and went to out process..we sat for 3 hours tryin to get 7 dogs out of there... I didnt have her wet towel.. I had no idea it would take that long.. well she crashed... and I grabbed a vet and asked her to give her fluids so I could get her out of there.. the vet snatched her and said she had to stay there.. they took her to VMAT..(the clinic on site) I tried and tried to tell them that she would be fine after some fluids... we had been through this for 3 days but they wouldnt listen..The girl from the LA SPCA and I went to the BIg Cheese there and me sobbing and her tryin to tell him to let her go with me didnt work...And I Had to leave because my ride was in a panic because of the impending hurricane..I got several of the vets to promise me they would not give her fluids and throw her back out in that cage..but I know that is what happened..MY heart is broken.. I know that there were many others there.. and I feel sorry for all of them.. but this one just stole my heart.. I will never forgive my self for not fighting harder for her..I feel like I let her down.. Leaveing her there was the hardest thing I have ever done...I will always wonder where she is and if she is okay..But the whole reason I am telling this is maybe it will make one person go volunteer..at a shelter or with a rescue group..Its heartbreaking .. but you can make a homeless animal happy even if it is for a short while..I am now on a mission to get some things changed with the spca...the red tape was just unbelieveable.. Those poor animals had been through so much and were so lost and confused..I wish I could tell you all everything.. but my heart is still just broken...I am trying to find out what happened to her but I know I never will ... I just pray that she made it out and is okay... Please dont ever be afraid to go help... I met the most AMAZING people...and they were from everywhere..I even met a girl from hawaii..and these were all volunteers...they all paid their own way there..I dont know who actually was feeding us but food showed up twice a day... they had 2 HUGE air conditioned tents with cots that we could sleep in.. there were tents everywhere..the willingness of everyone to help has given me memories I will never forget ! I have photos I will post .. I am sorry if this isnt very well written..and I know there is more to tell..its just all still way to fresh !!
but to all of those who donated time or money..THANK YOU !!! those animals desperately needed it !! and now since they are getting hit again they will continue... if you have any vacation time ... or just want to go.. Dont be scared.. just GO !! You will never regret it !!
please say a prayer for those rescuers who are still there riding out the new hurriane...they are staying
I'm one of the volunteers who dropped everything to go clear across the country to help these animals. Let's just say that I am certified in a number of areas, and have extensive experience.
A lot of other GOOD people were there too. We sweat, we worked, and we sweat some more.
One thing that was truly remarkable to me was who was deemed experienced enough to be placed into a supervisory position.
I worked in one of the barns at night and did rescue work during the day.
There were people managing one of the barns who quite frankly did not know how to wipe thier own noses.
When hurricane Rita came ashore, we were chiseled down to "emergency crew." With my training and qualifications, I expected to be on the emergency crew for my barn. But nooooo....these barn managers chose their friends. The little "cliques" that formed in some of the barns were impenatrable. I wasn't, and never have been into games like this. I was there to do a job, and that job was to help pull as many of these animals out of harms way as I was able to...whether that meant veterinary support, search/rescue, export, whatever. I did it all.
I was SO angry that I went straight to one of the top guys of one of the national organizations and told him what was going on.
He checked into it and told me that it was basically "etched in stone." I was furious! I informed him of my credentials, and told him I wondered why I'd ever bothered going through all of the training that I had. Here I was, literally standing in the middle of EXACTLY what I am trained to deal with, and I was being told to leave while kids with no experience were left to tend to animals during Rita..
I said I might as well get on a plane, because I obviously wasn't needed there. I also stated that I was absolutely disgusted that people were more concerned about hanging out in the barns with their friends, rather than think about the ANIMALS there who needed to be thought of FIRST AND FOREMOST.
My advice was good enough for the person in charge of getting all of this accomplished before the hurrican hit, but when push came to shove and he as gone, who was friends with who mattered more than the safety of these animals. To this day I find myself fuming over this event. I'm glad most of these people left after hurricane Rita. Good riddens to volunteers who think of themselves rather than the animals they so boldly calim to care about. Bottom line here? Even after this was brought up, NOTHING was done about it, and that infuriates me. I only stayed because I knew I could do good things, I found things to do which separated me from this kind of CRAP.
by mishasmama, 10/15/05 4:41 ET
Dear God please send me somebody who'll care! I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair.
My body is aching, it's so racked with pain.
And Dear God I pray as I run in the rain, That someone will love me and give me a home.
A warm cozy bed I can call my own.
My last owner neglected me and chased me away
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray.
But now God I'm tired and hungry and cold.
And I'm afraid that I'll never grow old.
They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones
While I run in the streets just looking for bones!
I'm not really bad God, please help if you can.
For I have become just a "VICTIM OF MAN!"
I'm wormy, dear God, I'm ridden with fleas
While all I want is an owner to please!
If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good
I won't run away and I'll do as I should.
I don't think I'll make it to long on my own,
Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone.
Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
Cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm gonna die!
And I've got so much love and devotion to give,
That I should be given a new chance to live.
So Dear God PLEASE, PLEASE answer my prayer And send me somebody who WILL really care...
I witnessed that also. I have never seen so much crapola in my life from people who are claiming to be animal lovers. Infighting, cliques, nonexperienced people in charge --- and THE ANIMALS SUFFERED NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. i'M DISGUSTED AND i AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE bs COMING OUT OF hsus ABOUT lAMAR.
I've lost count of how many emails and phone calls I've made across the country to various shelters in seach of Candy and I've had exactly TWO responses, one of which wanted me to know the information on the internet was wrong and they did not have any Katrina pets! We really are seaching for a needle in a haystack. And I would certainly be willing to try to get a psychic on the phone. It couldn't hurt. Even if this psychic is fake, I would be no worse off than relying on the ASPCA. Even corporate HSUS called me, and just wanted to say "Good Luck". Boy, was that helpful!
HSUS is not, never was, a rescue organization. It is a lobbyist group set up to lobby for animal rights' legsilation, federal, state, and local. Whatever PLAN ever is divined must put a RESCUE organization in charge and all of the groups, large and small, must agree NOW to share the funds that flow in from disasters.
What an ungodly mess! Thanks to all the volunteers who have worked tirelessly. Please remember that everyone is stretched to the max - nerves are frayed - resistance is down. Neither the animals nor the people are "themselves". Playing the blame game just exacerbates an already volatile situation.
Legislature long overdue.
Maybe its time for a national companion animal registry. If animals were registered, photos, microchip info taken - it would help local govt plan for the number of animals they need to accommodate during an emergency. It would help reuinite lost pets with owners, identify owners who have not lived up to their obligations (dog fighters beware we'd know who you are and which animals are yours!).
Depressed over attitude
by statepalace, 10/15/05 15:05 ET
I am from Louisiana, and after spending a few days in the trenches (busted two tires in the 9th ward, chased a beagle down a levee) I heard SO much negativity towards the owners of these animals! If it was not fixed they were horrible, if it had tail/ears docked they were horrible, if it was pregnant they were horrible, if it got left at ALL they were horrible! Yes, all should be neutered, yes I hate docking, yes all should have heartworm preventative, yes they should all have been brought out. BUT, has ANYONE thought about the incredible poverty these people lived in? Imported crawfish from China, horrible falling down schools, and YET they still took the BEST care some of them could of these pets. No, not all of them, of course. To those out there that say "Well if they can't afford it, they shouldn't have one" here's two thoughts.
1. WTF are they supposed to do with it? Take it to the pound? If they feed a neighborhood cat/daog and befriend it and make it a pet but can't afford vet care, should they take ALL of them to the pound? How should they take it there if they don't have a car? What if they are old and this animal is the only source of joy they have? These people were not MONSTERS, not most of them! They didn't light these animals on fire, beat them with bats, kick them and such. These people LOVED these dogs/cats! Not having money sucks enough anyway; saying the poor can't have pets is just too awful to think about! No poor children with dogs in the backyard or cats to curl up with. "No, honey, don't pat the puppy, we have to be responsible and take it to be killed because we're broke" or "Daddy lost his job so lets take the kitty we found last week to the pound and kill her. Yeah, I know you're attached, but it's the RESPONSIBLE thing to do". If the only thing missing is money, then how about saying "How awful that we have funding for political pork projects but not for ONE free spay/neuter/vaccination clinic in every large city?". How about spending time EDUCATING people on proper animal care, instead of being judgemental a*******?
2. Not every intact animal is a breeder animal! I know this might sound strange, and NO I don't think it is good policy, but--- my uncle had two yellow lab males, both unfixed, one after the other. They NEVER bred, were kept inside the house, walked 3-4 times a day, and LOVED. Maybe it's a male thing, about the "jewels" and all. The attitude of "bad owner, no dog" if it's not neutered is just wrong. Work on educating the public and offering more low cost clinics, stop wasting energy being snippy. You are not a superior being because you have cash and made ONE good decision about pet care.
Oh, and to the person that said to me "I would have swum out with my pet in a bag on my back", enjoy being young, healthy and B****y while it lasts. Remember how you looked down on these people when you are 75, on disability, have three cats and a flood comes to YOUR house!
Another dog supposedly found but lost in the system:
I met people (animal lovers) who spent 2 days in an attack sitting in water and then finally got chiseled out by emergency crews who would not take the dogs...Shame on the stuck up eltist attitude that anyone that left a pet doesn't deserve it back. I saw horrors beyond imagine and people had to leave pets or DIE. It is that simple. All you people that are blaming owners and saying I would have died with my dog --- well BS, not one of you has ever had to make life and Death desisions like this so LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE.
WE DID IT! The last remaining pets have been moved out of Gonzales!
Posted by David Meyer
WE DID IT! The last remaining pets have been moved out of Gonzales!
It all began with a concerned call from Pia, who said that the pets remaining in Gonzales, which were almost all pit bulls, might be hastily judged to be vicious and would then be euthanized in the mad rush to vacate the Lamar Dixon facility. This is a very delicate subject. Of course, HSUS itself would not condone euthanizing pets as a means to empty the Lamar Dixon facility, but there were many other agencies involved, including the public health service, the Army, etc., who might have other pressing concerns besides the welfare of these animals. People on the ground with whom I spoke definitely felt that no meaningful decision could be made about the temperament of these dogs under the stressful conditions at Lamar. It was a fact that euthanizations had occurred the night Pia called, but we were told that those pets were definitely dangerous-- they were described to me as the worst of the worst.
Whatever was really going on and whoever knew it, it was clear to me and Pia that all the pets needed to be evacuated and held for true temperament testing under less stressful conditions, and it was also clear the Army was serious that all pets needed to be out of Lamar Dixon by Monday morning, nearly a week before the deadline of the 15th that we’d been given previously.
So, Pia tagged every dog and cat there as a 1-800-Save-A-Pet.com pet, which meant that we were committing to taking them into our organization. We are just a website. No office. No shelter. No kennels. One employee (Abbie Moore) who runs everything. But Pia was concerned, Abbie and I agreed, and the decision was made. All of these pets who had survived Hurricane Katrina, the flood of New Orleans, Hurricane Rita, starvation, toxic chemicals and all the rest, would be given all the time they need to be evaluated properly, and given a chance at life, and hopefully, to be reunited with their owners.
HSUS was very supportive and happy to have our help moving them out. I told HSUS that I hoped they’d be able to get other shelters and humane societies to take some of these pets before the next day, but I guaranteed we would take however many were left. The only problem was that I had no idea what to do. It was time for a miracle.
So, on Saturday night of a holiday weekend, I started making calls to find trucks or a plane or anything that could move 150 animals. The other obvious question was where to move them to! All I can tell you is that the phone was not off my head for 48 hours straight, and all this was in addition to the work I was doing to continue running the search and rescue teams. Bobby of New Leash on Life, a great rescue organization in Los Angeles, really came through, saying he would have his organization waiting on the ground in Los Angeles if I could get the pets there. He put me in touch with Tia of Villalobos Rescue Center, a fantastic pit bull rescue just north of L.A., who said she could house the pit bulls, but it would be very expensive and would require building new facilities and hiring new staff, as these pit bulls, if not claimed by their families, would likely be with her for a very long time.
I put the word out to everyone I knew about getting an airplane. How would this be possible on such short notice, and how could we ever afford it? My great friend Dr. Paula Kislak said she would donate a great deal of money to help us, if need be. Paula herself had just been in New Orleans for about 10 days, going into houses and rescuing pets alongside me. She is amazing. And then I got a call.
A guy named Bill called me and said if I could get the pets to the airport on Monday morning, there would be a plane there to take them. I had never met Bill. He had never met me. It was, I think, late Saturday. It would cost over $50,000 and he would have to trust me that I would pay it. Everything was done by the seat of our pants, and by Sunday morning it all seemed to break down logistically, with everyone stressed out and no time to do things right. HSUS had thought it better to ship the animals by ground, so I concentrated on that option. I began arranging for a convoy of HSUS trucks to drive the animals across country to Los Angeles, which, although worse for the animals then a plane flight, would at least buy us more time to arrange where the heck the pets would go when they got to L.A.
Then, on Sunday, the folks at HSUS told me they thought the plane flight would be better for the health of the animals and HSUS would cover the huge cost of transportation. And then came the call from Bill. The plane was still available! He said not to worry about where the animals would go when they reached L.A., just get every single space on that plane filled with a pet in need and we'd sort it out. I agreed and I liked his can-do attitude. Bill is a tough cookie, but he's a guy I can work with.
So, with Pia tagging animals, HSUS processing them at Gonzales and covering the transport and some start-up housing costs for the pit bulls, Paula covering some more housing costs and getting rescue groups to agree to foster some pets, Bobby getting his volunteers ready to receive animals at LAX airport and house them, Tia frantically making space at her pit bull sanctuary which already houses 150 needy pit bulls, and HSUS 18-wheelers called into position, a 5AM in-the-dark procession of these forlorn pit bulls began marching, one by one (assisted by scores of volunteers, of course), into transport crates. Then the Army loaded them onto trucks, and off they went to the airport. I have never seen such an amazing site.
One big rig was loaded with 27 pit bulls that Francis at Best Friends in Mississippi had agreed to take. Another big rig went with crates and volunteers to pick up other dogs and cats from the Dixon Correctional Facility, where an overflow of pets from Gonzales had been being held. A third left Gonzales, with me and volunteers following close behind. The mantra we kept repeating that morning was "Leave no pet left behind, leave no pet left behind".
Ours was the first big rig to arrive at the airport. The plane was not there yet and we checked that the refrigeration in the truck was working properly and that all the animals were safe. It was amazing to see an entire big rig filled with rows of dogs in carrier crates.
Then, out of the sky, a DC9 landed. That guy Bill, whom I’d never met or heard of until 24 hours before, came through. A DC9 cargo plane, with no seats but those in the cockpit, pulled up, and we began using a forklift to load pets from the high tailgate of the big rig into the cargo hull of this huge jet.
Then the second big rig arrived, and for a moment it seemed that we wouldn’t have enough room. We would need smaller crates and had none. We continued to load the pets. It was all so noisy with the big rigs running, all the sounds of jet engines, all the dogs going nuts-we kept the cats separate to keep them from getting scared. We had exactly 80 dogs and 20 cats. We loaded them, stacked to the ceiling and by another miracle, they all fit into that plane. The last pets to leave Gonzales, the unwanted ones. But they were wanted. They were wanted by Pia. They were wanted by me, by Abbie, by Bobby and Tia and every volunteer who had broken down doors to rescue these pets from flooded homes.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when that plane closed its doors and fired up its engines. A DC9 filled to the top with 100 animals, the survivors, the homeless, the emaciated, the lost, the scared. I've heard engines fire up a million times-- to take travelers to do business, to take people on vacations, but the deafening noise of those jet engines, as we stood there so close on the tarmac, was a sound like none I had heard before. I called Abbie at the office on my cell, knowing she would never be able to hear my voice and just shouted at her that the plane was going to leave-I wanted her to hear what a jet loaded with 100 pets sounded like. It was the best sound I had ever heard. I and Pia and so many others had pulled those dogs and cats from the wreckage of homes, pulled them from under houses, pulled them from locked bathrooms, and now they were going to people who would care for them. And now, for once, the power of humans, the awesome power of a jet engine, was going to be used for something good. Tears were in all of our eyes, and one of the volunteers told me it was the high point of her life. There were television cameras there, but I had no time for an interview, I was already on the phone making sure each pet had a place to go and would be tracked so their owner could find them. Eye on the ball--save pets' lives.
The plane turned around, got on the runway and launched itself into the sky, bolting towards the horizon with its cargo of dogs and cats, one pilot, one co-pilot, and one little powerhouse of a woman who, just one day before, had made the call to me that got it all started…Pia Salk.
You know, millions of homeless pets die in shelters each year. Let it be known right here, right now, that anyone who calls those pets "unwanted" is mistaken. They may be homeless, but they are not unwanted. I want them all, and if we could, Pia would tag each cage and I would arrange for a thousand jets to fly them all to safety. If only it could happen that way, but for those 100, it did happen that way. Paula called me yesterday: every one, every single one is safe and accounted for. Everybody came through and the miracle happened. And by the way, Tia from Villalobos Rescue says that none of the pit bulls, not one of them, is aggressive…they’re all lovers. Not a single one will be euthanized. We left none behind.
Pictures have been posted in the photo album--click the link on the right side of the page
posted by 1-800-Save-A-Pet.com at 11:26 AM
Pasado didn't "step up", they saw a PR opportunity (and a very horrible situation) that they wanted to run with and waved off HSUS, not wanting to share the limelight. That's fine and I think that's all HSUS is trying to say. People call them to task for not ponying up and they're saying someone else wanted the job. My question, for those who think HSUS is doing nothing, is how much is everyone else giving to help shelters rebuild, transport animals? Everyone has their own list of things to do.
Make no mistake about this kiddies, all these groups are much more than a bunch of kind hearted folks just trying to do some good. This is the big time and there is lots of money involved in the form of donations. And if you don't think there is a corporate side to these "bigger" groups then it's time to think again. Quite frankly, I'm a bit upset that Pasado didn't just take the high road and not respond, now everyone is going to get dirty. Again, Pasado has seen an opportunity to divert donations from HSUS to them by bad mouthing HSUS. Providing a link to tax returns? Good grief. I think this is why so many are so upset, they've gotten a look at the business side of these organizations. Everyone prior had they warm fuzzy feelings about these kind hearted folks saving cute little puppies and kitties without any regard for how a business is run. I'm glad BF to date has decided to stay above the fray, and by the way, they have over $18 million in assets. Does that make them bad? Should they have done more? Why no call to them to spend their money and liquidate assets until there are no more?
Love them or hate them, HSUS has the resources to bring to the party that no one else has. They could have stayed home and many, many fewer animals would have been saved. Those are the facts like them or not. You think Eric has the resources? Or DRAR? Or even Pasado for that matter?
People whine that animals are lost due to poor records but half the blogs and forums I read rant about how these owners shouldn't have their pets back anyway. Which is it?
So many unattributed stories, this person contacted this person who knows the "top" person here or there. Who knows what is true anymore? Some chick whines that she could not take home a dog from LD yet she is no one, not a rescue group, no one. Of course you can't take home a dog until the hold date is past. Get over it. Some other chick whines that she wasn't barn leader or something like that and she's sure she was better qualified. Hey, it's not band camp where you're running for team captain or something. There wasn't a tarp put up to protect you from the sun. EVERY organization's website warned of very hard, hot, almost intolerable conditions. Did you not read that part? Grow up people, it was NOT about YOU.
Could things have been done better? No doubt. Just what solutions do all you folks have for the next disaster? Do you think there's enough DRARs and Pasados to get the job done next time for a disaster of this magnitude? Enough Erics? Enough of YOU?
None of the big organizations would have functioned properly without the help of hundreds of "spontaneous volunteers". Animals were saved from New Orleans and from the horrors of Lamar-Dixon because of the work of "spontaneous volunteers." There is in fact a "enough of yous". If we have to, we will support a smaller organization who is willing to address the problems that occurred in this disaster. Perhaps, that is the biggest threat of all. That the "enough of yous" and "spontaneous volunteers" will succeed in supporting a functioning organization that obeys its mission statement.
"Some other chick whines that she wasn't barn leader or something like that and she's sure she was better qualified."
I do hope that wasn't aimed at me,
#1 who knows whether I am a "chick" or not, and #2, the decision making/supervisory process I referred to in an earier post made on this page was due to my disgust with people choosing their friends over what was in the best interest of the animals, and those in a position to make sure that qualified people with good skills be used didn't bother. I didn't use names because that won't do *anyone* any good. Yes, I did go straight to the CEO of one of the "big" organizations present, and nothing was done. Period.
I think the names of the barn leaders or even the barn number and date help to confirm that you were there. Plus I think leaders cannot be shielded by anonymity because that's why they are there: to be the responsible one in charge. I don't think firing these people or suing an organization will help. What will help is owning up to the truth and then making amends to the people who lost their pets at Lamar.
This dog was saved twice! Probably by the efforts of spontaneous volunteers.
I have received a lot of misinformation about the akita at Winn Dixie. In one instance I was told the one that was found is brown and not black. Someone else told me it was transferred to Tylertown, MS. Tylertown tells me they have no akita. Two other people are trying to track down those who logged the dogs at Winn-Dixie. I was also told all the dogs who left Winn-Dixie before last week were not logged at all. A lady called me from St. Bernard and told me she had a black akita. I tried to email her Candy's photo, but she gave me a bad email address and I have no way of calling St. Bernard. Another lady was going to St. Bernard on Friday in search of Candy, and I have not heard from her. I have been told Candy could be in Texas, Arizona, California, or Denver. When I checked Denver, I found out dogs also went to Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Canada. When I called California I was told their website information was wrong and the photos of dogs they had posted went to Arizona and Tennessee. Are you beginning to see the nighmare of misinformation. One lady told me Larry Roberts took Candy (or at least an akita matching Candy's description) from Winn Dixie to Atlanta to foster her. Well, Larry's sister is in our email group and we know that is not good information. Sherry, who is with an akita rescue group in Texas is trying to help us and even trying to get Jason in the media to help find Candy. I have looked at hundreds of akita photos and every photo I have seen that actually resembles Candy is a male dog. Oh and did I tell you someone told me Candy could have gone to Florida. In sum, at this point Candy could be in one of about 16 states. I do know that Winn-Dixie had no scanner because it was taken, so if Candy did go there, she never got scanned for a microchip. Then I was told dogs who went to Houston all got new microchips, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense since you wouldn't microchip a dog to register it to a shelter, and I've yet to see proof of this in the way of microchip logs. And furthermore, Animal Planet ran a story on the first days of Katrina pet rescues. One group from Washington, DC went down and got about 60 dogs and immediately took them to DC and adopted them out with no regard for logging them or finding the owners. As for the dogs who didn't make it, as far as I know, they were treated like "waste" and literally disposed of with no regard for attempting to ID them for a deceased list. I also know dogs are still running the streets in New Orleans who have not been able to be rescued either because they are terrified and running away or they have shown extreme aggression and could not be rescued. I know dogs have been stolen, particularly pure bred dogs.
I keep hoping that Candy is somewhere logged into the system somewhere and her photo and info just hasn't been posted yet.
In sum, every search I have taken has lead me to a dead end road, leaving me with anger, frustration and grief to see how awful the situation is.
As of today, someone in our group told us about a psychic on a radio station in New York, and some of us are going to try to call the radio station Sunday night to see if we can get the psychic on the phone and get his help to find Candy. I know there are probably 40 or 50 people trying to find Candy.
Finally, when all else fails, all I have left is my hope, my faith and the power of prayer. So I guess this is now in God's hands. I'm not going to give up looking, but all I know for sure, if it is God's will that Candy find her way back to Jason it will happen.
I have had several phone calls with Jason and he is a remarkable human being. What so amazes me about Jason is he is so grateful and so appreciative and so kind. And despite being in a wheelchair, despite his family scattered all over the south, despite he lost everything, including now not being able to finish graduate school at the University of New Orleans, and having no family to assist him in Candy's absense as his service dog, he never ever complains and never sees himself as a victim. Jason and his family are so resilent, courageous, strong and downright inspiring. I've spoken to Jason's mom, a great lady, and his brother, a fine young man.
In fact I find Jason so inspiring, I have written both Dr. Phil and Oprah begging them to help Jason and his family. I want him to get Candy back, but that's not enough. I want Jason's family back under one roof and I want Jason to be able to finish working on his master's degree. I spoke with a producer at the Dr. Phil show and she was encouraging because this is just the kind of thing Dr. Phil loves to do.
Anyway, I am going to log your email addresses into my address book and I can promise you if I get any new leads or have any updates you will immediately get notice.
Please do the same for me.
Let's just keep praying and looking.
That bull*** You read very, very, very few people saying people should not have pets back. very few.
Saw this on a web site (not best friends, another one) and thought I'd pass it on, I had NO idea!!!
Have you ever wondered how your donations have been spent when you send them to the Humane Society of the United States (who badly blundered the rescue efforts in New Orleans through mismanagement of their own funds and resources). If so, check this out:
Look at Statement #17, page 22, to see salary + benefit for Paul G. Irwin = over $300,000 of YOUR MONEY, and big bucks for other big wigs also.
Look at page 8 to see income from other high pay medium wigs.
Pay attention to how much they took in for 2003, and of course, 2004 will be a whole lot more. Look carefully how they spend their money LOBBYING to get more money to HSUS, but not for the animals, and you can see why HSUS wants to "SAVE" money for their outfit, by NOT SPENDING MONEY for Katrina animals.
Direct public support (line 1a is $62,948.318.00/2003). Wonder how fat HSUS income for 2004, and 2005!!!! How much of this big number is YOURS to fat up those big wigs instead of the animals - especialy Katrina animals.
So everytime, you send your hard earned money to HSUS, guess what: you are funding those big wigs lavish life style - not the animals.
Wonder how much better your donations are being spent when you send them to smaller private rescue organizations? Check this out:
Look at Best Friends 990 tax return in 2004, and see how the President and other director get paid. It's the world different. How a small outfit can do more than HSUS with less money. http://www.bestfriends.org/aboutus/pdfs/990_0505.pdf
Notice that they spend their money to help smaller shelters as well as others.
In my book, that is a much better value for my donation.
4 pits incorrectly listed and that are now being put up for adoption. http://forums.petfinder-network.com/viewtopic.php?t=80128
You can see them, but you can't find them! More Petfinder casultieshttp://forums.petfinder-network.com/viewtopic.php?t=80135
What's more interesting is that Best Friends and Noah's Wish still have their shelters open. Noah's Wish is in Slidell, Louisiana.
Rotti lost in the system. (They flew the wrong dog to the owner, too!)
Recent Pasado's response to HSUS about the dog shootings investigation and their lack of willingness to document anything
Does anyone have anything good to say about the HSUS? Come on please. I know I have been somewhat hard on them but only over 2 issues: 1) Not using the list of owner call ins to 1800humane1 2) Not having any tracking system
But someone, please anyone give me some good stuff they do??? Please???
regarding Brian. I'm still out of the loop until Tuesday, but Nogen who is another great social worker and pet advocate is "hot" on his case...I have forwarded the emails from Denise, Kristy and Zekedog for her to read and let you all know the latest. This is a splendid example of using a grassroots group to provide assistance and support for disabled and elderly people with pets displaced by disaster. I sincerely hope when Big Animal Agencies get together to do assessment and policy planning they will remember strength and effectiveness of this forum. A good analogy to be used is back in the colonial days neighbors helped neighbors build houses, clear fields, and do what was needed for protection of life and property...neighbor helping neighbor. This is where American Government was born....and politicians and bureaucracy should remember that. Brian has some really good support that helps him problem solve and can help him from becoming overwhelmed. I found an agency that provides training and support for service/companion dogs for challenged individuals. They have a volunteer group in Minnesota and I'll give them a call. Until I'm back in action, you can give a holla' to Nogen. See you all Tuesday. Mary
HSUS- they are good at direct mail. Ha, Ha, Ha.
40 Dogs PTS Wed
by counselor03, 10/16/05 14:30 ET
Ladies, this is very disturbing I am at a loss where to send this or to do with this information ?. Other than to send it here for now.Jean Jones.......Jean Jones embereab@comcast.net
Robin, Michele, Nancy and Jean, please read James Hunter's e-mail, below. He says that the 40 (approximate number) dogs in Sue Sternberg's posession at this time, will be put down this coming Wednesday if they are not given a "stay."
These dogs were removed by court order from "Patty's Angels" and entrusted to Sue Sternberg who apparently gives terribly rigid temperment testings, and if the dog doesn't pass, she puts them down. My understanding is that none of these dogs have passed her "test."
First of all, do any of you know anything about Sue Sternberg? Secondly, do you have any suggestions? Thirdly, would you please talk to others in the "animal welfare world" about this situation, posted on bestfriends.org on 10/13/05 and see if anyone else has any information or suggestions? Surely, all 40 dogs can't be bad news!
Thank you!Lydia
James Subject: Re: URGENT: DOGS IN PERIL Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 23:27:55 -0400
Dear Lydia,
Thank you very much for your thoughtful and insightful response to this situation. I will, indeed, contact Pasado's Safe Haven. I have heard about the wonderful things they have accomplished in New Orleans, as well as their initiative in taking charge of the investigation and, hopefully, the prosecution of those who committed the shootings in St. Bernard's Parish. They are truly amazing. Contacting breed-specific rescues is also a very valuable option and we will pursue all avenues.
Many thanks for contacting Sue Sternberg. Should you hear from her we would be interested in her response. I have spoken to an associate who is assisting in this situation, and I will forward to you the email that was sent to Dr. McConnell. Your offer to help with this is very much appreciated and what would be extremely helpful would be to send the initial request you received regarding this situation to as many people as you can, as well as contacting the people indicated in the initial post to ask that these dogs be saved. If a stay is not granted on Wednesday of this next week, these dogs will be in immediate jeopardy on that day.
Thank you again, and I will certainly keep you updated as things progress.
>From: Lydia Caldwell >To: James Hunter >CC: Robin Rincon >Subject: Re: URGENT: DOGS IN PERIL >Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 08:39:00 -0700 (PDT) > >Hi, James! > >Thank you for writing. What measures do you think stand the best chance >for the best results in this situation? > >I will give you a suggestion. There's a remarkable animal welfare >organization called, Pasado's Safe Haven. They do amazing things. Their >website is:www.pasadosafehaven.org Mark and Susan are the co-founders. >I would visit the website and contact them ASAP. At the very least, they >may be able to offer valuable suggestions. (I would plead with them to >become involved, if they can.) > >I wrote Sue Sternberg suggesting she allow me to help place these dogs, but >I have not heard back from her. (My e-mail was deliberately >non-inflammatory.) > >Please keep me up-dated on what you learn. If there is anything more that >I can do, please let me know. >Lydia >P.S. Have you given any thought to getting breed-specific rescue groups >involved? Sometimes, they'll be happy to work with "mixes." > >James Hunter wrote: >Dear Lydia, > >This is in response to your note regarding the dogs who now find themselves >in peril. Yes, we remain firm in our assessment of the situation as it >relates to Ms. Sternberg. Sadly and obviously, Dr. McConnell is one of >those who are convinced that the extreme temperament testing techniques of >Sue Sternberg are indeed valid. > >The issue at hand here, at this point in time, is solely the safety and >well >being of the animals. This has turned into a political struggle, and the >animals have now become the victims of this unfortunate situation. There >are other things at issue here that are unknown to many, and time is >running >out for these animals. This is not about the judge, the court, the SPCA or >Patty's Angels, just the fact that these animals should not be senentced to >die based on an inconclusive and extreme method of testing developed by Ms. >Sternberg. > >These animals should be given a chance at new homes; however, should this >situation be allowed to progress, as many as 40 pets may lose their lives. >This is just about them, not anything else. > >Thank you.
You asked for good stuff about HSUS. This has nothing to do with the Katrina response but ... One good thing HSUS does is the Rural Animal Veterinary Services (RAVS), which provides vet care in poor areas and Indian reservations in the U.S. and I think Mexico and maybe other countries. They have several vets and I think volunteer vet students and vet techs. It seems to be very efficient and effective (and low overhead since it uses volunteers). HSUS also is able to mobilize its millions of members to write letters and emails and make calls to support various animal-related legislation and court cases, which often seems to be effective in volume in influencing lawmakers and state/local legal officials. I am sure there are other good things, too. But hands-on rescue on a massive scale is clearly not one of them. They do spend a lot on salaries and administration compared to the smaller rescue groups that depend heavily on volunteers and passion.
A volunteers tries to decide whether to contact the owners of pit bulls. She thinks the owners do not deserve them back:
Something good about HSUS? I met an HSUS lobbyist who works on banning cock fighting. She's led a very interesting life, etc. I don't doubt her commitment to animals. She's the one who told me how the three dogs died. However, when several people not related to HSUS wanted to know about the deaths of the three dogs in Barn 2 on Sept. 11, she wouldn't talk to them. None of the HSUS "official people" would talk. They shook their heads and wouldn't say anything. I don't know what HSUS was afraid of or why they were trying to keep the deaths quiet.
In 1994, when my Akita was poisoned, HSUS sent me reward posters, and offered a $500 reward for the conviction of the perpetrator. I was very grateful for this, though we were unable to actively convict. (It was an elderly neighbor, intent on getting rid of his dog without his wife thinking he did it. He killed 9 dogs in the process. Perhaps he will find justice in Hell.) In the next years, I donated to both SPCA and HSUS.
However, I was inundated with T-Shirts, Thermometers, Wrapping Paper, Labels, Flags, Pins, Notecards, etc., etc. I wrote repeatedly asking that the money that they were spending on these frivolous knick-knacks could be better used to help the animals entrusted to their care. To no avail. I finally stopped giving to them, and donated twice as much to our local Humane Society. I will now add Pasado Save Haven to my list, as well as sending some to Eric and Best Friends. Nothing bad to say about HSUS, just seems a tremendous amount of money going to overhead and "gifts".
Can anyone tell me if/where Pasado's is posting pictures of animals that they rescued? I am trying to help owners reunite with pets and I can't find any information on Pasado's website about how to locate animals or where they have gone.
HSUS Direct Mail and Trinkets -- this is something that I can speak on as I ran a direct marketing agency. Is is a numbers game. They make more in direct donations off of the mail piece than they spend on the trinkets, leters, postage etc. Those are gifts used to prompt you to donate. It is good direct marketing and all the best organizions used different direct marketing versions...they get me all the time...I like the mailing label and always send them $15 or so for what cost them 50 cents. I have no problem with these tactics as every company has to raise money.
I'm rosiepink. Whenever I visit the petfinder forum, I get a message that some group from http://www.khc.bz.tc/ has hacked my account, etc. I think we all know who is doing this. They are unethical, dirty, and want to stop the truth from getting out. Since they have hacked my petfinder account, it's possible they are either erasing my posts or changing it without my knowledge. Please realize that they want to scare me into submission also.
Rosiepink again, I would really appreciate it if someone checked the Petfinder disaster forums for my posts. If they are gone, please repost my reports. My reports are on several of Eric's blogs. They concern the dead dogs at Lamar-Dixon and why pet owners may not find their pets.
To: All My New Friends who have been helping me to find Tobias,
ST.Bernard Parish Katrina Victim & Survivor
Im from ST.Bernard Parish and I still cannot
find my dog. My home, auto & my beloved
pet pig, Barely & cat, Gina are all gone.
God take care of my two pets, now. The
two of them have drowned to death. I
was rescued from my attic along with
my parents. Tobias was with me and
we were inside Chalmette High School Gym
for 3 days to where noone came to get us.
1100 E.Judge Perez Dr.,Chalmette, LA 70043.
I last saw my Tobias alive in this shelter
& now I cannot find him anywhere. I have
been to every pet website & have been to
pet shelters. Iam afraid to know if the ST.Bernard
Parish cops out there have killed my dog. I do
not know where else to go with this. This dog
is all I have left. Please someone help me find him
or the truth if he has been shot. I have been
searching for 6 weeks now and im mentally
exhausted. My health is not a good one. I need
to find an answer out there for closure on this.
Dana Liebert (504-250-2527)danazoegirl@aol.com
1751 Beth Drive
Slidell, LA 70458
Missing from Katrina:
Tobias Liebert (Petfinder ID#27336)
Shih Tzu (looks like a Cocker Spanial)
male neutered
3 years old
allergy skin problems (takes shots for this)
tan w/white blaze on forehead & white around nose
long floppy ears
bushy tail
body & face shaved down
wearing green prong collar w/rabies id#2152 2004(pet care center 504-887-2999)
happy dog but aggresive & growls at strangers
well groomed
barks at everyone
loves to play w/his toys
teddy bear face & looks like benji when hair grows out
inside dog sleeps on bed
(call him bubby as a nickname) but answers to Tobias
loves to lick you
Thank All of You & please forward to anyone even the media
This (1.) was posted by a volunteer in reply that the VMAT animals were not being taken cared of properly. The reply is by another volunteer (2.)
Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Total posts: 102
Location: Gonzales, La
Gender: Female Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:03 pm
Post subject:
Also, the VMAT signs mentioned in the email you posted
earlier remained through the end. The system of
volunteers "adopting" the row of Vmat animals remained
also, although there were dog people for the dogs and
cat people for the cats. I didn't have the opportunity
to work much with the cat people (they seemed to do a
great job) but the dogs were very fortunate to have
three teams of good people that were dedicated to
their care. The teams even commandeered an empty stall
for "pet therapy" where they could allow the animal
free roam without a leash. They could play, be
brushed, or just petted and loved.
Technically it was for the animals benefit, but when
things would get too overwhelming and I had a free
minute, I would sneak a dog in there for a little
therapy for myself. Nothing raises the spirits like a
little puppy lovin'
2. (by dfergy_1@yahoo.com) I am relieved to see that the signs I put up for the
VMAT animals at LD remained in place through the end,
thank god. The signs I posted said, *Attention
Volunteers* "All VMAT Animals need to be Fed,
watered, walked and crates cleaned by
volunteers....please see medical charts for spec
diets, etc."
I discovered these VMAT animals with dates on their
stalls for the latest feeding, watering, being walked
etc, of 18 and 19 Sep 05, it was the 22nd of Sept when
I arrived. These animals were panting, overheated,
dehydrating, extremely hungry, and sitting in their
own filth. This included two litters of small
puppies, a pregnant pit bull (very pregnant),
emaciated dogs galore, a cat placed in a stall full of
rotties and I could go on and on. Big, bright orange
signs on the barn stall doors which read "VMAT ONLY".
When I saw these dates and how these animals were, I
freaked. I was running around frantically asking
anyone I could find questions, bottom line was no one
knew crap (pardon the french, but I don't know how
else to put it) about these animals, and no one seemed
to care about their condition, including VMAT. That
is when I was set into full gear, I found another girl
at Barn 1 that didn't look that busy and I showed her
what I had found, she was stunned and immediately we
took action. She was an attorney from Seattle, nice
girl, we stayed as one team the entire time, then more
came and joined, they were awesome.
Barn 1 management was a joke....come on, an entire row
of animals completely neglected. It should have been
the Barn Manager asking VMAT what the hell was going
on, why these animals in "VMAT care" were in this
condition. Or why wasn't VMAT going to the Barn
Manager about these animals not being taken care of,
they had to have seen how these animals were as they
were making their rounds everyday!!! VMAT claimed
that routine care of the sick animals was the
volunteers responsibility, the Barn Manager claimed
they were VMAT's...wtf, are these people that freaking
stupid or lazy? Why was I asking all these questions
on my first day? Why was no one else taking notice,
things were not that damn frantic there that this
would be excusable. I don't think the Barn managers
had a handle on anything, there were no checks and
balances, no inspections or quality assurance
measures, nothing put in place to ensure the vol's
were doing their jobs properly, if at all and that no
animals were slipping through the cracks. The HSUS is
a damn joke the way they have trained these supposed
"official volunteers" they have recalled from all over
the country that they put in charge. I have never
worked at a shelter before in my life and I could see
how shoddy and hosed up their whole operation was,
with absolutely no effort or desire to improve
operations. These people must have called 3-4 all
hands meetings a day, all they did is get on their
soap box and talk about pointless stupid crap that
half the time wasn't even relevent, almost as if it
was their first time being in a position of power and
they liked hearing themselves talk. There were
volunteers their busting their butts to care for these
animals and everytime we wanted to exercise a little
common sense or offer suggestion, it was shot down and
no one in charge wanted to hear any of it.
HSUS could write a book on lessons learned from all of
this, but I doubt they will even compile a
comprehensable report. Those VMAT animals stole my
heart, they were so sick, and the hell they had been
through and the pain they felt, ate into me like I
cannot describe. I wanted to get them all out of
there but unfortunately I couldn't, I brought back two
that I had formed a very strong bond with. I am
wondering though, there was a big huge black dog, like
a shepherd/Wolf mix, he was very old and was not doing
well when I left there. He was so old he could hardly
walk around the barn when he was walked, but he tried
and he had the spirit of a pup. I would have taken
him if I could, but I did not have enough room. He
was in the last barn stall of the VMAT animals. He
was so big, he filled the crate and could barely turn
around, he was always overheating and we would let him
lay in the stall outside of his crate and put ice and
cold towels on him. He was a beautiful dog. Is there
anyway you can ask CateBB if she knows what happened
to him or if she or someone else remembers him. He
was so sweet, leaving him there still haunts me, I
should have found a way to get him out of there one
way or another, but I didn't. I think about him
constantly and wonder what happened to him. Geriatric
dog or not he had such a beautiful soul and spirit.
Copy and paste my email to a post if you wish, maybe
someone will know.
by rosiepink, 10/16/05
My petfinder account has been hacked. I will post what I was writing. It is about Intake at the Lamar-Dixon emergency pet shelter. There was this kooky lady working there. In barn 2 a bunch of dogs were missing their paperwork. They can't leave Lamar-Dixon without the paperwork. So the barn manager would send very physically intimidating individuals who would not take crap to Intake. For a variety of reasons, I had to accompany someone to intake. Intake has a copy of the paper work. Unfortunately, the lady working there did not know much about dog breeds. If you had a rat terrier, she insisted that it was a fox terrier. If you had a brindle pit bull, she insisted that it was a striped pit bull. If she found the paper work, she would act all surprise and say that the description was not correct. You could try explaining breed characteristics to her, but she didn't care. When she couldn't find the dog's paper work, she recommended that they go to triage. They would get new photos,new shelter ID #, sometimes even another microchip. The problems are that the dog's address of where he was found is unknown and the dog's breed was incorrect if listed by that lady.
So, people want to adopt the Katrina dogs from Baldwin Park? Baldwin Park is a kill shelter. I wonder just how many of them who were told they couldn't adopt a Katrina dog until December, decided to adopt another dog instead?
Alley Cat Allies is still doing rescue as well...as far as
I know....
Good about HSUS....
They arranged for the lamar Dixon facilities and fought tooth and nail with the owners and state of LA to keep it for as long as they did. They are issuing grants to rebuild the shleters that were destroyed.They diverted supplies to other areas that needed them worse. They are lobbying for the change in legislations making it mandatory for pets to be evacuated with owners.I can go on......
Re: good things about The HSUS:
There is no other single organization more successful and effective at accomplishing good things for animals, whether it is through legislation, education, assistance to shelters, etc. and for ALL animals, including wildlife, farm, and labratory. It was a natural to call on them during this disaster as they have the most resources to bring to the table. They have a recognized, but not large, disaster program that has been successful over the years in smaller scale disasters. I think they have already admitted they were unprepared for a disaster such as occurred. AS WAS EVERY PERSON, GOVERNMENT AGENCY AND NONPROFIT.
It is interesting to hear so many people complain about its CEO's salary. Anyone who is familiar with major nonprofits knows it takes a competetive salary to attract someone who can manage a $100+ million company. HSUS is run like a business, because it IS a business -- it is in the business of doing good things for animals. It is simply ridiculous to compare the salary of a "major company's" CEO with a "small local business'" CEO's salary. Living is Washington DC hardly compares to living in Utah in terms of salary scale, real estate values, and cost of living.
Also, with regard to the complaints about HSUS receiving millions in donations "and doing nothing with it" -- the ridiculousness of this oft-repeated statement barely registers a response, but here it is: Hardly anything was "donated" other than pet food, leashes, and other miscellaneous items. What organization (organizations, if you include ASPCA and IFAW -- but mostly HSUS) do you think paid for food and water for hundreds of volunteers, bought RVs and other vehicles, paid for thousands of airline crates that will never be returned (say 2000 crates at a wholesale price of $40 =$80,000 and we all know way more than 2000 animals needed crates), paid for flights and refrigerated trucks to transport animals, fans to cool the animals, supplies for rescue teams, communications equipment such as phones and computers, rental equipment on site including forklifts, handwashers, trucks and vans, and who paid for the facility itself? Who is on the ground helping LA-SPCA with their new temporary headquarters physically and financially? HSUS and ASPCA are paying to reunite owners and pets and have committed millions to rebuild shelters all along the Gulf Coast.
Say what you will about the chaos, rescue lists, VMAT, dogs only getting walked once a day -- there is NO organization who could have and did bring the resources necessary to rescue as many animals as were rescued in this horrible tragedy.
Eric, I am talking to a lady that lost 12....12! dogs. They were in an attic with them for days, then rescued in a boat, taken to a parking lot at Brother Martin High School near Gentilley (sp) in NO.
She had to be med-evacd by helicopter. They were forced to leave their dogs in a truck with palates to keep them safe as they couldn't go in the helicopter.
Before they left, they saw a guy break into a vet's office and let the dogs loose then shoot them. She is afraid that he might have shot hers also.
She has spoken to Pasado and given them all of the information. What I am trying to do for her is to see if you knew someone in that area that was rescuing at the time that might have found them. They are white/golden color and are all related. German Shepard/chow/lab mix. If you know of anyone that found that large a number of dogs please let me know.
My heart is breaking for her.
Thanks Sidhewlf. Eric
No problem Eric,I really do believe the US will have a very strong animal rescue TEAM comprised of many organizations should we ever have to respond to a disaster such as Katrina again.
God bless those "rogue" rescuers. I guess all those out there without the million dollar HSUS backing were called "rogue." I am glad to have volunteered at the Winn Dixie site.
One thing I witnessed (first-hand) when I was there. I saw a FEMA pickup truck pull up in the Winn Dixie parking lot (Sept 30) and 2 males got out. They were wearing FEMA on their orange vests and plastic suits over their clothes. Well, I watched them attempt to "take/steal" 2 cases of bottled water, 1 case of blue powerade, and a pair of rubber boots from the donated items at Winn Dixie. Rich Crook (One of the volunteer coordinators) stopped them and made them give everything back. I couldn't believe FEMA employees would do something like this. It was a real reality check for me. FEMA employees who were paid to be in New Orleans trying to steal from the volunteers who were on the ground and onsite helping on their own dime. Rich let them keep a few bottles of Powerade! But, still.
I hope the rescue community can come up with some Standard Tracking System. We track Fedex packages around the world. What does NOT WORK is putting paper on crates with the expectation that that paper will make it to the end destination. Crates are changed constantly when the dogs are loaded. I am so frustrated at HSUS over this BECAUSE i HAVE TO talk to these poor desperate owners all day and night. They animals was taken and in my opinion the second you take the animal from a house or street you have a responsibility to get that animal back to its owner. I am even more sicked by some (not the majority) shelters who WILL NOT help us locate animals. I had a shelter tell me that the person would have to COME to LA to identify the animal. If I could get my hands on this B**** neck I would have no problem slapping her rude a** across her shelter and being put in jail for it. None at all. She had no interest in helping me when I was helping a person stuck in his attack with his 3 dogs for 2 days, then clawing his way to his roof, then waiting two days for a helicopter then having to leave his dogs on such roof...and who is so guilty that he has thoughts of suicide. It is despicable. These are not rumors, it is happening all over the place. The state vet puts out new rules (did she really think we would be all wrapped up with the worst pet crisis in the history of the world by October 15th and that people with no homes, no jobs and no internet would walkz on up to Gonzales and grab the pets by the 15th, she had no concept of the scope of this. NONE) these new rules get RID OF THE OCTOBER 15TH DATE AND PUT IN PLACE A LITTLE BETTER RULES. However, this has barely been communicated to the shelters. Should said state vet not have in place a nice program to call all shelters that signed an agreement with her state and alert them to the change? No, again a bunch of volunteers with no stature are having to alert these shelters and BEG them to help us find owners dogs.
Here is the new rules to pass to shelters. Most have no idea what we are talking about and consider Oct 15th the date:
Holding Periods for Animals Displaced by Hurricane Katrina
During that holding period, animals should be listed on the http://petfinder.com Web site. This site provides resources for both animal welfare organizations holding animals and for owners looking for their pets. Organizations holding animals should commit staff and voluntary resources to thoroughly examine the Petfinder site on a regular basis for lost reports from owners that may match animals in the organization’s care. For states without a directive from the state veterinarian and for organizations without a signed agreement from the state of origin, the following recommendations are made for holding animals displaced by Hurricane Katrina:
1. Animals should be listed on the Petfinder Web site for a period of not less than 30 days.
3. Any organization may elect to extend the time that animals are listed on the Petfinder site. Once animals are permanently adopted, however, they should be removed from public view on the the Petfinder. Organizations holding pets in extended foster care should consider listing of pets on Petfinder beyond December 15, 2005 to be unrealistic.
4. While animals evacuated out of the affected region were intended to go to licensed animal welfare organizations, some unlicensed or ad-hoc groups are in possession of Katrina animals. These groups should work with their state veterinarian or a licensed animal welfare organization to ensure that they are meeting a reasonable standard of care related to holding animals, veterinary care, and adoption.
***They arranged for the lamar Dixon facilities and fought tooth and nail with the owners and state of LA to keep it for as long as they did.***
The reason why the HSUS-run shelter was shut down is mismanagement. Anyone walking around the shelter would realize that the dogs and cats at Lamar-Dixon were in danger. The state didn't shut down Noah's Wish because they cooperated with other agencies and the people in the region. Also HSUS-led rescuers/volutneers were kicked out of Pasado's facilities after only 4 days. It wasn't just the state that thought HSUS-led operations were flawed. Other organizations did, too.
I'm wondering. Could an organization do a worse job than HSUS has done? It's hard to imagine.
Why can't HSUS hire professional detectives to help owners whose pets were known to have been at the shelter in Gonzales? How can they tell these owners "good luck on finding your pet"? HSUS does not want any paper trails leading back to them They aren't helping the pet owners because they know why the pets are lost.
To the people who think that HSUS was great because they collected so much money for the disaster: The next disaster will see Pasado and other smaller rescue groups getting more of the donations. Pasado and other groups will grow in size and get stronger. They will eventually compete with HSUS.
A shelter in Dothan, AL has rotties from Katrina that they are adopting out:
7 more Kartina Rotties
Breed Group: Rottweiler
Price: $200.00
Age: 1 weeks
Description: We Were Able To Rescue 7 More Rottweilers From Louisiana. They Are Now Safe In A Shelter In Dothan Alabama Just Waiting For A New Home....
9 Hurricane Katrina survivors
Breed Group: Rottweiler
Price: $200.00
Age: 2 years, 5 weeks
Description: We Were Able To Rescue 9 Rottweilers From Louisiana,males And Females Between The Ages Of 1-5. They Arrived In Dothan Alabama 2 Days Ago,...
HSUS vs Pasado...Pasado is better at rescues because that is what they do....HSUS is not a rescue team primarily. Both organizations have their strengths and weaknesses....and yes,I support them both. If you are asking where the big money guys were during this crisis-where was PETA?.....Even they have their weakness. PETA is based close to my hometown. The passed few months,they have been in the news because they "rescues" healthy pets to be placed in homes only to have these pets bodies found being dumped in dumpsters after being euthanized in the back of a van by their representatives.....
I met many PETA rescuers at Gonzales. They rented SUV's and came down independently. They encourage other volunteers to help with the water and feed missions.
Sorry Erci,I know this is YOUR blog but I just have to add a good word for the American Humane Assoc. This is by far ,the best of the best. They do have a great rescue team,albeit small-but professional. Their organization is large and fights for both children AND animals.
anyone can write what they want...that is what the comments are for...
American Humane Assoc. I have to add that a barn leader from that group did attempt to make many changes including a procedure for voluntters to lodge complaints or suggestions. But he did not have much support from other organizations and finally went mad with all the volunteer complaints (which were legitimate) and quit. He would come back to the barn and gloat at the new barn manager. It was actually very humorous.
LOL-ok,so are you single Eric?
i will keep you guessing
Pasado's Christmas cards
I talked to the director of Second Chance for Animals Shelter at length regarding Jack. First of all, his death is not imminent.
His story: he was a shelter dog, then got adopted. He had the embollism that affected his hind-quarters and the adopters couldn’t take care of them in that condition so returned him to the shelter. Three vets strongly recommended euthanasia and Lisa said no. Lisa took him into her home and has taken care of him for four months. Because of his dog aggression (newly developed since his injury because, according to the animal behaviorist they had treat him, he cannot protect himself in his physical condition) Lisa has to separate her three dogs from Jack. This means four or five times a day she herds her dogs into the house, let’s Jack out alone, gives him some play time, secures him again in a family room off the garage, etc. Every single day for four months, four or five times a day. This is in addition to taking care of her two children and working at the shelter.
Lisa is one of the Adoption Coordinators. She reviewed Robin’s application and discussed her subsequent refusal with Sheryl, the director. Sheryl agreed with Lisa’s assessment. (Again, confidential reasons but it seems to me it’s because Robin works full-time and they are looking at quality-of-life here. As Sheryl said, if he pees his diaper at 8:35 and no one looks in on him until noon, his skin is being irritate by urine for four hours)
Aside from that, Jack should not wear diapers at all. He has before and, unless the caregiver is there to change the diaper as soon as it is soiled, he develops skin rashes and infections that then need to be medically treated. That is why they are adamant about their guidelines for a home for this dog. These are vet-recommended guidelines and animal behaviorist guidelines. Sheryl and Lisa did not make them up. If he doesn’t have the proper supervision, he will suffer.
For four months, Sheryl and Lisa have worked very hard to find Jack a home. They have poured financial resources into him. They have kept him when the owners couldn’t; they dismissed the vet’s recommendation to euthanize. These are good people. Please, don’t harass them anymore. If you have concrete suggestions for them, they are open to them.
Sheryl is very concerned now that their NO-KILL shelter is getting a very bad name and their donations will fall off and they won’t be able to do the work they’ve been doing. Please stop.
They’re exploring two new options for Jack. She wouldn’t tell me what they were but it’s another temporary situation that may get Jack through the winter. If he makes it through the winter, perhaps the right family will come along in the spring.
Going back to the shelter is NOT an option. With his limited mobility in a small run he would not do well.
I have an open invitation to meet Jack. After speaking with Sheryl I don’t feel the need to do that, but I will go if any of you concerned about him would like me to.
Let me know. darosse@gis.net
When searching petfinder looking for specific animals I have spent more time e-mailing "this cocker spaniel is a springer spaniel" and "not a rottie - a dobie" In hopes that it will be read and corrected - my favorite was the pekinese that said "this rottweiler puppy looks like a purebred" !!!
I have great sympathy for anyone looking for a black lab or black cat - pictures through the bars of a cage are impossible to discern any features.
Thanks Eric for being the voice of reason in a world gone mad.
I need your help, or at least some contacts or leads.
According to HSUS, FEMA trailer parks's policy is YES, they accept pets.
That's great for the evacuees with pets near FEMA trailer parks.
However, I have an evacuee outside of Minnesota, who is the owner of five dogs. Three have been located. Two are being fostered nearby where he is now. One is being held by a rescue group in Connecticutt (there are some issues getting that dog back, but per HSUS, that rescue group has been told to ship the dog and HSUS will reimburse expesnes).
But, I digress.
Our evacuee needs a place to live, just like FEMA trailer park evacuees, that takes his pets.
Remarkably, he was able to "sneak" out one of his little dogs on his own and somehow managed to rescue someone else's Labrador, which also is in a foster home near him.
I was making gret progress with an Ollie Davidson at HSUS on the FEMA Trailer Park issue and on the shipment of the dog from COnnecticutt. But, Ollie does not want to be involved in the remaining issue: what of an evacuee who is not to be located in a FEMA trailer park. FEMA is working with various state/local agencies to provide housing and these contracts pay landlords very generaously, and from what I understand, above market rate. I need help from Wayne or someone at HSUS making sure that FEMA contracts with at least some landlords who WILL TAKE PETS. This evacuee was able to live just fine with himself and his five dogs in N.O. That he's effectively been evicted from t he city for a faraway place should not and does not justify depriving him of a home with his pets.
I know this is long, but I became frustrated because Ollie's last email was dismissively cryptic.---His mission was the policy to take pets at FEMA Trailer Parks. That issue has been resolved favorably in favor of pets. But, we still have the issue of FEMA housing for evacuees OTHER than FEMA trailer parks.
If you could point me in the right direction, I will chase that rabbit wherever it goes.
This has become my next Katrina mission.
p.s. I posted a link to your blog from mine; if you disapprove, let me know and I will remove it.
regarding comments by "anonymous"
who referred to some caring person as the "chick" who was a NOBODY and should not be allowed to take home a dog. Who the frig are you to call someone else a NOBODY?? Any volunteer who, in many cases, came hundreds of miles to assist is a SOMEBODY. Caring folks are all SOMEBODY, otherwise they would not be there! Let us not forget, that the animals SHOULD come first!! Too bad humans lost everything.. if that is the case, why should they get an animal back that they, left behind in the first place? they have no home, no job, no money..
how will they care of their animal?
The person you refer to as a nobody, is a more of a "someone" then you can ever aspire to become. They at least, had enough caring and compassion to know that a dog was in desperate need to be taken into a foster home. As for the Barn Managers,
some were great, but the majority sucked!!!!.... I was there...these
idiots spent 2 hours every morning debating if the dogs should be walked first or fed first!!! What idiots most volunteers opted to start taking care of the dogs and left these stupid meetings. The fact that while these idiots were wasting time debating who was right and who was wrong, volunteers, were walking, feeding, and cleaning cages.... Oh, but that did not count.. you were YELLED at for leaving the meeting...what assholes
to anonymous regarding good things about HSUS.. WAKE UP! The HSUS did not pay for all the items listed! They were donated by individuals, large corporations, etc! not by the HSUS.. .
.... answer this.... in Hattiesburg, if a volunteer drove hundreds of miles to help and they opted to CAMP out in the 100 degree heat (instead of the air conditioned and safe hotels that the HSUS staff did) ...the HSUS charged them $15.00 per night if they wanted electricity for a couple of hours! Justify that..
these volunteers opted to minimize any $$ donations they had to camp out. The HSUS used the donations that americans gave to stay in hotels...HOWEVER charged these volunteers for electricity?? disgusting.. and justifying the salaries and comparing the HSUS to a corporation?? CEOs of corporations are paid the big bucks
because they make the company "profitable" to shareholders by growing revenue.
The HSUS gets its $$ from donations! Fine take some salary, enough to live on, BUT to exploit
this??? How can that be explained? Why take more for yourself then you need? That is GREED!! the fact that it also takes away from what is directly used for the animals is, without a doubt ,
the lowest a human can sink to.
To Laura,
Your info about volunteers having to pay for electricity in Hattiesburg is patently false. You clearly are a disgruntled "volunteer" who didn't want to play by the rules, attend the meetings, follow protocol,etc. Who do you think paid to feed and water every volunteer at Hattiesburg? HSUS did. But then they would turn around and charge vols for electricity? You know nothing about what was/wasn't donated. I guess you'll just have to wait to eat your words when HSUS has time to publicize what their funds were spent on. And, puhleeze, "take a salary enough to live on" but god forbid a $100+ million organization would want to pay a competetive salary for its CEO. I think you must be a communist.
I don't know if this will be any help but in Texas the individual city and county's housing authorities are giving hurricane victims priority placement. It's their voucher programs etc. For instance, in San Antonio, you'd contact SAHA...San Antonio Housing Authority...in New Braunfels Texas, Coaml County Housing Authority, in Seguin Tx. Seguin Housing Authority. The Dept. of Human Services should have the contact numbers for the individual housing authorities. I also understand the food stamp rules are being relaxed a bit too...hope this helps some...landlords here are anxious to help since they want that generous federal money..guaranteed rent payments!
These housing authorities normally have many years waiting lists, some have even been closed for yrs and for yrs to come...but they are helping the hurricane victims as a priority. Perhaps qualifying for say food stamps too will also bump someone up on the list...
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To anonymous regarding when the HSUS "posts" what they actually spent their money on... yes,
I cant wait!! They are going to be audited for sure. Trust me, you will be eating your words! You really have to either be on drugs, or very very stupid, or both!
I posted this on Best Friends web site:
Copy and paste the link below in the address field of your web browser to read the story about Miracle in the St. Pete Times. The story tells of more injuries than was posted earlier here. Please pray for Miracle's recovery.
Link: http://www.sptimes.com/2005/12/08/Pasco/Little_pup_Miracle_ha.shtml Source: St. Petersburg Times, Pasco County, FL Excerpt from article:
HOW TO HELP The Crystal Springs Veterinary Clinic can be reached at (813) 788-4511. The clinic is asking donors to send checks in care of the clinic to P.O. Box 818, Crystal Springs, FL, 33524. The Pasco County Sheriff's Office asks anybody with information about the puppy to call toll-free 1-800-706-2488. For information about the reward, contact Jo-Dan Auto Sales at (727) 846-0446 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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