Special Guest Hero: Marilyn McGee
Special Guest Hero: Marilyn McGee
Marilyn and Lexi (I worked with Lexi on many days. She is awesome, been back to New Or 3 times
I met Marilyn about a week after I got to New Orleans. She called my dispatch phone (my cell, which is unfortunate for my bill) and asked me to get a team to go on a water rescue with her in Saint Bernard Parish. We were late so much like the Marilyn I have come to know now she said, "I found a boat I will just go on in myself." Later that day she called my team over to the school where all the dog shootings were. That is how we all got involved in the shootings. I never went and am glad I didn't as those images are haunting all that did. But I was able to call State Senator Bajorie (sp) who we were helping in a search for her friends dogs. She gave us Mrs. Wells, who gave us Mimi Hunley in the AG office. Mimi Hunley was all over it. My next call was to the CNN guy we met at the YMCA. He was all over it and quickly sent people to the school. All this transpired before noon on just one day.
I am sure just as much happened that afternoon.
I do not know of a SINGLE DAY Marilyn McGee has not rescued since the day after the storm. She rules the far out places like Saint Bernard where people feared even going.
If you want to understand the Rescue Operation as it is going on today read this as trapping is the standard way animals are being brought in.
Here is her latest to me: (will be continue in comments)
I attached a picture of Teddy the Wild Child we trapped in the woods along Riverbend in St. Bernard. Also is "Linus" the beagle we trapped that was running with him. I named him Teddy to soften his first impression by people. He was almost unimaginable and it took two of us to pole him out of the trap and crate him. I noted on his intake that he had been living in the woods for 2 months and survival was his only concern and that he would bite out of fear if you approach him.
This little beagle was one of a pair of two that was reported over a month and a half ago. I caught his brother in a pile of brush with the pole at that time and this guy eluded me for all that time. I bait fed him every other day, and spoke to him in beagle talk to get him used to my voice. I had a great concern for this little guy and was so delighted to get the traps so that we could bring him to safety. I called a local vet Dr. Green and he came to magazine and treated Teddy and Linus free of charge they both were anemic, HW positive, and had worms. Teddy's mouth was lacerated from gnashing at the trap. Linus was dehydrated and decompensating from fear, drooling for two hours, pale, shaking, listless etc. He recovered with IV's and tons of TLC and was taken to Oregon by Karen one of the volunteers who helped me with the trapping mission... THIS IS CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS. LOTS OF GOOD INFO.
Teddy The Wild Child In Trap (pissed off, he was king of the jungle)
Linus The Beagle- He don't look to wiiiiild! (I think he is happy to be trapped.)
Yes that is Teddy the Wild Child A Bit Calmed Down
Marilyn McGee: Continued-
...Lexie was my partner, and she helped tremendously. Lexie went home to NY yesterday. I got a new partner from a post I put up on nola.com. She called me from CA and hopped a flight that same night. Her name is Corolla. She has six years of disaster animal rescue and also was involved in a special desert trapping operation of feral dogs living in the desert. We stood at the edge of the woods in one of the areas of concern in St. Bernard well after dark and listened to the MULTITUDE of dog packs. It was unbelievable how many dogs we could hear. This is happening in all areas of St. Bernard. The dogs have taken to the woods for safety and food as there are no people there to feed and have been scarce if any feeding stations. One , two or a few people could not have begun to properly drop feed this entire parish. It was a losing battle. I am overjoyed now at the sight of 10 trapper/polers who came to this Parish with me to assess the problem and start the saturation trapping of the entire parish. I now feel there is hope for these forgotten animals thanks to your kindness and your influence in getting me this crew to help.
We received 30 dog traps also. I felt like it was Christmas for the dogs here who were gradually starving from a wild existence of domesticated animals. I just wanted you to know what a difference your strict attention to the problem in this parish has made. Eric had a big hand in this too, helping by constantly putting out my cries of help to the right people. He is amazing in his unconditional love for animals as you are and is willing to stick his neck out and fight against all odds for their safe return as you are. These dogs owe their lives to the two of you. I will continue to document the progress here. I think this will be the first time in America where there has been such a large trapping effort of domestic dogs turned feral by a Hurricane of mass destruction along the entire gulf coast.
Every day new people are calling me and telling me they are flying or driving in for this effort. The post on nola has had wonderful results. I am very proud to have you and Eric in my corner and will never be able to thank you enough for lightening my heart by getting the help in this Parish that I needed to try to save these animals. I wish all of America could see what wonderful work is being done now in this Parish for the ones who survived a flood of biblical proportions and are now being sought out by some of the finest trappers, experts as a labor of love by volunteering their skills to re-domesticate them.
We even had a veterinarian from Idaho join the trapping effort today. I wish I had the man's name and number who gave us all the training seminar at Winn Dixie last week. I was so infatuated by his wisdom and dog charisma I neglected to get his contact information. His expert information has given us all the skills and knowledge that he used when he introduced the wolves to yellowstone park. His organizations website is www.wildlifeglobalresources.org
He has an amazing "finesse" with the animals that truly reflected on us which is the blending of the human and animal minds. We all know that the success in trust is the respect we project to the animals and he stresses this to all rescuers. All things are connected is the key focus. With the animals we can gain their confidence with the utmost of calm.
They are able to sense our anxieties , energies, and peacefulness. He trains with oriental martial arts to gain the necessary skills it takes to communicate with the animals through body language and human behaviors that tell the dogs a story about us. In the case of what we are dealing with here, his teachings were essential to our success.
I would like to send him pictures and documentation of the wonderful progress we have made in just a few days of this operation. I am thinking the trapping effort should have a special operation name due to the extreme hard work patience and undying dedication involved. This would give integrity and poise to a new and unusual phase of disaster rescue. It would also give attention to the Forest dogs of Katrina which would bring recognition to your plan for "NO DOG LEFT BEHIND" and interest in volunteering for such a project. I do not in any way mean to crown this effort as better than any of the other rescue efforts from all people who toiled to bring dogs to safety after the worst ever recorded Hurricane devastation in the Gulf. Everyone who rescued anywhere here deserves a medal of honor.
I am just thinking that at this time with all of the organizations numbers of volunteers dwindling we could give special attention to the task at hand which will be a long lasting test of the utmost patience of new volunteers. It could take months to bring in the numbers of dogs we have here and finding them is not as easy as breaking into a house to get them out. It may take days to bring one of these "hardened" animals to safety. It will be expensive and extremely time consuming, but worth every second of it if we can reel them in and show the disaster planners how this can be successfully done during future disasters. Documentation of techniques and new achieved skills will be essential. I plan to keep a log of all of the trappers little secrets to further education in this much unused, before now in America, form of animal rescue in any major disaster here..
Just a suggestion for a name for the trapping operation here should you choose to adopt one is." Operation Katrina - No Dog Left Behind" A trapping expedition that if properly managed and documented may be inscribed in disaster history literature for future generations to learn about and benefit from in disasters from years to come. I will also suggest to all trappers that they take a few minutes each night to keep a journal and keep cameras on hand at all times. That way when this operation is completed we will have the total picture for all to see. Telling the story properly and getting it first hand from those on the ground will catch the attention of all interested in animal welfare. Let me know your thoughts.
I apologize for my lengthiness in this e-mail, however, I am so hopeful and grateful to the volunteers and organizers that I would like to make sure credit is given to this type of effort so that in the future things will be clearer and started earlier in a disaster plan so that no animals will suffer the double tragedy of losing their families and then being forced to kill to survive in a harsh environment because of a Hurricane or slowly starve to death..
I am also lobbying on the side and working with the families of the dogs who were unnecessarily shot in the schools to ensure evacuation plans for animals too. We all know many people DID die that stayed behind because they could not take their animals. This Must Never Happen Again and if we keep it in the public eye, and follow it through to the end it may never happen again.
One more thing, Corolla is working with New Leash on Life that has some contact with Hollywood personalities to obtain us night vision goggles. This would be invaluable to us in that we could determine locations of dogs where the flashlight cannot see. We could see the dogs before they see us and from a very safe distance, and could place and set our traps accordingly. We would definitely have the upper hand and be far more successful. A fireman in St. Bernard has agreed to give Beth, Corolla, I and any other willing trappers and rescuers a onsite demonstration of the benefits of this technology in locating warm blooded mammals.
Even if we had one pair per team, we could use one person as a spotter. Scores more could be saved that might have been left behind due to their quietness and elusiveness. We might just get them all and that is the common goal here. I will update you on Corolla's ability to obtain these as soon as I know something. If they are donated materials they can be recycled to other rescue efforts for years to come. To me it would be a worthwhile investment especially for animal interest groups involved in disaster response. Corolla used them in the desert trapping efforts and contributes her success to their use.
Here is a description of the pictures I attached of this rescue:
I look forward to hearing from you on these issues. I know you are super busy and I am patient so reply at your earliest convenience.
Thank You
Marilyn McGee
27440. SBP-Dog pulled out alive TODAY!
by bubbalilly, 11/3/05 20:09 ET
Poor dog could not walk or swallow, but was ALIVE. Please do not assume that your pets are dead. Please phone this dispatch and they will check on your pet:(843)343-8887
This is a great blog here EricsDogBlog.com, searching for information on valley dog training has brought me here. Although Special Guest Hero: Marilyn McGee is not exactly what I am looking for it certainly got my attention and interest. I see now why I found your blog looking for information on valley dog training and am glad I stopped by even though this is not a perfect match. Great blog thanks for the read.
Thanks to all involved with the rescue efforts. Here's hoping that some of these animals will be reunited with their folks. It is important to emphasize that this doggie version of "Lord of the Flies" does not reflect on their ability to reintegrate into society. SBP officials helped CREATE this problem by shooting friendly animals and making the survivors more wary of human contact, distructful of vehicle approaches. Once the numbers of friendly animals were decimated, the street savvy and people wary animals became the most successful survivors, leading the rest of the newly founded packs away from the percieved danger of people. Thanks a bunch MINTON - your callousness and the legacy of your evil deeds are still haunting the people and pets of the devastated areas!
Todays Latest from Marilyn:
(realize STB has No animal control function)
If you have any more of these requests please forward them. We have a wonderful team out here now and are willing to check on any pet any owner is concerned about. I told you we found "General" alive in his home yesterday, barely, but alive. I have asked Susan Meyer to please post on nola.com to residents of SBP that please do not assume your pets are dead, many are still being found alive, if you left a pet in a home, or if you have a pet that is missing and you can give a description and possibly last whereabouts we will look for it. I had her post Jane's dispatch number so that the calls will come directly to us out there. We have set up a substation there at GW Smith Elementary where we can store traps, kennels, and meet at dusk to report our trappings and transport animals. Many of us work well into the night scouting and identifying packs and their whereabouts so that the next trapping day will be a successful one. We are requisitioning night vision from New Leash on Life that has contacts with Kim Basinger. If we had these we could see the ones that are hiding in the woods before they see us, then we would have the upper hand, we could study them unannounced.
I am hopeful.
More Marilyn...
...stand at the edge of the woods after dark and listen to the multitude of wailing and howling dogs.
Corolla the desert trapper is teamed up with me and is amazed at the numbers of dogs in there. She trapped feral dogs in the desert for six years and has never heard this many at one time.
We are even finding Chihuahua's running with these packs. Amazing, you would think those little guys could not fend for themselves in a pack but they are doing it. I even heard a pekignese bark (yappy yap). You can hear the different barks, Rottie, pit, shepard, hound, basset, beagle, every kind of bark you can think of and it is in there.
We are perplexed at the number of "wild boar" we are finding dead for no apparent reason, they have not been shot that we can tell, no signs of trauma, no sign of drowning and are in early stages of decomp. They appear to have just laid down and died. I almost wonder if someone is poisening them or if thier deaths are due to environmental reasons. It would be interesting to necropsy one and get a toxicology report.
I wasn't able to attend today's conference call because I had a doctors appt. for the "moldy lung" cough. So many rescuers are getting this. One girl spent four days in the hospital with pneumonia.
The ongoing effects of the Hurricane are starting to become evident already.
The EPA is not making any public statements about the safety of the air and water.
Who knows what is next.
If you get time, give me the lowdown on today's call.
I will be on the call Tues. I have lots to report.
++++tammy from the hsus is reported to be kind but young and inexperienced. there has been no plan for documentation for the case against Tammy H. local volunteers are helping her the best they can to learn how to document the dogs for the case.++++
Tammy Hawley has been outstanding. I am sorry but I cannot comment on the case.
there are multiple cases of mange with the Hansen dogs, but no way to heat water for dipping and no Revolution. Dr. S vet care consist of practically nothing. dogs are sick and need care.
We have over 500 dogs.... The mange is NOW being treated. You cannot treat demodex with Revolution but only with ivermectin and the treatments started today. We had to treat the medical urgent dogs first. We have been battling with getting dogs out of crates, keep dog fights from happening, cleaning, feeding, and inventory. Processing the dogs started days ago but is a slow process as the dogs, one by one must be brought out of their enclosure, vaccinated, microchipped, and tagged. All of this being documented carefully. It may seem like an easy task but believe me it is not. We have a team that only processes as we now have a team that deals with all medication and medical treatments.
Dr Snodgrass is a Saint. We are treating the dogs that are the worst. We have over 500 dogs. It must be too much for most of you to handle. We cannot take in every dog for everything. Most of the dogs are on antibiotics, oral ear and eyed meds and special diets. Dr Snodgrass has worked his butt off and was there for these animals in the beginning when there were just a few of us with 500 animals. We have ONE person that just goes back and forth to the vet all day with dogs. Most of the dogs are doing well. Demodex involves long term meds and is not an emergency. I would say 30% of the dogs have dmeodex and they are now being treated. We have dogs with tumors, eye problems, ear problems and so on. The main concern is that there are only a handful of dogs that are sterilized. We have dogs breeding everywhere. We have two problems here, we can put all females in once area but the! y do not usually get along or we can put dogs in one area that get along but they breed. It is an overwhelming situation.
+++Desiree is reported to be wonderful and very knowledgeable. Kris co coordinating volunteers is also reported to be doing a very good job.++++
All I really know is how to handle dogs and how to arrange dogs so that they do not fight. All I seem to do all day is move dogs and keep the peace among the dogs. I have also been helping in rearranging kennels, getting the ground cleaned under the dogs, cleaning dog houses and getting in cedar for bedding, and basically getting the living situation a little more comfortable for these dogs. EARS is here now and Kirk and his volunteers have been wonderful. There are so many things to do and flames are constantly needing to be put out. It is hard to focus on one thing at a time and remain focused on your task. I am going home on Saturday. Saturday will be my 14th day working at EDNAH and I am tired. We have 25 more EARS vols coming in on Saturday. I will probably return the following Saturday for one more week. I do not know what we would have done without HSUS, AHA and EARS.
+++the news blackout is troubling. the lack of reported dog bites is also troubling. the safety of all is being compromised by bad decisions from mark. the case is in jeopardy with hsus sending someone who is not more experienced.+++++
I cannot comment on the case.
Mark Steinway has done nothing except cover his ass. He will not allow his volunteers to do anything other than work with their dogs that are in the driveway of EDNAH. I am not sure if they don't like the rest of us or if they have been told to not converse with us. They do their thing and we do ours. I have had to let the pit bulls go. I really have no say over their fate as I had no say so before they were sent to EDNAH. I did care for them, with Diane, Pasado volunteer for three days before the other Pasado volunteers arrived. I love each and every one of those dogs. I want what is best for those dogs. Although, Mark Steinway, out of anger, will not allow me to have anything to do with what happens to them. I will be helping the pit bulls that the Humane Society of Louisiana recovered last weekend once the EDNAH case is over. Mark Steinway is not acting on behalf of these animals or his volu! nteers. He is acting on behalf of his ego. This is a fact and one that I think most will agree with when all this is over. The Pasado volunteers at EDNAH have been amazing with the dogs. Phillip is fine and was only at the hospital a couple of hours. Phillip has participated in helping ALL the animals and is, from the little I know about him, an Amazing human being. It has been wonderful working with him and Diane both.
Mark Steinway knowingly sent a pit bull to Alabama that had bitten one of his volunteers and sent that vol to this hospital. He was asked to pull that dog off the transport by both Tammy Hawley and I but chose not to. He sent the dog to Alabama and never told Rhonda, Penny or Gwen that the dog had a bite history or in what circumstance to be careful with the dog. His lack of concern for the people handling the dogs and the reputation of the breed blow me away. He does not see any further than THIS moment and his own reputation.
For the record I never screamed at anyone but Tammy Hawley on Monday I was very upset to see the MOST aggressive pit bulls being loaded up on there way to a woman who had no experience with pit bulls. Those of us that love this breed have huge hurdles everyday to jump. The one hurdle that we are all concerned with is the tarnished image of the breed. It takes one pit bull bite to make the news that will have detrimental effects on what we are trying to achieve. We talk endlessly about how wonderful pit bulls are and how unlikely they are to bite you given any situation. Rescuers like Mark Steinway are hurting pit bulls across this nation. He may think he is saving them but in the end he is doing much more harm than good for these wonderful dogs. This is why I was so upset the day of the transport. Mark and Susan made their own decision to send the 25 most aggressive pit bulls to Alabama. These ! dogs were trying to kill each other that morning before I supposably held up the transport. What held up the transport is that Mark Steinway did not have permission from the Sheriff to leave with the dogs, nor did Mark have health certificates on these dogs. I do wish that most of you could see the manipulation of Pasado.
things you need to ask...were dogs shipped to canada. if so, if there are to be reunions, how will that happen. why have these dogs not been cataloged and put on petfinder.
Many of you know that Canada is not a pit bull friendly place. I have been told that the pit bulls will be going to a kennel outside of Seattle until Pasado has a chance to build the kennels on their property. Of course, Pasado will have changed their plans and I have a feeling we will never know what happens to these dogs. Pasado has boasted about Louisiana Residents having a right to their dogs but they NEVER posted any of these dogs as "found" on petfinder. HSUS and the Sheriff will be posting these dogs on petfinder. It is my understanding that HSUS will be keeping up with these dogs. I am trying NOT to get involved. I am way too emotional about the pit bulls. Tammy Hawley and I discuss the issues concerning the Pasado pit bulls and then HSUS and Pasado make the decsions. I trust Tammy Hawley's judgement and know that she is working through me in the pit bull's best interest. ! I have to let some things go and at this point anything that Mark Steinway says or does has an agenda towards correcting his tarnished reputation and not for the dogs.
this is not pasado bashing or hsus bashing. this is a very serious situation on many fronts. if not handled correctly any of the dogs that were originally loved and docile that may be rehabbed will have little chance of finding their way home. Tammy H could win her case if it is not handled with expertise. why were all the pasa dogs not microchipped before leaving LA.? why were they not listed on petfinder? and of course, where are they now, or where are they going?
You all need to try to get straight answers from Pasado on the 61 pit bulls. Legally I have no say so on what happens to these dogs. I know that these dogs will be forgotten in a month or so. Mark Steinway is not committed to these dogs and does not want them. We were more than willing to take all 61 pit bulls and pay for everything with NO financial support of anykind from Pasado. Tia Torres, myself, Bad Rap, Diane Jessup and many other reputable/responsible pit bull rescuers were hoping to have all the dogs transferred to Tia's and work as a team to make the best decsions for them. I was going to travel to CA for two weeks to help with these dogs. Pasado wanted Tia, myself and Diane Jessup to sign a contract aggreeing to put out a press release that would make Pasado out to be heros. This was just a part of an extremely unreasonable contract that had nothing to do with the dogs. We did not even have a! n opportunity to have an attorney look over the contract before Mark was loading the 25 most aggressive pit bulls onto a truck headed to Alabama. We might have signed the contract if we KNEW we would be able to make ALL decsions on behalf of the dogs best interest. It did not work out that way and the reality is Pasado was never going to release their dogs to anyone that had anything to do with me. It is up to the public to keep an eye on Pasado. You all need to ask these questions to Pasado. These dogs should have been microchiopped, should have been vetted before leaving LA, should have been microchipped before leaving LA. Pasado is claiming they have no money or funding to care for these dogs. Please hold Pasado accountable for the donations they took in that should have been ear marked for animals coming out of the disiater area. Please hold Pasado acountable for hruting pit bulls everywhere by putting his volunt! eers in harms way as well as others in harms way. Pasado should have allowed the pit bull rescue community to take responsiblity for these dogs. He does not want our help nor has he ever wanted anyting but to get rid of these dogs.
I am very sorry that many of you have been trying to reach me. Most of our phones do not get a signal at EDNAH. I am usually in my hotel room by 9 pm. If any of you would like to reach me about EDNAH you are welcome to call me at (xxxxxx). I hope I answered everyone's questions.
Desiree Bender
where angels run
Update from Animal Rescue New Orleans
by lmn927, 11/4/05 8:52 ET
TAKEN FROM animalrescueneworleans.com11/4/05 UPDATE: Animal Rescue New OrleansJane Garrison & David Meyer
PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE ALERT.YOU WILL FIND MANY OF YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE.We apologize, but cannot always respond personally to emails due to the daily demands of coordinating this relief effort.
Complacency has set in among the national public who has become "Katrina Weary"- But for the thousands of starving dogs and cats living in the ruins of New Orleans searching for food at this very moment, the situation is as critical as ever! Just yesterday, a cat living in a destroyed home who had access to inside and outside, was rescued and was in the worst shape of any cat our rescuers had seen. The cat was experiencing liver failure and was literally just skin and bones-- this is the effect of living in the toxic environment that so many destroyed houses became after the flood. Unfortunately this cat died in transit to the emergency clinic-
New Orleans parish has only the Louisiana SPCA with its few officers and the entire adjacent county of Saint Bernard Parish has no animal control whatsoever! The dogs and cats who survived the flood and hurricanes Katrina and Rita and who are living in the damaged homes of guardians who themselves are now homeless need to be rescued and placed in safe care.
WE NEED: 1. People to help put out feeding stations2. People to trap dogs/cats3. People to transport rescued animals to Best Friends in Mississippi each evening4. People to transport pets to humane societies In other words, we need people!
Take a few days and JUST DO IT.
1. We need volunteers THROUGH END OF NOVEMBER, at which time we will assess continued need and update you.
2. WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR ARRIVE/DEPART DATE, SEND FOLLOWING INFO TO: info@kinshipcircle.org. If you've already sent this, PLEASE DO NOT SEND AGAIN!
*Full name(s) / Name of organization (if applicable) *Full street address *Cell phone, land phone, email *Brief description of animal experience, including professional, rescue, shelter, etc. *Arrive/Depart dates in New Orleans
3. Type “HURRICANE VOLUNTEER” in the subject line of your email, or we may miss it.
4. If you are an Animal Control Officer, Veterinarian/Vet Tech, or Experienced Humane Trapper state this in subject line of email. I.E., HURRICANE VOLUNTEER: Animal Control Officer
CONTACTS 1. LOCAL RESIDENTS (IN LOUISIANA) / FEEDING ASSIGNMENTS Jane Garrison: 843-343-8887,JaneGarrison@comcast.net
3. VOLUNTEERS WHO CAN EXPORT/TRANSPORT/FOSTER Karla Osbeck:vixey23j@yahoo.com or 310-800-7011
4. DONATE MONEY OR SUPPLIES Priscilla Gargalis:pgargalis@yahoo.com
5. VOLUNTEER QUESTIONS NOT ANSWERED IN THIS ALERT (ONLY) Kate Danaher:katedanaher@animalearthhuman.org Brenda Shoss:info@kinshipcircle.org
TRAVEL & ACCOMODATIONS - Fly into New Orleans or Baton Rouge. - Rent a vehicle with room for supplies. Vans and SUVs appreciated. - Attend 7:30 am daily meeting (location listed below)
- CAMPING: Bring tent to camp on parking lot/small fenced yard located alongside property at 1585 Magazine Street.
- HOMES: To inquire about availability in resident homes or FEMA tent (limited to 20 people), contact Holly: 757-641-4527
- HOTELS: Some hotels in New Orleans or Metairie are open. Volunteers may research this on their own. http://www.traveltoday.com/hotels/Metairie/LA/USA/ http://www.discoverneworleans.com/hotels.html
- AFFORDABLE TRAVEL & RIDESHARES: Email Shanah Lia Richardson atillinoiskatrinapets@hotmail.com for help locating affordable travel options or rideshares.
Delta will also fly vets and vet techs down for free on the ''buddy'' system, please send the word out to all vets and techs you know. If any of you have DVMs or TECHS wanting to go, even if just for a few days, please have them contact Melissa Bahleda, PARTNERS! Canine Training/Spay VA,partnerscanines@yahoo.com IMMEDIATELY.
WHAT VOLUNTEERS WILL DO Ideal people are willing to stay at least a week and be self sufficient.
MORNING ASSIGNMENT MEETINGS - 7:30 am NEW: Corner of Magazine and Felicity Streets by empty Star Hair & Nails bldg. Around the corner from prior location at 1823 Magazine Street. (Southern Animal Foundation has been wonderful but we don't want to block their front door each morning)
If you arrive after 7:30 am meeting:
Yes, that happens all the time. The law is weighted on the side of the owner. Each case is different but the shelters/fosters should be made aware that there is legal precedent getting the pet back with it's owner even after 90 days.
The shelter/foster cannot sit in judgment as to whether the owner is "fit" to
have the pet back which a lot of them try to do.
Capt. Ron
Humane Law Enforcement-Florida
Disaster Response Teams and
Computerized Lost/Found records
the Pet Owners Alliance Inc.
On 3 Nov 2005 ,Eric, wrote:
> I have no idea who could help but we now have many cases of owners
> finding Pets and the shelters and fosters not returning them.
> Is this something that could be addressed next call. Does anyone in
> the State Gov't anything they can do to assist these New Orleans
> residents?
> Eric
> Eric Rice
> Bulkregister
> General Manager
> 410-234-3318
> erice@bulkregister.com
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Motley Fool: Foolanthropic Donations
by Balyn, 11/4/05 11:56 ET
Should We Go Regional?By Carrie Crockett November 3, 2005
But this year, some of us at the Fool believe that a rule-breaking approach might be appropriate. Considering the series of hurricanes that has devastated the entire Gulf Coast, put one of America's most beloved major cities out of commission indefinitely, caused the death of more than 1,000 people, and turned hundreds of thousands of Americans into refugees, wouldn't it be better to pick at least one charity devoted to hurricane relief?
Many posters to the Foolanthropy discussion board have expressed concern for the animal victims that, in most cases, were left to wait much longer than humans for rescue. Local charities helping these four-legged victims include the Louisiana SPCA, which is able to get a lot more work done since it got its phone lines restored as of Oct. 15, and the Humane Society of Louisiana. But these organizations face incredible difficulties. They aren't in contact with most of their members and volunteers, many of their shelters remain uninhabitable, and major fund-raising events have been cancelled for lack of citizenry and staffing. The Humane Society of Louisiana writes on its website, "After close to 20 years in New Orleans, our future is uncertain, without the caring support of people from outside our devastated region."
If that's not a wake-up call from a major organization in charge of many thousands of homeless animals whose owners may never come back, I don't know what is.
We are accepting nominations through Sunday, Nov. 6. If you know of any Foolish charities offering sustainable solutions to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, please post them to our discussion board. In addition, if you have any thoughts on whether focusing at least some attention on the hurricane relief effort is a good idea, considering the massive amounts of money already going in that direction, we'd love to hear them. Keep in mind that many smaller organizations or chapters may not ever see that money pouring in, and your Foolanthropic donations might make a huge difference.
The post starting with:
"You broke into my house. I was living there. I was working. You stole my dog. My dog is not a Pit Bull, it was a loving yellow lab. You didn't register my dog with the SPCA, you dropped him off at a Winn Dixie. Oh, you left my house open too, and thanks for the crowbar to my door."
is a fake. It was ripped apart on NOLA. This person doesn't know if their dog is a he, she, it. Never calls their "beloved" dog by name, etc. Read it again carefully. We think it was written by someone called "Happypower." They just want to cause trouble. The best thing to do is remove it. See NOLA # 27083. Sorry, he, she, it has taken in a lot of people.
update from Turtlemoon about the Ednah pits
I thought it might be fake but didn't want to take a chance. Happytower is one bad person. I have seen her posts and yes it is her writing. Thanks.
No problem. Always better safe than sorry. You've got a big heart.
Anyway you can remove these spam posts? Unfortunately your blog is begining to get more and more with all the attention you've gotten.
Help! I'm sending you an email titled Thermal Imaging Camera. I know you get a lot of mail but please read it and respond if you are so inclined.
Tia/Villalobos responds to Pasado attacks
by pitbullEmily, 11/4/05 14:11 ET
From:RedFang13@...Subject: The truth behind Pasado's commentsDate: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 11:07:27 EST
Hi all,
My name is Tia and I am the Pit Bull Rescue in California that Pasadoattempted to smear all over the internet. This is my response to her andof course, as the norm, within an hour of Susan receiving this, she took downthe page off of her site. The "contract" I speak of in my email, is an agreement"that she tried to get me to sign with conditions that were so "out of thisworld" that no one in their right mind would've done it. Hmmm..wonder ifTammy Hanson had to sign one? Hopefully the photos will come out in my email.She called my place a "dump" and a "concrete dump" on her site.....what do you think????
Tia MariaVillalobos Rescue Center_www.VRCPitBull.com_
From:RedFang13@...Date: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:48 amSubject: Re: RESPONDING TO Tia's e-mail: If it's a war you want then it's a war you'l...
Susan,I read thru your contract last night. Let's face it, when you wrote it, you knew even the Pope couldn't adhere to some of these terms and many of them were unreasonable. Many of them were absolutely very reasonable too. But it also hit a sore spot when I know no other groups even yours asked any other rescue group to jump thru hoops to take dogs. But this is not what bothered me. I felt these things could be worked out.
What bothered me were your accusations. I NEVER SPREAD ANY RUMORS ABOUT YOU! You say that I told everyone about the dogs going to a breeder, and continued to spread that a week after the fact. No Susan, that's not how it went. When SEVERAL of your volunteers emailed me and asked about the dogs going to Alabama, I explained that and I quote "a very nice lady named Rhonda" was taking them and she WAS in the process of sending them to a breeder. I also explained that I felt Rhonda was new to the Pit Bull world and probably didn't know this about them. This was literally a day or two after I emailed you about this information. If people continue to spread this all over the internet then your beef should be with them. I DID NOT CONTINUE TO DO THIS.
Then you accused me of spreading rumors about Rhonda getting raided about USDA. Susan, I don't even know Rhonda's last name, her address, nada. How would I be able to find anything out about her. My life is much to fulfilling to worry about sitting on the computer and spread rumors. In addition to doing daily kennel work, I train dogs both privately and for the film industry, doing training seminars for law enforcement and animal control, do all of my inmate job training programs and also do a dog training program in juvenile hall. Does this sound like a person who has time to gossip? I could give a rat's.......
I DID NOT COME FORWARD WANTING THESE PIT BULLS!!! I was contacted by all involved and.....BY THE HSUS!!!! One of their people even gave a referral on me to take them (Eric Sakach) be to exact. He is their leading expert in dog fighting and Pit Bulls. To answer your question, no I don't exactly want 61 more Pit Bulls. You made it sound like I was drooling to get these dogs. I was simply doing what every other rescue INCLUDING YOURS was doing....trying to help.
The reason I didn't come right back with "signing" your contract is because Tammy Hawley stated that she wanted to read it first and when I spoke to her it was very late at night and she said she was going to talk to Mark last night and that she would deal with it. THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T GET INVOLVED.
Now for your accusations against me on your site. Interesting that your "source" doesn't list their name. Hmm...even in a court of law the accused has the right to face their accuser. As for a dump......? Have you seen photos of my place right there on my website for all the world to see???? Did you know that officers from the animal abuse task force for L.A.City board their dogs here? Did you know that every year on my inspection for the county I get a "A"? Did you know that I'm also monitored by U.S.D.A. and have NEVER had a black mark?
So here is a tour of my DUMP:Here is my TINY LITTLE EXERCISE AREA complete with pond and waterfall. Oh and for the record: I HAVE THREE OF THESE AREAS!!!!Here are more pictures of my CONCRETE DUMP
So now that you've seen for yourself, maybe then you can tell your "source" to also stop spreading rumors.
Susan, if you take a break and realize that all you and Mark had to do in the beginning of this mess was just to say "oops, we made a mistake, now let's fix it" no one would be slamming you like they are. I mean, think about it...is anyone attacking Louisiana Humane Society? No, they apologized and took their animals and left. But you and Mark continued to put blame on everyone else (Best Friends, TBonePickens, etc) Then we people came in (the Pit Bull community) and tried to give advice because let's face it, who knows more about Pit Bulls then the Pit Bull people, Mark treated them/us like we were dirt and complete idiots. This is a fact. Your own volunteers are now coming forward with stories of how Mark treated them.
So as of last night I was told it was in the hands of HSUS. This is why I didn't respond to your contract. I wish things could've turned out different. I worry for Rhonda now because several of the dogs Mark just sent to her have bitten people in Arkansas. Five Pasado volunteers have been bitten on site. Hopefully things will be okay. If not my offer still stands but I'm not signing any contract with you. From what I understand these dogs are in the "custody" of HSUS so I will sign something with them.
Thank you for your honest response and I truly appreciate you giving me the chance to respond. Really I do.
Tia MariaVillalobos Rescue Centerwww.VRCPitBull.comRacism is the Pits - Stop Breed Specific Legislation
Animal Rescue News Update
Reply to: anon-108782421@craigslist.org
Date: 2005-11-04, 4:03AM CST
11/4/05 UPDATE: Animal Rescue New Orleans
Jane Garrison & David Meyer
We apologize, but cannot always respond personally to emails due to the daily demands of coordinating this relief effort.
Complacency has set in among the national public who has become "Katrina Weary"- But for the thousands of starving dogs and cats living in the ruins of New Orleans searching for food at this very moment, the situation is as critical as ever! Just yesterday, a cat living in a destroyed home who had access to inside and outside, was rescued and was in the worst shape of any cat our rescuers had seen. The cat was experiencing liver failure and was literally just skin and bones-- this is the effect of living in the toxic environment that so many destroyed houses became after the flood. Unfortunately this cat died in transit to the emergency clinic-
New Orleans parish has only the Louisiana SPCA with its few officers and the entire adjacent county of Saint Bernard Parish has no animal control whatsoever! The dogs and cats who survived the flood and hurricanes Katrina and Rita and who are living in the damaged homes of guardians who themselves are now homeless need to be rescued and placed in safe care.
WE NEED: 1. People to help put out feeding stations
2. People to trap dogs/cats
3. People to transport rescued animals to Best Friends in Mississippi each evening
4. People to transport pets to humane societies
In other words, we need people!
Take a few days and JUST DO IT.
Eric: Found this:
They are Legit. I talk to the guy every day. They are the local team that has been on site since day 1. They run the local pet store I think and have shut it down. Eric Rice
Tia/et all, read your friend D. Jessup's site. She's put forth all of the accusations to Pasada and then some. After listing you that she was championing (sp). With friends like this, who needs enemies. It also seems that no matter what Pasado does or says, it's not right. So if they give the animals to you, Bender and Jessup, (who say they are involved with you) we'll crucify them for not taking responsiblity and dealing with it themselves. They are damned if the do, damned if they don't. Maybe just damned. (I do recall they showed up immediatly and are taking care of the problem as opposed to the possible owner orgs of the other hundreds. ) Hmmmmm.
Thank you everyone for compassion and concern on all these issues. It makes life easier these last two months to know you are out there. Help, I can't access the turtlemoon.org.22 dogs site or the msn site. I'm sure it's operator error but give me some support.
"Help, I can't access the turtlemoon.org.22 dogs site or the msn site. I'm sure it's operator error but give me some support."
looks like you have to include the "www" part
Contact: Terri Kaupp
Peter Mayer Public Relations
Cell: 832-260-5949
LA/SPCA Transferring Animals to
Partnering Shelter in Plaquemines Parish
(New Orleans, LA) November 4, 2005 – Thanks to a new partnership with the Plaquemines Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), some of the adoptable animals currently residing in the new LA/SPCA shelter at 701 Thayer Street in Algiers will be transferred to PAWS in Plaquemines Parish where they will be placed up for adoption.
Since the new temporary shelter in Algiers is not fully operational and is not prepared to offer animal adoptions at this time, Laura Maloney, Executive Director of the LA/SPCA says, “PAWS has agreed to help find these deserving dogs’ wonderful new homes. We couldn’t be more delighted!â€
All of the animals currently being housed at the LA/SPCA facility are strays or have been rescued from homes. People who have lost their pet may visit the facility to look for their companion or visit www.petharbor.com, www.petfinder.com.
The PAWS facility in Belle Chasse did not suffer damage as a result of Hurricane Katrina. They currently have space in their facility and have been seeking a way to help the animals of New Orleans. PAWS will have animals available for adoption and will provide long-term space for as long as needed.
PAWS wanted to help the LA/SPCA during the transition period and develop a long term partnership to assist in managing t! he space and intake of animals in order to make room in the Thayer Street facility for incoming animals.
“It is wonderful to get this kind of help from a neighboring community. We have a common goal – to help the animals,†said Maloney.
To contact PAWS about adoption please call: 504-392-1601, they are located at 9596 Hwy. 23 South, Belle Chasse, LA 70037.
The Louisiana SPCA worked in cooperation with several other agencies to rescue the more than 8,500 animals after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29th. The Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (LA/SPCA) is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of animal suffering. Chartered in 1888, it is the oldest and most comprehensive animal welfare organization in the state of Louisiana providing care and basic medical services for approximately 11,000 homeless and unwanted animals each year. The LA/SPCA is a membership organization that depends upon the support of the public. The LA/SPCA asks that you demand to see official identification from animal welfare agents to ensure proper authority.
ERIC NEED HELP - CAN YOU LOOK AT justthinkingaboutitblogspot THE LAST PHOTO IN THE 'INJUSTICE ABOUND' PHOTO SECTION LOOKS LIKE CANDY THE AKITA. Could you check into it? the blog doesn't allow anon responses and I'm too old and computer illiterate to figure out how to contact him.
I have been reading your blog for many weeks now. I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done to help the animal victims of this disaster. You have put your entire heart into this & have truly made a difference where it is desperately needed.
Due to my website, I get many E-mails from pet owners devastated over being forced to leave their pets behind. I know they did the best they could by them and are completely heartbroken over the results.
I have repeatedly seen responsible owners being bashed on websites for what they had absolutely no choice in doing. They couldn't have foreseen what would happen nor did they have the resources to prevent it. It's guilt they will have to carry with them for the rest of their lives, despite it being out of their control.
To see the root of the problem, one must consider how humans were treated during and after this monumental disaster. They were abandoned, left to die in shelters, medical facilities & homes. They were given no more consideration after the disaster than the helpless, innocent animals were. If they were treated this way, then what hope is there for the pets? Sadly, there STILL isn't enough help for humans and animals alike.
Things must change. We are doomed to repeat history if they don't. The response to this disaster was completely unacceptable. I can't bear the thought of this ever happening again to any person or pet. I urge everyone to speak out in every way possible. This is dying out in the media and it needs to be brought to the forefront again. As human beings, we have a responsibility to force change, make as much noise as possible until the problems are fixed.
God bless you & keep up the great work!
Lisa Tichenor
Site Owner & Designer
I heartily agree that you and the hundreds of others who so selflessly rescued animals after Katrina and Rita AND THOSE WHO ARE STILL OUT THERE IN THE TRENCHES, deserve many, many rounds of THANKS from the entire country!
I read your blog every day and would also like to see the spam deleted if at all possible, it's not only distracting, but there is one on this comment postings that appears inappropriately OT, and at least one other on one of the older posts that is "way" inappropriate to say the least!
Would also like to point out that the post "you broke into my house..." refers to the 1,000s of beloved pets rescued in NO as "strays". Don't think anyone who has lived with a he/she/it?! "best loving friend for 5 years" would describe anyone else's loyal, loving family companions as a bunch of "strays" either if this were a legit poster lol!! Yes, it's been circulating on all the other blogs. And as anyone who has been reading them from day 1, we ALL know that if this WERE true, we'd be too busy moving heaven and earth to get OUR babies back... instead of wasting time making inflamatory posts! Time to give it a rest already Happypowers, you have way too much time on your hands and everyone is on to you now. Why not volunteer at a nursing home or vet hospital, maybe you'll appreciate life more.
The whole EDNAH nightmare is such an additional heartbreak for the poor animals who have already suffered through so much. The happy reunions are too few for all the babies still waiting for their families to find them via the major meltdown of record keeping and accurate info. Too bad each shelter doesn't start doing a "Daily 5/10" photo op of the Katrina pets they have!! I read of so many BAD pictures and inaccurate breed listings of pets, that volunteers/owners are trying to hunt through. A continuing disaster in a disaster.
After helplessly watching people being forced to leave their pets behind as they were evacuated and rescued, I feel like the nation let them down and is STILL letting them down by not doing more to help them find those pets. EVERY person who applied for aid through FEMA or the Red Cross should have been given a 3X5 card to fill out if they had to leave a family companion behind with as much info as possible. By these posts, I'm sure there are enough people who love animals, who would have volunteered to try to match cards with rescued pets!! There has to be a better way than what's happening now.
America must not give up on these animals. And this should never have to happen again.
Truth is I can't figure out how to delete that spam. I'll ask my web "guy"
Yea, I'm a sucker for a person who has lost a dog. That person should be ashamed of themselves. I lost my 14 year old Yellow Lab 3 months ago. For them to make that up about breaking in is lousy behavior.
this is from an excellent vet friend of mine who was down there- in
response to some NPR report
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Madeline@mercury1.npr.org [mailto:Madeline@mercury1.npr.org]
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 3:02 AM
>>> To: inbound; Morning Edition
>>> Subject: hurricane pet rescue
>>> I thought your overall segment on pet rescue was informative except
>>> for the put-down of rogue rescuers. As one myself, I'd like to
>>> speak in our defense. I am a veterinarian who came to New Orleans
>>> with a colleague and rescued for 3 weeks, indeed breaking into homes
>>> that contained starving animals abandoned not only by their owner
>>> for good or not so good reasons but also by the official rescue
>>> groups. My colleague and I attempted to work within the system
>>> before and after arrival in Louisiana. Our emails and phone calls
>>> offering to volunteer were met with responses such as email again in
>>> 3 weeks - we may need your help then, or the best thing would be to
>>> set up a rescue plan in your area should you ever face a disaster or
>>> no response at all. Our experience was not unique. Countless other
>>> potential volunteers were discouraged from coming after being told
>>> they were not needed. On arrival, the organizations working out of
>>> the Gonzales shelter gave us a total run around. They repeatedly
>>> told volunteers they could not or should not go into the city to
>>> rescue. The rogue shelters and rescuers were people who, like
>>> myself, found that working outside the bureaucratic nightmare that
>>> was Gonzales was the only way to save lives. My colleague and I
>>> personally rescued about 150 animals from unspeakable conditions by
>>> just going into New Orleans and following the barking or army
>>> notations spray painted on homes or following tips. Many were
>>> amazingly healthy but others were dead or dying. These animals were
>>> not being gotten by the HSUS or LSPCA and they were not pets at home
>>> alone for the afternoon. The LSPCA director of field operations did
>>> her best to stop our efforts. We were told that as veterinarians
>>> (with 25 years of experience) that we were not capable of handling
>>> the animals. We were told that we couldn't go into the city without
>>> full hazmat gear. We were made to lose almost a full day of
>>> rescuing while being harassed. Rogue shelters were willing to take
>>> our animals at any time of day or night. Gonzales turned us away at
>>> 8:12pm with a van full of rescues because they stopped intake at
>>> 8pm. They refused to accept our animals because we didn't show up
>>> to their 6am meeting to learn the Snoopy password. They made us
>>> wait for 2-3hours to drop off our animals - time that could have
>>> doubled our night's sleep or given us more time on the streets. The
>>> rogue shelters processed our animals in 30 minutes or less. No,
>>> they weren't all as organized about tracking addresses and taking
>>> photos and yes that was a moral dilemma but at least those animals
>>> were alive in a new home and not dead in their old one and to me
>>> that was a better option. The rouge shelters were also set up in
>>> New Orleans so we could drop a load and get back to the streets.
>>> Gonzales is about 45 minutes out of town - 1 1/2 hours round trip
>>> plus 2 hours wait which meant losing a half day of rescuing. As
>>> veterinarians we provided the most basic of medicines - food and
>>> water and that's what these cats and dogs needed most. At Gonzales
>>> we were doing wellness exams on healthy animals. Sorry to rant but
>>> those organizations are directly responsible for the death and
>>> demise of untold animals and that needs to be known. There would
>>> have been no rogues if they had been doing the right thing. Those
>>> SPCA signs on houses were put there by us rogues as a uniform means
>>> of communicating. I'm one voice - if you need more to believe that
>>> this was another disaster I could get you a hundred names and
>>> numbers to contact - all fellow rogues or people who never went
>>> because their help wasn't needed.
LA/SPCA Transferring Animals to
Partnering Shelter in Plaquemines Parish
(New Orleans, LA) November 4, 2005 – Thanks to a new partnership with the Plaquemines Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), some of the adoptable animals currently residing in the new LA/SPCA shelter at 701 Thayer Street in Algiers will be transferred to PAWS in Plaquemines Parish where they will be placed up for adoption.
Since the new temporary shelter in Algiers is not fully operational and is not prepared to offer animal adoptions at this time, Laura Maloney, Executive Director of the LA/SPCA says, “PAWS has agreed to help find these deserving animals’ wonderful new homes. We couldn’t be more delighted!”
All of the animals currently being housed at the LA/SPCA facility are strays or have been rescued from homes. People who have lost their pet may visit the facility to look for their companion or visit www.petharbor.com, www.petfinder.com.
The PAWS facility in Belle Chasse did not suffer damage as a result of Hurricane Katrina. They currently have space in their facility and have been seeking a way to help the animals of New Orleans. PAWS will have animals available for adoption and will provide long-term space for as long as needed.
PAWS wanted to help the LA/SPCA during the transition period and to develop a long term partnership to assist us in managing the space and intake of animals into the shelter to make room in the Thayer Street facility for our incoming animals.
“It is wonderful to get this kind of help from a neighboring community, we all have a common goal – to help the animals,” said Maloney.
To contact PAWS about adoption please call: 504-392-1601, they are located at 9596 Hwy. 23 South, Belle Chasse, LA 70037.
The Louisiana SPCA worked in cooperation with several other agencies to rescue the more than 8,500 animals after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29th. The Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (LA/SPCA) is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of animal suffering. Chartered in 1888, it is the oldest and most comprehensive animal welfare organization in the state of Louisiana providing care and basic medical services for approximately 11,000 homeless and unwanted animals each year. The LA/SPCA is a membership organization that depends upon the support of the public. The LA/SPCA asks that you demand to see official identification from animal welfare agents to ensure proper authority.
I just wanted to comment on how impossible it should be for anyone to be critical of Pia Salk or any of the other genuine heroes of New Horrorleans. There should be no need for Pia to defend herself. I have wanted to express my amazement at the accomplishments of 1-800-Save-A-Pet! The story of getting the last 100 pets out of Lamar Dixon is amazing! They risked it all and succeeded!
For those of us who can't be in the trenches for one reason or another, the best we have been able to do is provide financial support to rescue groups, and that should include some long term commitments, grassroots groups to send monthly contributions to rather than sending to the diluted HSUS. Not critical of HSUS, just that they have to deal with every animal issue on the planet and I want to focus on companion animal welfare. I selected 1-800-Save-A-Pet for a monthly contribution, even having contributed much to Pasados and others. Pia Salk is one small lady who packs a giant wallop for the pets. And she is no drama queen. I admire her and David Meyers greatly.
I wish to convey my thanks to all the rescuers. And whoever is doing so - please do not villify them and make them feel they have to explain themselves. It only makes you look really bad. And I am not sure there is any way to "undo" that kind of damage to your organization. I too have a federal license and have rescued a couple of wolves, which is like adopting a child. They become a part of your family until death.
Thanks for giving me some place to vent this.
Hey all:
Today we trapped a dog at Beauregard School that we believe to be Kit Bauer's dog. So far the only living surviving dog from Beauregard. I remember the picuture of the writing on the wall begging someone to save them. This dog had puppies in the recent , perhaps the puppies referrred to on the writing on the wall were hers. We did not find any puppies alive. I broke down into tears when Tracy handed this dog to me. For me it was personal. This little dog was fearful, but she started sniffing my pants that smelled like doggie, and before I know it her little tongue was out, lapping at my face. I broke down with tears of joy. We are desperately trying to contact Kit but the number she wrote on the wall is her house number and of course she is not there. If anyone knows how to reach her please contact me. I have the tag numbers from the dogs collar. I attached a pic of the writing on the wall I photographed that horrible day, and a pic of this dog and me tonight at trappers meet end of day. She is the sweetest little ball of joy. Help us get her home if you can. Kit will probably keel over when she finds out her doggie is alive. I remember seeing wet muddy doggie prints in the back school at Beauregard which told me probably some dogs survived. This dog was trapped IN the School 2 mo and 4 days after the storm. Amazing, that means there is hope for Hunter, he could be back there too just hiding as they alll are. Our trapping program is producing amazing results. We are getting the elusive survivors and returning them to their owners what seems like ages after the Hurricane.
Akita pic from Diasaster Response Animal Rescue
the photo was taken by Ghen
maybe contact Mikavr -volunteer for same
www.msnusers.com/BeulaLaGosi - Mikavr
I am reading more & more about animals so fragil that they are dying in the laps and arms of their rescuers as they are being transported to the emergency medical clinic. Could some of these have been saved if there were still enough vets to travel with the rescue crews to start IVs and other treatment before moving them? And if so, is this not enough reason for non-state vets to be alllowed back in? (Not that there should be any question of allowing as many vets into this ongoing emergency situuation?
The No out of State Vets situation is just more of this state saying "we have no problem" I hear it daily from the powers that be!!!!
Wildchild is GORGEOUS
and, a note about feral dogs:
One of my rescues was once a feral hound. She now lies here at my feet--snoring and grinning at the same time.
with time and patience and more patience and time, a half-starved dog who once wouldn't even look at me, who preferred sleeping under a bush in the backyard to lounging on my pillowtop mattress, who ate her food "thief" style, stealing one bite at a time to chew it outside, to being so non-responsive that I had her hearing checked just to be sure, who I once thought, well, at least she has a roof over her head and food to eat, to what she has grown into--a bright eyed, tail wagging, energetic, playful, loveable, biddable companion, eager to learn a new trick each day, who demands her evening walk, who dances for her dinner, and who not only puts up with my insecure dog aggressive rescue, but has him completely fooled into being able to think he is in charge (when it's so obvious he's not), leads me to recommend highly taking in the "feral" dog.
Does anyone know about the situation in Saint Bernard Parish? Are they letting rescuers in?
Hi Eric!
This is Karen, the woman who helped Marilyn trap Teddy and Linus (and took Linus to Oregon).
While I'm very flattered to be confused with Marilyn (she rocks), I am actually the woman posing with Lexie (who also rocks) in the top photo.
I will let Marilyn provide her own photo, just in case she's being shy. She also has an updated photo of Linus, who is thriving here with me and my dog, Buddy - okay, he loves Buddy more than me!
I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful Marilyn is. I envision a Lifetime movie being made about her, starring Sissy Spacek as our lady. :)
I have been emailing several companies to try to get respirators for Marilyn and others because of toxic mold. One of the companies I sent a plea for help to, was the comment/help email address for Lonestar Material Handling in San Antonio. toll free phone:877-661-2661
This was the reply I received, and below it my return email to them: If you have a minute, please write to the Lone Star email address below and give them your thoughts on their email. THANK YOU.
From Lone Star:
"Please, Please delete this email address from your list. We receive hundreds of emails weekly for Orders Only, I would appreciate your cooperation." sales@lonestarmhp.com
my reply:
Sorry for sending the email to your sales address....I do not have a list to delete your company from. I am only one person trying to get this lady a respirator, and some good publicity for the company who provides it. If you can't or won't help her, please don't be rude.
Sorry to bother you!
"Got a question or want to comment on something? If so, our contact information is listed below or please use the following form to fill us in. We'll get back to you right away with a response!"
Pasado bashing...
Get over it people, they did what they thought was right with the information available to them at the time. That is all anyone can ever do. If you were unjustly criticized, so be it. It happens and it's unfortunate, just move on. Take your cues from Eric...I seem to recall a whole lot of slanderous statements about his motivations, donations, etc. Can't we all just get along? Would you rather be right or be happy? You choose.
Here is what I think about totally trashing any one particular orgnization. You can't make broad strokes...I think everyone had things they did well and things they did wrong. I took on HSUS over some very pointed issues. However, they are trying to stop a Black Bear hunt in Garrett County, MD where I grew up which I applaud them for.
I think they did some things wrong and I don't like that they keep painting a pretty face on everything.
Pasado did a wonderful job everytime I ran into them. I think they made mistakes at EDNAH.
Do you just continue to drill these people over and over or do you find common ground to get things done for animals?
Tomorrow I am calling HSUS to get them to put pressure on the shelter that has "chat" and won't return him. Hoepfully they will help because they are in position to do so.
I will write about it in the future but the place that has animals rescue down pat is Noahs Wish--experienced, trained, nonpolitical...
Cross posted:
We need to gather facts that substantiate the need for animal control help and the need for additional vets in the LA areas. We would like to gather that information by Monday morning so that we can put together a document containing various incidents.
A report which mentioned an experienced trapper saying she had never heard so many dogs in the woods and that pigs/boar are dying in a way that is not easy to determine (thus there could be poison or environmental issues of concern) is the kind of first hand information we need right now. These must be first hand accounts with your name attached.
We would prefer that it not contain alot of the story lines unless they are relevant to this task.
If you could have the subject line read: CAN YOU HELP WITH THIS? -- that will help us keep this information together.
Thank you,
Kate Danaher
Animal Rescue New Orleans Volunteer
Marilyn McGee is a Super Hero in human skin.
It's okay to criticize a group as long as it's intelligible. How else does things ever become better? If everyone thought those groups were totally helpless and evil, they wouldn't even bother to criticize them. They would laugh and not waste their time. People criticize them because they have the power to change things and make them better. Everyone knows that HSUS does wonderful work with wildlife legislation. HSUS also investigates dog fighting. Pasado's rescuers did wondergul work in NO. It was the office monkeys that screwed up. Same thing with HSUS. It wasn't the rescuers and volunteers.
Office monkeys also includes goverment officials who didn't help and support HSUS and Pasado.
The politics behind all the decisions remind me of the Catholic church sexual abuse scandals. Many felt that people "in the know" shouldn't talk to the media or let others know because it would hurt the church's reputation. Look at what happened. It got worse over time because of that line of reasoning. The people in power were not interested in change. They wanted to protect their reputation and assets. Change can't happen unless people are allowed to voice their opinions. To suggest that people should tone down their outrage or not even voice them is to support censorship.
Well done on a nice blog EricsDogBlog.com. My friend actually sent me a link to this blog post and I have to admit, theres some pretty good info here but nothing I could find on dog training and behaviour specifically. Although Special Guest Hero: Marilyn McGee is not exactly what I am looking for it certainly got my attention and interest. I was looking for information on dog training and behaviour but am glad I stopped by even though this is not a perfect match.
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These animals have been starving since hurricane and most are already dead.
Parish President Benny Rouselle's solution: He has brought in an incinerator to get rid of bodies. He denied to me last week that there was a problem in his parish. Outsiders are not allowed in to see it...Write to Blanco, or whoever might be able to do something about it. PLEASE! Do anything that you can. even if it is only to forward email! Thank you My email is: gta 1998 at aol . com
Benny Rouselle email:brousselle@cmaaccess.com
Gov. Blanco:www.gov.state.la.us (you must fill out email form on site. She is trying to make it hard to reach her.) Telephone Numbers: 866-366-1121 225-342-0991 or 225-342-7015 Facsimile: 225-342-7099
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/06/05 I just talked to a lady from a vmat group, she is alone down here in Plaquemines Parish. She has been down in the lower part of the Parish, she told me their are starving cows down there and that Gov Blanco has stopped shipments of Hay. Is their someway you could help get hay and what ever is needed for cattle. The story she told me about this cow was awful, she says as the cow saw the van it came running to it to get food. She said it was skin and bones. I told her I would e-mail you and see if someone could get some trucks of supplies sent to Rescue Ranch in Belle Chasse. The girl who runs this is Lori Wilson. She has done all the rescue for the horses and cattle with very little help. This vet is helping her with some care for the animals at her ranch plus going down and trying to help the other animals. I'm sorry I just didn't know this was happening. Let me know if someone can help us. Thanks Laura (PAWS)
P. S. We finally went and got animals from the SPCA, as our wonderful Dr. is not realeasing any of the animals to us. He is giving them to anyone else who wants them. We feel like if we can't help our parish animals we will have to help the others that need our help. We hope to talk to Benny soon and let him know how we feel about this whole mess. Laura greeneyes7567@yahoo.com
Please post info about how to get $$, supplies, etc. to Marilyn.
Is there a reason why there is not a group email effort to get the media to cover the starving animals situation in NO???
IMPORTANT (please cross post) Project Halo has left behind a warehouse full of food and supplies in Gulfport for the people who are in dire need of these items inorder to take care of their pets. THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI HAS CONFISCATED THESE SUPPLIES. THEY WILL NOT RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC, in fact they are selling some of these items that were meant to be given away for free.
To help Jane feed and water, maybe someone in the N.O. area could check with churches, colleges, or volunteer organizations to arrange for a continuing supply of LOCAL volunteers. People who live within driving distance (and don't need to leave their homes and jobs for weeks at a time) are more likely to help out regularly and/or for the long term.
To help Jane feed and water, maybe someone in the N.O. area could check with churches, colleges, or volunteer organizations to arrange for a continuing supply of LOCAL volunteers.
In response to the person who wrote the above (no, I'm not Eric):
Many locals did volunteer at Gonzales, etc. They are very angry at many rescuers and rescue organizations. It's why they haven't come back.
St. Bernard Parish bulldozing last remaining woods/wildlife habitat.
Please send email and crosspost, thank you.
Pet Rescuer Marilyn M reports that E. Judge Perez & Violet Canal Bridge marks the edge of the St. B woods where trapping has been very successful.
Residents Can't Live in Trailers at Home During Demolitons [sic], and More
November 5, 2005
By: Steve Cannizaro
Residents can't live in trailers at home during demolition process...
St. Bernard residents who get FEMA trailers set up at their homes are being cautioned that because of safety concerns they will have to move into a group trailer area when the parish's demolition process starts in their neighborhood.
"Interim'' group trailer sites are being established for people to check into when the process starts in which unsafe structures have to be demolished. One site will be at the old Delchamps supermarket parking lot in Meraux and an anticipated group site using a portion of East Judge Perez Dr. just east of the Violet Canal bridge.
Why bulldoze the woods rather than place the trailers elsewhere? You can't tell me there are no open areas or parking lots available after the hurricane?
1) Forces the wildlife and domestic/feral animals out of their last remaining refuge in the area.
2) Undermines the ability of plant life to create oxygen and begin to repair the toxic environment left in the wake of the oil spill and myriad pollutants.Email:contact@sbpg.net
Additional contacts:
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Please sign and cross post. Thanks.
Allow vets into LA to help Katrina Pets
Investigate, prosecute and convict Josh Greer for cruelty and abuse to Zania (Mauled dog at shelter)
Related petition for Shelter Reform at Lebanon Animal Control Shelter-
Petition for St. Bernard Parish Pet Slaughter-
Please disregard deadline. This is still active.
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