They Listen Now -- 2 Week Workshop
Alert-- Katrina dogs put to sleep...oops I mean Katrina dogs sleep all the time...
We have been in intensive training at my house. This was before training and after I specifically told them no couches. They laughed and told me to mind my own business, "Who are you to tell us? And besides your not here all day and this is the best position to see the TV."
After training and with a few threats about being back on the streets of New Orleans if they didn't shape up...they got smart and moved to a better location. You just gotta be smarter than them.
Survival of the Yorkie:
This is a dog we found at approx. 30 days, alone and scared (well if you know Yorkies he might not have been that scared). He was all muddy, full of briars and surviving somehow on the streets without being eaten. Yorkies think they are big so he might have just made it for a while longer. 30 days for this guy- Alone!
Here he is after clean up-- I loved it when this guy came in. Yorkies just make me laugh over and over again. He was taught these little circus tricks which you can see in the video. Round and Round he would go...
AND YES WE HAVE VIDEO OF THIS DELIRIOUS YORKIE Mr. Mayor --- This will prove once and for all that these dogs were very mean. (Does he know what a dog is?)
This video will play in in Quicktime if you put it in your browser.
Notice my eyes after not sleeping for the previous few days. More video on the way.
I think I will just use the post to put more and more pics in over the weekend so if you get a chance to check back.
Very cute girlfriend you picked up there! She obviously enjoys your attention, oh that's right, she's delirious!
The Horror of Hoarding
Published 05-04-05
ALDF’s recent legal victory against North Carolina animal abusers Barbara and Robert Woodley, whose more than 300 dogs were living in wretched conditions on their Sanford, NC property until removed to the custody of ALDF by the court, shocked many people who read the news reports. Dogs kept in tiny packing crates, neglected, deprived of critical veterinary care— ALDF v. Woodley swung the door on the issue of animal hoarding wide open. But at ALDF, we hear the stories almost daily:
In Pennsylvania, a man is charged with 46 counts of animal cruelty after officials remove 73 malnourished and dehydrated horses, ponies, cats, kittens and other animals – 5 years after he had been convicted of 24 counts of animal cruelty but was allowed to keep the animals.
In Georgia, animal rescue workers enter a home and find 26 living cats – and 179 dead ones.
In Colorado, a distraught woman enters the hospital on a 72-hour suicide watch after humane workers remove 26 cats infected with ringworm from her feces-littered home. Relatives say they were unaware of a problem.
These are just three examples of what health professionals and law enforcement officials describe as "animal hoarding," a widespread phenomenon that is the source of more and more animal cruelty cases every day. The health hazards to the animals can range from blindness (due to toxic ammonia in the air from unremoved urine) and skin ulcers, to debilitating emaciation, dehydration ... and cannibalism.
"Throughout the country, animal hoarders can be found in almost every community, large or small," said Pamela Frasch, director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund's Anti-Cruelty Division. "Hoarders endanger the health and lives of every living creature in their households, themselves included. The deplorable conditions only worsen as they move deeper into a state of denial and the communities around them turn a blind eye. The animals – sick, dying or dead – need help."
Only recently have mental health workers, animal activists and law enforcement officials begun to understand animal hoarding. The Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium (HARC) says an animal hoarder is identified as having these characteristics:
Attempts to keep an abnormally large number of animals
Inability to provide minimal nutrition, veterinary care, shelter or sanitation
Neglect that often leads to illness, starvation, and death of animals
Failure to recognize the devastating impact of this neglect
Almost 100 % recidivism if all animals are not removed from the hoarder and conditions are made to prevent any further ownership
Mental health workers say some hoarders are driven by a behavioral abnormality that makes it virtually impossible for them to give up animals for adoption. ALDF compiles and maintains a national database of animal cruelty cases in which criminal charges have been filed. The ALDF database shows that the phenomenon of animal mills and animal hoarding is widespread – and skyrocketing. While the number of animal cruelty cases in the database rose 30 percent from 2003 to 2004, in that same time the percentage of hoarding cases increased by almost 150 percent.
The burden on local shelters and rescue volunteers when attempts are made to shut down hoarders can be staggering.
For example, in New York's Fulton County, local organizations spent more than $100,000 caring for 230 animals seized from James and Henrietta Fagan before criminal charges were even brought, and those charges were brought only after ALDF stepped in and applied public pressure on the District Attorney's office. "One hoarding case involving a few hundred, or even a few dozen, animals can completely bankrupt a shelter," said Dana Campbell, senior attorney with ALDF's Anti-Cruelty Division. "Counties and shelters need to be proactive now in planning for large-scale seizures of animals by developing foster care networks, passing pre-conviction forfeiture and cost-of-care bond laws and procedures, and finding other ways that immediately shift the costs of caring for so many abused animals from the rescuers to the hoarders. The alternative – to leave these helpless creatures living in squalor with the hoarders – is repugnant and unacceptable."
The relatively low priority assigned by courts and prosecutors to animal neglect cases, coupled with the legal delays of the hoarders themselves, often drag out trials for months or even years, leaving the animals at continued risk. In Ulster County, N.Y., for instance, charges were pending against Patty Abezis since November 2002, while more than 100 animals on her property wait for relief, before she was copnvicted of 38 counts of animal cruelty April 28.
Despite the growing prevalence of animal hoarding cases, only Illinois includes a special definition for animal hoarding in its criminal statutes. The statute, signed into law in 2001, allows for courts to require psychological or psychiatric evaluation and treatment of convicted offenders above and beyond any other conditions allowed under the cruelty statutes.
The importance of having such a legal remedy is recognized by the mental health professionals of HARC and by animal law experts.
"Animal hoarding is a community problem," according to HARC. "It is cruel to animals, can devastate families, be associated with elder abuse, child abuse, and self-neglect, and be costly for municipalities to resolve. Without appropriate post-intervention treatment, recidivism approaches 100 percent. Increased awareness, leading to more comprehensive long-term interventions, is needed."
Hoarders can be difficult for prosecutors, judges, news media and often even veterinarians and the general public to recognize. Protesting their "love of animals" is usually the first line of defense offered by hoarders and it can be difficult for the uninitiated to see through.
"We all need to do what we can to educate prosecutors, judges and news reporters that hoarding is like alcoholism: an incurable addiction that means they must never have another drink – or in this case, another animal – because they can't stop with just one, and they fail to see the devastating damage caused by their addiction," Campbell said. "Communities need laws and judges willing to tell hoarders that they are prohibited from ever owning another animal. It's the surest way to prevent future animal cruelty."
Once hoarders are shut down, the next step they usually take is to relocate to another jurisdiction ... and establish another hell on earth.
"Unfortunately, unlike other crimes such as robbery or car theft," Campbell said, "police departments and local courts are not required to keep track of convicted hoarders, or any type of animal abuser, for state and federal crime data tracking purposes. That means that when a hoarder is finally caught, she or he can easily pick up and move to another state, as hoarders often do, and start over with a clean record as far as law enforcement is concerned. I would like to see the U.S. Justice Department start requiring local jurisdictions to include animal crimes as part of the statistics they must track."
Until law enforcement officers and prosecutors actively track and close down hoarders, huddled masses of animals will continue to suffer in the secret prisons in our midst.
Puppy mill or animal hoarder?
Animal Hoarders:
72 percent of animal hoarders are women.
Half of all animal hoarding cases involve multiple species.
Nine out of 10 cases involve companion animals, evenly divided between cats and dogs
Puppy mills:
Operators of inhumanely cruel “animal mills” are just as likely to be men as women.
Only one fourth of animal mills (22 percent) involve multiple species.
Dogs are four times as likely as cats to be victims of animal mills.
Loved the video! (I'm not a yorkie fan--usually prefer the big dogs, but I'd take this one home!) Just curious, Eric. When you said "Bite me", you were just talking to the delirious dog in your arms, right? No one else came to mind at that moment, I'm sure...
Just saw CNN do a piece on with Bobby Cox and the Atlanta Braves. Wouldn't it be great if every state/region could get their "pro or semi-pro mens/womens teams or even a popular player" to support homeless animals everywhere?!
May be a good way to get kids interested in having their families adopt, foster, support these animals. Remember, children are a major driving force in many "family decisions", pets included. (Just ask me I know... 1 BIG dog, 3 cats, 4 fish later... and still growing...)
Thanks for the smile, Eric. The video of your pups is delightful. After all the bitter tears shed over this ungodly mess it was a welcome change. Thanks again for all your great work.
So-o cute. Did you personally rescue your 4 fosters (especially the black one)? What happened to the yorkie?
Didn't look at the video - am afraid to download Apple software on my PC.
Many many thanks for all your work, and for keeping us informed of the situation.
3 dog owner, Los Angeles CA
Everyone I talk to raves about this guy. He did seminars for LASPCA, Winn Dixi, Jane Garrison..and others and he had this awesome message of respect for the animals and "work" together. Yesterday after weeks of pushing them the LASPCA put out messages of the lends of use believe that they will work with the small groups to cover the city...
Bozeman vet helps New Orleans handle feral dogs
Gazette State Bureau
NEW ORLEANS - Black, fetid water still pooled here this week in a part of the city abandoned by all except frustrated pump house workers struggling to dry the city and a pack of five strung-out dogs.
The animals trotted through the stagnant water, their skinny legs sinking in deep, dark mud. One stared at a column of Montana Humvees rolling by. Another, a nervous 15-pounder, who obviously had spent many nights on a lap on a Lay-Z-Boy, limped through the rubble.
These aren't just horrendous living conditions for the abandoned pets of New Orleans, said Mark Johnson, a wildlife veterinarian from Bozeman sent here to teach local officials how to humanely trap the remaining feral dogs.
"They're actually horrendous dying conditions," he said.
Johnson, the vet who led the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, is in the city for a second time this week since the twin disasters of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in late August and early September.
About 350,000 homes were destroyed, some violently and completely when levees burst, obliterating entire neighborhoods and flooding surviving homes. Tens of thousands of people sought refuge in the city's Superdome and sprawling convention center.
As the people struggled to save themselves, they had little choice but to leave thousands of dogs, cats and other pets behind.
Earlier, fellow Montanan Dave Pauli of Billings came with the Humane Society of the United States and ran an enormous animal shelter for rescued pets operated out of a rented equestrian center. Johnson was among eight Montanans on that trip.
But now, he said, the city has entered another phase in animal rescue: All the animals that wanted to be caught, the frightened abandoned pets, are caught. What are left are packs of wary, feral, hungry and sick dogs.
"There is no food; there is no water," he said. "These animals are barely alive. Free-ranging dogs anywhere are a danger to the public. This is a public health issue."
Worse yet, the dogs threaten to disrupt the most grisly aspect of New Orleans' recovery - the hunt for the dead.
"They could potentially attack the cadaver search-and-rescue dogs," Johnson said.
He and his assistant, Gardiner wildlife biologist Linda Thurston, drove down here with 40 traps late last week. For the next week, they are staying in a borrowed RV parked with a host of others beside a rented, watermelon-green cinder block warehouse in Algiers, across the Mississippi River from downtown New Orleans.
Algiers missed the toughest beatings from the storms. Nonetheless, daylight is visible through the roof of the warehouse that now serves as temporary shelter for the animals.
The two brought 40 humane live traps: dog-size cages baited with food. When the dog steps in for a bite and depresses a lever, a door closes behind it.
The feral dog roundup will concentrate on the Ninth Ward, the poor part of New Orleans destroyed by levee breaks. That's where crews continue to find dead; no residents are allowed in at night and there is still no running water, toilets, gas or electricity.
There are also almost no cats.
"A lot of that is because of the dogs," Johnson said.
He and Thurston specialize in the calm capture of wild or feral animals. It's very important, he said, to handle the animals quietly and calmly from the moment they make contact with people.
These animals haven't been touched by people in more than a month. Since the hurricanes hit, the dogs have been on their own in a crippled city with a sometimes desperate human population for weeks.
"Most of their human encounters have been violent and unfriendly," he said. "We're asking them to work with us."
That first encounter, Johnson said, typically in a cage in an abandoned part of town, is a step toward trusting people again.
Often, Thurston said, that first moment brings about "an instant switch."
"They feel safe again," she said. "The tail starts waging."
Johnson and Thurston's main job is to teach their techniques to the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the group overseeing the total animal roundup and adoption of abandoned pets. They're scheduled to leave at the end of the week, leaving their traps behind.
As they did in the earlier phase of the pet roundup, the LASPCA will take the dogs back to their temporary shelter, give those baths, veterinary care and vaccinations, treating any injuries the animals may have.
They will first try to find the dogs' original owners. The rest will be up for adoption and available for both identification and adoption on a Web site.
A few, those too sick to be saved, will be euthanized, Johnson said.
Saving abandoned animals can be grueling work, Johnson said, but it is an inherent part of any disaster recovery. Like many of the local people helping New Orleans human residents recover, many of those working to save animals have been working almost nonstop since late August. Many of their own homes were damaged in the hurricanes and subsequent floods.
The work is its own therapy.
"I see animal control officers who have lost everything," Johnson said. "They barely have the energy to keep going and they pick up a puppy that wants to play. The bond and connection gives something back to the officer."
October 29, 2005
Admiral Thad Allen
U.S. Coast Guard
Principal Federal Official
415 N. 15th Street
Baton Rouge, La 70802
Dear Admiral:
I have just received a most disturbing message from Jeff Dorson, Executive Director, Humane Society of Louisiana requesting the following
from your agency:
to add a pre-certification process for humane societies, rescue groups and
humane control departments into the Nation Response Plan, which will allow all of us to be integrated into the Incident Command Structure and enable us
to work side-by-side with governmental agencies, such as FEMA, the military
and the USDA.
This is nothing but a ploy by corrupt officials in the State of
Louisiana to prevent hundreds if not thousands of animal rescue volunteers
from as far away as Washington State from rushing to rescue animals the
people of Louisiana shamelessly and voluntarily abandoned to drown, starve
and die for lack of water from the forces of Hurricane Katrina and Rita.
Had not these countless thousands of volunteers from across the
nation given up their vacations, their jobs, and left the safety of their
own homes to rush to the lawless and corrupt State of Louisiana that was
many feet below the surface of toxic scum to save over 10,000 dogs, cats,
horses, pigs, cows, birds and other pets, those animals would not have been
given a chance to live.
As it was, the idiots at FEMA turned away many volunteer
rescuers under the guise that they were potential terrorists and had to be
pre-cleared before entering the cesspool of New Orleans and its environs. Of
course, any terrorist worth his salt would have been running north to escape
the New Orleans pollution not south to enter it.
It is my firm recommendation that this foolish request by Jeff
Dorson, Executive Director, Humane Society of Louisiana be rejected out of
hand so at the next disaster, and mark my words there will be others,
wonderful, courageous Americans will not be impeded and prohibited by such
foolish requirements from rushing to the aide of helpless animals.
If you believe I am exaggerating the plight of the animals and
the perfidity of the corrupt officials of the State of Louisiana, note that
these same corrupt officials have forbidden out of state veterinarians from
continuing to rescue and save countless thousands of starving and helpless
animals that the corrupt State of Louisiana is either unable and refuses to
I beg you not to betray the animals but do that which will help
save thousands of helpless dogs and cats in the future, and turn down this
corrupt scheme hatched by the State of Louisiana and its henchmen. If you
do not turn down this foolish requirement, you are single handedly dooming
thousands and thousands of helpless dogs and cats to a horrible death that
should have been avoided had YOU done your job.
Don J. Rorschach
Truckers Transport Animals To Owners
Transport: Pet Friendly Truckers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Operation Roger
Most Drivers: We can carry only 1-2 pets at a time and would like to help.
BUT, There is a man by the name of Scott Donovan out of San Angelo, TX, who has 2 53' a/c trailers and has gone mass moving. He does want
compensation for fuel costs. I understand shelters are getting funds to help
offset the fuel problem. Perhaps he can better serve you.
He contacted me from the bulletin board and that's all I know about
Operation Roger...Truckers Pet Transport
For our purposes, we need:
When you can get on line at
*click on operation roger
*click on truckers
This will bring up the drivers we have and shows where they will/won't
run and what they will/won't take.
Send us what you want to transport:
*pet name
*breed, age, weight, gender
*exact city/state originating
*exact city/state destination
*any personality traits (do/don't like other animals smaller/larger, etc)
*why they are being transported
Many of our drivers have pets on board as well.
Also need your phone#s, your city/state, and your organization, etc
When we match up pet with driver, they will be put in touch with you.
You in turn will provide the driver with all the necessary names and
phone #s. They will keep in touch with both you and the operation
roger coordinators.
Plus, it would help if you would send separate emails on each animal,
putting their name in the subject line.
Hey Eric !
Under your watchful eye those 'trained' pooches have probably CHOSEN to stay clear of the couch-life - I wonder where they spend their snooze-time when you're not at home !?! - $10 says it's on the couch ! LOL LOL !
Hi everybody! My name is Mika and I'm the author of the editorial that was printed in the Asheville Citizen times that is posted on this website under "Latest News" I thought I would update on what I have been up to, which is a week long trip to N.O. Read till the bottom to hear about an incredible dog...
I'm back and sunburned like a tomato. I have a lot of pictures and alot of
stories to tell about my week in New Orleans, working with the Winn-Dixie
animal rescue group. I'm so glad i went. Although there were some
ugly things to see, and some ugly smells, being able to help made it all
worth it. I don't feel at all like I have PTSD like some people returning.
In fact, i feel more empowered than before.
The first day I arrived and pitched a tent and got right to work watering,
feeding and walking dogs that had already been rescued. There was
little to
no organization at the place, and basically you found something to
do (which wasn't hard, there was always a ton that needed to be done). I slept in a tent in the parking lot. The US Marshalls kept us company and
protected the parking lot until 10 pm every night, but after that there were no lights and no protection, but luckily nothing bad happened.
The second day I hooked up with a vietnam vet (who was pretty rough
around the edges) and he introduced me to the world of animal rescue. We went out into the 9th ward in his van, searching for dogs. I spotted one under a house and he got out and crawled under the house with much gusto, like he was tunneling out of danang or something, and caught the dog with a dog pole. I was so impressed! The next day we went out and repeated that and got another dog from under a different house. There are so many dogs and cats roaming the streets. The animal groups have done a great job laying out foodand water on every corner that those dogs actually, for the most part, look okay. Some of them have injuries, and are difficult to catch, and that is sad and frustrating. Like I had to leave behind a female dog with a prolapsed uterus and puppies under a house because she was being guarded by an angry pit bull and the space under the house was too small to crawl under.
It was very sad though to see all the spray paint on the house: "3 dogs DOA" or "SOS DROP FOOD WATER ICE NOT LEAVING ANIMALS 9/30.... 1 DEAD DOG 10/3 ... 2 DEAD DOGS10/7" , " 3 DOGS UNDER HOUSE, 2 RESCUED, 1 LEFT, FED/WATERED 10/15", etc.
Each night I came back and tended to kennel animals and then ate an MRE and took a dog into my tent and fell asleep to the cacophony of the
kennel behind me.
The third day I went out with Ann and Loreen and we had a girl's day
out rescuing. I kicked down a door of an apartment (yay!) of an owner who had given permission to do that, and tried to find her cat. There was no cat to be found, even after leaving a perfectly round circle of food for an hour, but there was a dead parakeet in a cage. That made me so angry. the owner had not left any water in the cage.
>The fourth day we got 4 dogs from under a house, but had to leave two of their pack mates behind... they were impossible to catch. I'm hoping
that those rescuers I left behind will be able to reunite the pack. We
called the "dog whisperer" ( a guy there who supposedly could catch any dog without a pole) and even he couldn't get them... Sometimes I wonder if we did the right thing when we seperated siblings and packs like that. it's hard to know... one of them (so probably all of them) turned out to have distemper. Now he can get treated for that.
>The fifth day I ran into a dog who had just been pulled out of a house...
after 45 days without food or water... at the shell station which was
serving as a triage center. we were dropping off some dogs and there
she was, a skeleton with loose skin, balding all over, mangy, listliss, but
still wagging her tail even though she could barely lift her head. i hadn't
cried the whole week, but when I saw her I lost it. Her rescuer, a
red-head named Stacy, was also very taken with her. Stacy and her rescue partner had been going house to house, checking houses that hadn't been marked with spraypainted x's yet, by knocking and looking through windows. They noticed some movement in one house, and broke a window and crawled in and found this dog amongst a mess of mold and trash and upside down furniture. Between the two of us we decided I should foster her. Although Stacy wanted to, she lived in a pet free environment. We both returned at 6pm that night to see her off in the 18-wheeler trailer that would take her to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Tylertown, Mississippi. I brought her a blanket so her bones
wouldn't rub too hard on the tray of the crate and to keep her warm
because it was a refrigerated truck and she has no fur or body fat. I called Best Friends as the truck pulled out to make sure they knew i would take her, andI kept calling until I picked her up on the ride home.
The ride home was extended by 3 hours in order to pick her up, and we
arrived in NC at 2 a.m. I then had to leave my frined's house at
5:30am in order to make it to work this morning. I am exhausted.
I left Beulah (the rescued dog) while I was at work with a colleague,Joanne,who has offered to adopt her. I also got another adoption offer at
the PetSmart this afternoon, and another woman came up and bought Beulah a bag of expensive dog food. people stop and want to hear her story. A bum came up and gave her a doughnut before I could stop him (diarrhea). She probably has heartworm and will need treatment for that, but i am confident she will live a good life once she gets her strength back. Many people have fallen in love instantly just looking at her and have offered to help with medical bills.She will have medical bills, so I will not turn down those offers and am shopping for a vet who will work on her at cost. I don't think it will be hard to find. She is a bit of a hand full right now, because since she has a couple of meals in her and more energy, she is scavenging every corner for food, and always looking to drink water. I let her, every hour, but not a lot because she needs to take it easy so as to not make herself throw up.Her front teeth are all gnawed down to nubs, probably from trying to gnaw on non-food stuff in the house or trying to escape by chewing through a door. Poor baby, I can't imagine living in a dark,moldy house all alone without food water or company for 45 days. The vet said also she was a "one dog puppy mill", meaning she was used as a breeding machine. Another lovely side of N.O. I was not previously aware of is the dog fighting... and the use of smaller breeds as "bait dogs" to rev up the fighting dogs. Beulah was apparently a breeder of bait puupies. Sigh. More disgusting human behavior.
All in all it was a great trip. My nose is peeling and my fingernails are
still filthy. I only took two showers the whole time in a tarp enclosed
"camp shower". There were flies swarming everywhere because the food
in the Winn-Dixie store had not been removed yet, so there was still
rotting meat and dairy 6 weeks old. Sometimes when the wind blew through the store I would notice people throwing up in the parking lot from the smell. Even the Vietnam vet, who said he had seen and smelled a lot, said he threw up instantly upon entering the store! He turned me on to the whole Vicks under the nose trick while traveling through the 9th ward. There is not one building, sign, lamp post that has not been devastated. I did not spend a cent while in New orleans, because in our neighborhood you could not buy a pack of gum or a cup of coffee. There was nothing for sale, nothing open, no electricity. We passed by a gas station at one point and I said " Hey look,we're almost back to pre-katrina prices' ($2.49) before I realized that WAS pre-Katrina prices... the gas station had not been open since the day before Katrina hit. I have various rashes and chigger bites from crawling under a house in a fruitless attempt to catch two super fast puppies...
Beulah is really a miracle girl . I named her Beulah LaGosi, a
play on Bella Lagosi (the walking dead) with a southern twist. Then I found out Beulah means land of milk and honey... she is on the couch gnawing on amarrow bone and is well on her way to that place
Ok, I will let you in on my joke if you don't already know it. That couch was designated dog friendly a long time ago. As long as a blanket is down dogs are welcome. No blanket dogs beware.
Yes. I rescued the 4. The Yorkie is in foster with us. That Mac software won't hurt your PC. I miss my MAC.
Good news for our group as we have had a good week of owners finding us. Yea. We know the yorkie must be missed and it just shows how hard it is to find a dog. The owner may not even have the internet or know to go to
Request from Humane LA for letter
by beagle12, 10/29/05 12:23 ET
email addressestoo for those of us who can't seem to operate a pen and paper
Dear Friends:
Our humane agency sincerely thanks you for assisting us in the rescue, recoveryand rehoming of thousands of animals victimized by Hurricane Katrina. Each ofyou is to be congratulated and thanked for all the long hours and the enormouseffort you provided in helping our city and the surrounding parishes when weneeded you most.
A meeting was recently held in Baton Rouge to review the response and protocolcarried out during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by federal, state, out of stateand local organizations. The initial protocol and procedures touched upon atthis meeting has historical significance. It is possible, using the momentum wehave all created, to add a pre-certification process for humane societies,rescue groups and humane control departments into the Nation Response Plan,which will allow all of us to be integrated into the Incident Command Structureand enable us to work side-by-side with governmental agencies, such as FEMA, themilitary and the USDA.
To accomplish these tasks, however, we clearly need the on-going support of Vice Admiral Thad Allen and his assistant, Dr. Stepanie Ostrowski, of the U.S.Public Heath Services, to continue her work on this issue. As many of you mayalread know, Dr. Ostrowski was appointed by Admiral Allen to serve as hisoutreach/education liason officer for the next thirty days. However, I envisionthat her position needs to be extended to cover a full 12 months, so that shecan complete her work on the national level. If you agree with our position andwould like to see Dr. Ostrowski continue in this position, please write and askAdmiral Allen to appoint her for a full year. This appointment will allow herto help in the preparation of the National Response Plan annex, which willinclude protocal for the pre-certification for animal protection agencies.
Please write to: Admiral Thad Allen, U.S. Coast Guard, Principal FederalOfficial, 415 N. 15th Street, Baton Rouge, La 70802
Jeff DorsonExecutive DirectorHumane Society of Louisiana
"My sister and other neighbors are trying to rescue 6-8 starving cats, kittens and they desperately need canned/dry food. If you can help, please bring food to 916 Topaz St., New Orleans, if possible or forward this message to anyone or organization who might be able to help. Thanks and God Bless"
Her response after we told her we could get someone over --\
"Thanks for the help. These cats, kittens are my sister's EMOTIONAL survival right now and she and other really need to save them since they feel so hopeless in every other area of their lives right now. God Bless "
A Dog Sits Waiting
By Kathy Flood
A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun,
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run,
He's been there for days now with nothing to do,
But sit by the road waiting for you.
He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you and he were stopping to play.
He's sure you'll come back and that's why he stays.
How long will he suffer? How many more days?
His legs have grown weak, his throat parched and dry.
He's sick now from hunger and falls with a sigh...
He lays down his head and closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.
Hope where there was none!
by pechala, 10/29/05 23:44 ET
This message is for all those who are still searching for there pets!We have been searching for our dog Angel since Hurricane Katrina. We posted her description on Well, we had given up hope of finding her alive. What with the police killing the dogs and everything else. We had lost hope that she had survived. A couple of days ago, we received a email from a lady named Nancy. She advised us that if we had not found our dog to please check this dog on When we pulled up the listing, there was our precious Angel! Soon she will be reunited with us! The shelter that is housing her will be flying her to us in Texas, at no cost to us. So for those who are still trying to locate your beloved pets ... check daily. As for Nancy... Thank you! Words can not express how much we appreciate your email and the joy that you have brought back into our life! And I wish to thank the very special men and women that have taken time out of their life to go and rescue the people and the pets of St Bernard and the surrounding areas! May God Bless You All!
First, God bless you for all you are doing, Eric. WAY above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
There is a black and white Akita in about the 6th or 7th photo of the horror at Ednah. I can't seem to get the picture to load, but it's on the
This poor Akita stands out in all of the horrors of EDNAH, lost and scared in a cage in or close to Mountain Home, Arkansas. Someone. somewhere is looking for this big baby, either in Arkansas or Louisiana, or somewhere up and down the Gulf Coast. Call Pasado Safe Haven, any of the Akita Rescues (Heart of Dixie) or Sheriff John Montgomery at 870 425 7551. We are in Montana, have two very jealous Akitas of our own, or we would foster that fur baby in a second.
Ray & Carla McDonald
That is a pretty Akita.
The Tammy situation is a mess. She did have dogs that she was holding for military folks and others. Is this one? Who knows and who knows how anyone can tell?
The people are documenting all animals and I hope they have some plan to POST each animal and where it is taken to should they all eventually be taken off the property. I have heard they are looking for breed people in case they get the go ahead to clear the place. The Akita group should get info over. If someone emails me I will try to get it to the correct people.
Is there still hope of ever finding the little oily dog?
The photographer Tom Fox of the Dallas Morning News doesn't ever deserve to own a pet of his own, if this is how he thinks that a beloved family companion should be treated. I can't find a word that is harsh enough to describe what I think of his cruel, unfeeling, inhumane actions.
There was talk of posting fliers with your reward offer in the Chalmette area. Do you think it is possible that someone rescued this little guy and kept it for their own, taking it home with them. Though if this were the case, surely there would be other rescuers who would know?! We need to get the picture back in the headlines again... Any ideas??
If you want to send wet food to rescuers less expensively - send the rip-open foil packs, much less $$ to send, unless you want to give the USPS a "donation", too.
I Live in Vero Beach Florida and just yesterday (Saturday) the arrest of a hoarder was in the local news paper. 114 spaniels and 60 something other dogs - all emaciated and in poor health. All the animals were removed from the business (a puppy mill type operation) and taken to the local humane society.
How many animals makes a hoader? I have 4 dogs (could easily go to 5 soon), 3 mice and 1 hamster...
"The care there is not what it should be, especially the medical attention. Many have
died that should not have, this is very hard for me to accept. The people there are
very rude and obnoxious to say the least. The Sheriffs Dept is exceptional so they
are not the blame for any of this. The vet should have been kicked out the first day,
he is a total ASS. The people that have come to help are terrific, even after being
treated like shit they still stay, like myself, and care for the animals. This is all very
sad. The cats are fine and have an offer from FURR to go there and be placed, if its
allowed. From what I hear I dont know what will happen, I hope it is left to those who
care and not to the ones in charge now.
The above was about the Tammy not believe all you hear about all is ok....
Regarding Oily Dog. Take a look at the photos taken at EDNAH
look at the dog in the fourth and fifth row starting with IMG5427 through IMG5430. Could this be Oily Dog? The face and ears look just like him and the size seems right. After being cleaned up he/she would be lighter in color as this dog is. Does anyone know where this dog came from?
Just got back from New Orleans. Things are still chaotic. I recommend volunteering with Winn-Dixie. Richard is running it now. There's another guy named Gary. Both seem very knowledgeable. They are working in the nineth ward and plan on getting more traps shortly. Both guys seem credible. Sometimes they work at night in the nineth ward but soldiers are still patrolling it. It's mostly abandoned by the residents.
Met some volunteers on Magazine Street and St. Bernard who are a little "crazy". One of them likes to drink and drive. Some of the others insist on working at night on country roads were it is obvious that residents have returned. These residents are country folks. The residents have signs posted saying that they are home and will shoot looters. Tried to talk the volunteers out of working at middle of night. You're not visible and the residents could mistake you for a looter, especially if you are breaking their locked fences. Believe it or not one of the dogs the volunteers took, the owner called, and the volunteers had to take the dog back to the owner. They are giving rescuers a bad name. It's only a matter of time before the residents of Chalmette and Orleans Parish get fed up with rescuers.
There is a FEMA tent off of West St. Bernard Hwy (connected to St. Claude Ave in NO). If you can can get in around 5:30 pm (free dinner), you will get a chance to meet residents. If you "animal rescue" painted on your vehicle, residents will come up to you and tell you where they found an animal. Also check out Walmart on Judge Perez. Many residents there.
To bad a few rescuers have to give 1000 a bad name.
I liked Richard at Winn Dixie alot.
Drinking? Jesus, I had 1/2 a beer a few nights. I would open one and then had so much to do I would sit it down and lose it. Who wants to or has time to drink? Strange.
I'm not kidding about the silliness of some of these "rescuers." It's occurred to me that some of these people have never been out of the city and must have led a very protective life. Others simply don't care whether they are breaking the law or not. They are there on "vacation", getting free food and housing. And then you have the "god complex" volunteer who believe that she or he is the savior of man kind.
At one point, when a FEMA person told us about starving cows, the volunteers wanted to drive out to the middle of the field. I asked them what are we going to do there. All we had was dog food. Were they planning to feed cows dog food? I said that we needed to call Holly at Magazine Street and that she would call a large animal rescue who are equipped to deal with cows. Anytime I mentioned calling Holly at Magazine St. or Richard at Winn-Dixie, they didn't want to. I later found out about the owned dog that they "rescued" and that Holly made them return. I wish someone had warned me what was going on.
I wish I knew earlier that these people I teamed up with were this confused over the purpose of the rescue operations. I keep hoping that the reason why volunteers are acting silly is due to lack of sleep. But I'm starting to doubt this.
I am amazed that some peoples concept of the rescue was not to rescue and return to the owner. It was rescue and play god finding the dog a new and suposed "better" home. You could look at most of those dogs and cats faces and see how much they missed the owner. Sure we saw badly taken care of dogs and cats and nobody was saying those needed to go back. But so many of the animals obviously had owners. People got attached to animals and took them... I was always thinking as attached as you are how can you not understand how much more the owners must miss them. I want to be clear that the bulk of rescuers had it "right." They wanted to find owners. My entire group was all about that. No questions asked. We took an animal and we put our own cell phone numbers on the house. We have gotten a ton of calls directly from the owners. In fact a Black Lab we called big boy is on a plane right now to his owner in Houston. This will amaze people but we know where every animal is and we have an excel spreadsheet now and we have a sunday conf call to go over the status of each, owner, foster, petfinder and on and on. Eric
I met a rescuer named Karen or Carol in New Orleans who's claming that she started Winn-Dixie, Muttshack, and several other rescue groups. Is this true? She asked the military to deliver dog food to Southern Animal Foundation on Magazine St. yesterday. This seems to be true because she took us to a place in Violet, LA, next to a docked military ship that has lots of dog food. At first we thought she was working for the military. But it turns out that she's just a rescuer. Has anyone else met her?
My name is Tim Maddock and I was sent your contact info from a fellow Lamar Dixon volunteer named Tiffany. She thought you might be useful in trying to get the word out on a dog, Tessa, I am trying to find for a Katrina family. The family's story is particularly unfortunate.
On Saturday September 17th, Joe and Dawn Chighizola came with their daughter and Tessa to Lamar Dixon to look for their cat. Joe went back into the barn area while the others waited out front. While waiting, their daughter became very ill and was rushed by a Capt. Elkins to the Red Cross shelter at Lamar Dixon. At Red Cross, they were told that the dog could not enter the premises. A nurse, Mary Fairchild, agreed to take the dog and find Joe. That is the last time the family saw their dog.
I have found out that Mary gave the dog to a LSU volunteer named Brad Overmeyer. Brad walked around for four hours, unable to find Joe. They were unclear as to who the Chighizola's were, thinking they may have been evacuees staying at the Red Cross. He left the dog (he thinks) with the Barn Manager in Barn 1, Julie Petersen. She gave the dog over to Barn 6 (used for Red Cross evacuees' animals), but Julie feels certain (as does Brad) that the dog ended up in Barn 5. They both saw the dog there within a few days of Sept. 17. Furthermore, the Red Cross volunteer managing Barn 6 remembers the dog and knows they handed the dog over to the HSUS/ASPCA barns in the days before Rita hit. Nobody remembers seeing the dog again after Hurricaine Rita. The family searched the barns again that day (Sept. 17th) and the next, unable to find Tessa. I met them on their third and fourth visits, the weekend after Rita hit. I am now trying to track down volunteers from Barn 5 to see if she looks familiar. I've found the Barn Manager, but she did not remember Tessa.
Tessa is a female, not spayed, approx. 8 years old. She weighs approx. 10lbs. and is part pug and part chihuahua. She's tan with a white chest and a black muzzle. Her tail has a little curl to it and she likes to be held. She has a bad tooth in front so she eats to one side and has very bad breath. Since the dog was lost at Lamar Dixon, I have no proof that the dog was ever given any intake paper work.
I've included pictures of Tessa both in the body of the email and as an attachment. ANY help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I didn't fully understand from Tiffany if you were at Lamar Dixon yourself. But if so, then anything you can remember - i.e. if you saw the dog, the last time you saw the dog, where in the barn you think she may have been (even the aisle is helpful) or the names of ANY other volunteers who may remember her, please let me know.
The father lost his mother in the hurricane, they've not located the cat and they've lost all their belongings. Tessa means a great deal to them and they're desperate to find her. ANYTHING you can do to help would mean so much. You can reach me at this email address or if you give out an address to the "public", please use
26742. Marilyn McGee needs help!
by AnnetteDub, 10/31/05 4:32 ET
Marilyn McGee has been performing herioc rescue on the ground in N.O. / St Bernard since the hurricane. Here is her latest update->
"We need help now more than ever. After recent grounding of WinnDixie, the other groups are rescuing in full force. We need trappers orloaned or donated dog and cat traps, trap blankets, Water for animals inareas where there is none. It is in short supply and the animals must haveit. I bought water today, but with my financial burden I will not be able todo that forever. Also gas cards for Shell of Exxon. They took away the freegas pumps for animal rescuers. Water bowls, Stainless steel leads, and slipleads. Lg. Plastic transport kennels for dogs and cat carriers. We areplanning a massive trapping effort in St. Bernard, as the dogs are so hungrythey are eating small animals including cats. Due to the lack of rescuers inthat area food stations are nearly non existent except for the ones littleold me is maintaining. I am getting some food donations from Best Friends sothat is not going to be a problem. We need people out there to do anythingfrom food drops, to difficult rescue, poling, trapping, transport etc. Ihave teamed with Lexi from NY HSUS. Susan put a posst for me on andI have already had a volunteer with disaster rescue and trapping experinececontact me. Now that the Sheriff's dept has realized that the problem ismore than serious, they are caling us with locations of packs and roamingdogs. They contacted Rich at Winn Dixie yesterday with many requests forhelp.At this point rescuers are being welcomed with open arms. The work isharder now, and still dangerous, we need hardy folks with nerves of steel.We are doing night rescues too, as these elusive animals will wait fornightfall when they can eat and there are no people around to come out, andthen the streets come alive. Have any kindhearted soul that wishes to helpcall me."
If you can help Marilyn, her email address has added a page that contains a conprehensive list of links for helping with Katrinas pet victims.
Eric,your dogs have trained you well guy!
To rescuers going out to Chalmette:
Everyone knows a bout this loose beagle running around on St. Bernard Hwy (connected to St. Claude Ave in NO). Ask the soldiers at the checkpoint. Everyone's seen it and haven't been a ble to catch him. Someone needs to try trapping him before he gets run over by a car.
Found a Karen O'Toole mentioned in a recent newspaper article. She is associated with Muttshack:
So few reports about the Hansen situation & condition of the animals. The few reports coming out are very vague and conflicting. Please, does anyone know what is going on there, with the dogs?
no one really knows what's happening because we are only hearing Pasado's side publically... the people who have other (additional) information won't post it.. they've been intimidated by Pasado. Their update today is... weird...
Lets not get carried away with the rumors about Tammy's...HUGE dog lovers are working at Tammy's everyday...They make it better every day... they had a few dozen people over the weekend. It isn't like they are the kind of people that just sit around all day...
Is it true to Mayor suggested cokcfighting as a way to draw back tourists? Please tell me it ain't so. Eric
Cock fighting is still legal in Louisiana. The mayor is already planning to build a bunch of casinos in NO so it wouldn't surprise me if he supports cock fighting.
I've heard that LA SPCA is trying to shut down Muttshack and Winn-Dixie. It has to do with out of control rescuers. Someone needs to call Rich and let him know about the renegade rescuers who are rescuing owned pets whose owners are on site.
Here is what you do when you steal or lose someones pet after rescuing it --
Urgent, need 2 find Tobias
by kristysmom, 10/31/05 13:17 ET
owner has had a nervous breakdown & is in hospital,also physically sick, going to give her a call, her mom called mue just now anf said Dana was asking if I heard about him and needs to talk to me. please help me help her, he is all she has
My info is that LASPCA is not getting people shut down. In fact they are coordinating with outside groups to make sure they are not overlapping work.
Posted on petfinder:
4 volunteers left.
Defcon 5, people!!!! If you know anyone who is even thinking about going down, please encourage them to do so. There is now a skeleton crew onsite trying to take care of 60+ dogs and maybe as many cats - including a large group of ferals, which I can tell you from personal experience, is no cake walk.
Please please please please please help!
Volunteers at Muttshack and Winn-Dixie were told a couple days ago that they would be arrested if they brought any more animals to those sites. Also Magazine St. stopped accepting animals Saturday because Best Friends in Tylertown, MS, was too full. On Sunday, Magazine ST volunteers were told it was okay to bring any critical animals in. It appears to have been a tempory problem caused by Best Friends being full.
FW: Pasado - Keep your mouth shut, please
Date: 2005-10-31, 1:34PM CST
You are sending dogs to Rhonda, and in Rhonda's naive even with good intention, she is going to send these NON neutered, NON spayed pit bulls to BREEDERS!
This is why the CA group told you NOT to. You are pissed, because other people found out that you are on the verse to make another HUGE mistake that more dogs will suffer.
HSUS has controlled of EDNAH dogs. Let HSUS do their own diligence.
It's very simple. You and HSUS book a flight to CA group (the rescue group that you mudslinged on your site)and tour the place.
Keep your mouth shut for now, and don't threat anybody with law suit, because other groups are a lot bigger than yours, they can sue your behind faster than you can count 1, 2, 3.....
You GET on the plane. Inspect the facility with your own eyes (no volunteers, no third party.....YOU/The founders). We, rescue community, challenge you to do that. The plane ticket is money well spent for a shelter check for that many pit bulls you want to place, or dispute. Enough is enough!!!
Put your money (oops! Previous donators' money) where your mouth is!!!!! Be a responsible rescue group for a change.
this is in or around Pasado
where are they now sending these dogs? Rhonda who?
Didn't Diane Jessup and the west coast sites say they respect TurtleBay Pits and TurtleBay in turn did the check and this was a good place. (Ronda's) Go figure? Shouldn't all the animals be altered? That just seems like common sense. Maybe. Wasn't the HSUS suppose to make the final choice and be in control? Man O Man, the story gets better. But what about the forgotton 400.
This is the new site for the Winn Dixie postings. Withour getting into a big story lets just say that the direction of the camp has changed some and the leadership has changed also. I have the utmost respect for all thoes who came before, those who have remained, and those who will come now. This mission is far greater then the sum of it's parts.
The animals still need help so if you are so inclined to go please check the site for the information you'll need. They found a dog in a house still alive two days ago. He had been locked inside since before Katrina.
This is the new site for the Winn Dixie postings. Withour getting into a big story lets just say that the direction of the camp has changed some and the leadership has changed also. I have the utmost respect for all thoes who came before, those who have remained, and those who will come now. This mission is far greater then the sum of it's parts.
The animals still need help so if you are so inclined to go please check the site for the information you'll need. They found a dog in a house still alive two days ago. He had been locked inside since before Katrina.
Muttshack, at the corner of Hayne and Crowder,is sheltering animals and needs volunteers to take care of them...they are unable to continue rescuing those pets in the streets until they have more volunteers...they also need clean towels and bedding for the animals and the ability to do volunteer, just show up...or call Amanda at 818-272-1671
Sat, 29 Oct 2005 09:29:45 EDT
Subject: New Orleans update
Please cross post to all lists.....
Dear All,
I arrived back in San Antonio from New Orleans the day before yesterday after spending almost 7 weeks there.
What an experience, one that will most certainly stay with me for the rest of my life. Needless to say, this experience certainly woke up many emotions that often stay well guarded. I was touched with sorrow, anger, mis-belief, distrust, emptiness and yet at the very end of it all, sheer joy, I had chills that I have never experienced before in my entire life.
When I first arrived in new Olreans, it was sheer chaos, too many chiefs not enough indians and ego's were at an all time high. However, as time went by, things started to get better, groups that had never worked together before, united and worked together to save the lives of those affected by these horrific storms.
Whilst the many animal welfare groups involved did a good job in this effort, I have to say that my utmost respect and praise goes out to the ASPCA. This group is still assisting animals today, they have never faltered on making good their promises and they have gone far above and beyond their call of duty.
Although I have never had the pleasure of working with them in the past, I am extremely proud to have been a part of their efforts. Thank you ASPCA for bringing true meaning to animal welfare! You are a terrific role model.
Whilst many things seemed dismal at times. Volunteers were tired and short tempered, only to be expected considering the long hours and horrific living conditions. Mistakes were made, but that also was to be expected, after all, this was a disaster of magnitude far beyond anyone's imagination.
It brought out the best and the worst in us all.
In the end I believe we have all learned a hard lesson and I know that this will encourage plans for future disasters so that it will be easier on all concerned. Lets just pray nobody has to go through this again.
The worst things I encountered, which I found to be highly disturbing were,
Nasty messages left on houses by self appointed rescue volunteers; Example, A firefighter left his four dogs in his back yard, he was feeding and watering them daily, there was absolutely no reason for these animals to be removed, however they were, and they ended up traveling to San Antonio, TX to our sanctuary and then on to another shelter. We did manage to get the dogs back and re-united with a very loving family. Mike told us not only were his animals taken, whoever did it, left a nasty message on his door, calling him some very nasty names and accusing him of animal cruelty. This was not an isolated case and many animals were removed unnecessarily. These activities are unforgivable!
Many of these people were forced to leave and were not allowed to take their animals with them, they lost everything, their animals are all they have left, so every effort should be made to get these animals back to their owners!
Also a few makeshift staging areas refuse to follow the policies and procedures set by the larger animal welfare groups, there is no oversight with these groups,(they do not want oversight) this hinders the re-uniting effort and it is also keeping animals on the ground in small crates, under less than adequate conditions, for prolonged periods of time. The majority of the animals that were housed in staging areas overseen by national animal welfare groups, have been safely placed in temporary shelters and are being cared for pending their return home.
I want to share two pictures with you, these pictures say a thousand words. It was these reunions that gave me chills, this made everything worthwhile.
Although this was a tragic disaster, good things did come out of it, it helped many of us re kindle, compassion, hope, trust and love. Katrina brought many strangers together who quickly came to share one common goal, to make the best out of what seemed to be, at one time, a hopeless situation.
The first picture is of a family that had three small dogs, this little one was the only survivor. Tears flowed when they saw Cujo for the first time in almost 9 weeks.
The second is a handicapped woman who was airlifted off of a roof top, she reached out for this little poodle called Tiny, but could not grab a hold of her, she cried tears of joy to see her little one again. This little guy was all she had left.
Thanks to all the donors, volunteers, people manning computers, the research workers and the ones that never gave up, you have all made some very deserving people and animals happy.
Carol Asvestas
Wild Animal Orphanage
Dogs killed in fire some from NO
Reply to:
Date: 2005-10-28, 1:34PM CDT
Subj: [The Human Race] FIRE at KATIE'S RESCUE SHELTER!!!
Date: 10/27/2005 1:21:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Fire at Katie's Rescue Shelter PLEASE HELP!
On Friday, October 21st, Katie's Rescue Shelter caught fire and burned to the ground!
Carrie Bay Green, her Daughter Cynidel and Husband Kenneth were not injured as they were out of the house when the fire broke out. There were over 40 foster dogs and puppies inside when the house caught fire. 15 animals perished in the fire, including Carrie's own cat and two dogs.
This is a terrible tragedy, the house in Camden, West Virginia was not only a shelter for the many rescued animals it housed, but it was home to Carrie and her family. There was no fire insurance on the house.
Carrie is in desperate need of help. Many of the puppies rescued from the fire suffer from smoke inhalation and are in need of medical attention, a few still struggle for their lives.
Rescue groups and adopters are needed for these animals immediately. Many of the adult dogs have special needs and are presently tethered outdoors in the frigid temperatures with little or no shelter. These dogs need to get indoors ASAP. If we can get enough people/rescues between WV and NJ to speak up for these dogs, a transport can be arranged.
Carrie and her Daughter are presently staying with friends. Everything they owned was lost, all they have is the clothes on their backs. Please help them if you can, they need everything.
Donations can be sent to:
Katie's Rescue Shelter
Post Office Box 194
Camden-on-Gauley, WV 26208
Carrie can be reached by phone at 304.765.5925.
CrossPost From NOLA Board
This is of interest - does the confusion never end?
26756. Still looking for your dog? We have many dogs
by DogKeeper, 10/31/05 8:55 ET
Hi,I evacuated to Northern Arkansas and have been volunteering at a facility that is now being run by volunteers. There are about 400 dogs here. Many are from hurricane Katrina, some are definitely from New Orleans. These dogs have no paperwork but we are now microchipping and photographing each dog, so that when the court orders they can be released they can be dispersed. If you are still looking for your dog and have tried all the other shelters, it might be here. We have every breed imaginable from chihuahuas to danes, mastiffs, new puppies
Pasado now sent 25 pits to Rhonda Steele of Pet Pawlor Inc. with Sarah Inc. (256) 759-0273, and monitor by Turtle Moon.
The worst has happenned as Rhonda Steele is NOT pit bull experienced.
OMG! How could this happen again?
"Rhonda has a great deal of knowledge in dog behaviors. She is lacking in the specific area of pit bulls but we at Turtle Moon...."
Pasado was warned again by pit bull rescue group about Rhonda Steele. Rhonda DOES NOT HANDLE PIT BULLS, but they sent 25 INTACT pits to her shelter!!!!!and some other group will help to place pits......?!!!!!
I am so sick of this.
My last email resulted in 12 people from 6 states, who cared about the tortuous plight of New Orleans animals, going as a group to bring relief We were there from Oct 12 until October 22nd. Sheila Mahon and I were the only two “two-timers.” I pre-shipped 1000 aluminum watering pans and about 30 seven gallon water jugs. We also had a total of 4 trucks/SUVs for our team’s assault on Armageddon.
We get there on the last day that Lamar Dixon had any HSUS personnel left. Anne Culver, HSUS Director of Disaster Svcs (who I had worked with and for during my first trip), was saying her goodbye to staffers in a lone trailer. That trailer had kept tens of thousands of animals alive for 6 weeks with the now famous “feeding and watering” operation instituted by the HSUS, Jane Garrison and David Meyers. But now it was obvious that a major transition was occurring -- their feeding and watering operation had come to screeching halt as a result of the HSUS closing down of Lamar Dixon.
Consequently we did not know where we were going to stage our team’s re-instatement of the feeding and watering of the city’s animals. We rolled into the Winn-Dixie parking lot and instantly felt at home. In the ensuing 10 days our vehicles dropped food and water at almost 1000 locations throughout the city, for the first time reaching many parts of the infamous Ninth Ward and St. Bernard Parrish, which had previously been closed to all but military and police..
Having brought one large dog trap on the plane we began setting the trap on the third day. Plus we borrowed a dog trap which no one else was using. Pretty soon we were bringing in 2-3 dogs a day. Our daily routine was to wake up at 6:30 AM, walk the almost 100 dogs in the kennel area for an hour, load up an SUV with 30 seven gallon water jugs, drive to St Francis Church in downtown N.O. where they had a water purification system strictly for the animals, which we used to get the day’s water for distribution in the streets. Return to Winn Dixie and eat a bite (if we remembered to), load up the vehicle with 500 lbs of food, 100 bowls, 50 gallons of water, a dog catch pole, a crowbar, and water for us to drink. Two man teams in each vehicle…one navigator one driver. Have a morning meeting with all four teams and divide up the city into grids and assign a team to feed and water one entire grid each day. Check the traps from the pervious night and collect a dog or two, re-set the traps and start the water and feed drops until dusk, then go back and check the traps again, and collect some more dogs again. Then head back to Winn Dixie to unload and intake the trapped dogs, then walk and feed the kennel dogs, after all this we ate dinner (most of the time). We repeated this for 10 days.
Within a short time we had fed and watered at least 20% of the entire city…in perfect grid pattern, with feed and water stations located at intersections and a trail of cat food leading from the food to the water. Dogs can pick up the smell of cat food from a half mile away.
Our dog trapping operation was so successful that others at Winn Dixie started trapping also toward the end of our stay. I trained half a dozen people how to humanely and effectively use dog traps. I demonstrated on actual feral (if there is such a thing) dogs we caught. I showed how the catch pole can be used humanely and not subjecting the animal to additional anguish. We trapped 14 or 15 dogs (I lost count), half of them purebreds. We were able to find foster homes for all the dogs, even though a couple of them went to Best Friends at Tylertown, MS. In total we removed at least 20 animals from New Orleans and fed and watered hundreds more.
We were privileged to have seen the very best in people. For once in my life I saw hunters and animal rights vegans working hand in hand. Perhaps that should tell all of you who have not yet gone to help just how desperate the situation is for animals in New Orleans. Time is running out very fast as the authorities simply cannot allow the hundreds of packs of dogs roaming the streets to live like that indefinitely.
Right now there are more dogs than residents in many areas of the city. Residents are just coming for one day from hundreds of miles away to see the damage to their homes and not returning for days or weeks at a time, if ever. Pets which are still boarded up in homes (latest one found alive the other day) and running loose are on very short borrowed time.
After interviewing many residents we know that 25% of them are never coming back.
Once more residents return the packs of dogs will be running away into the more devastated areas, where no resident will return since those areas will be razed by bulldozers. That is when the authorities can safely shoot all the dogs…by cordoning off the area like they did the Ninth Ward…and shooting all the dogs….without fear of collateral damage.
So the ONLY chance these thousands of former beloved pet animals have is for the authorities to continue to see a visible, active and effective trapping operation continuing. Our teams were able to get into St Bernard Parish when it was closed, we were allowed leniency past the curfew by law enforcement, I even met with and received the support of the Military Commander of the Ninth Ward. Someone was sabotaging our trap in one location and the commander agreed to step up his patrols on that block for us.
The authorities know that trapping is the best way to remove the enormous stray dog population but if the humane community is unable or unwilling to provide that service the state officials will have no choice but to solve the problem the “quick” way….by shooting.
Depending on your abilities you can help in the following ways:
Feed and watering teams
Walk and care for the dogs in the temporary kennels
We do have good news for those who may consider going. 1) If you can stay for at least a week we may be able to get you free transportation. 2) If you agree to go with our team you can have a private house in NO to stay or camp out at (with electricity and drinkable water). 3)Delta is providing free transportation for animals you may want to bring back.
To our last group:
Paulette, Sheila, Rita, Sara, Sheila D, Larry, William, Carol, David, Allison, Karen, and those who we met who collaborated with our group to save lives such as Tracy, Christine, Gary, Lou, June, Vicki, Shug, Lidia, Lauren, Tom, John, Ann, Paula and dozens more……
…….JOB WELL DONE. It is not often that one can say “I did everything in my power for my innocent animal friends.”
Garo Alexanian
Executive Director
Companion Animal Network Television
Garo Alexanian founded C.A.N. with the goal of ending the 100 year old policy of killing unwanted and lost dogs and cats in NY City. With C.A.N.'s political lobbying, litigation, and authoring of legislation which was introduced in both the State Assembly and State Senate, and its passage through committee, N.Y. City finally agreed to try to switch to "no-kill" animal control. The NY City Council acknowledged his successful efforts in Resolution 982. Since then New York has received over $20 million in grants as a result. Subsequently, Garo Alexanian served as Senior Assistant to former NY City Deputy Mayor Herb Rickman, who was at the time a senior advisor to mayoral candidate Rudy Giuliani. He also served as an informal advisor on animal control to Mayor Rudy Giuliani during his first term. Additional information at
FW: RE. 25 dogs from EDNAH to Rhonda Steele. Courtesy of Pasado!!!!
The person from Turtle Moon cannot even tell the difference between AP and pit bull. Look at the picture of the dog in Pasado link re. Rhonda Steele of Pet Pawlor Inc. with Sarah Inc. (256) 759-0273, that was supposingly checked out by Turtle Moon. The writing was supposingly from Turtle Moon. Look at his long nails, and dermodex on his front lower legs. If you cannot see well, lighten the picture up, and you will see. You can see the dog in reference: "Bully Boy, one of Rhonda's pitbull buddies". The picture was taken on 10/2, so Pasado should check it out to make sure the dermodex on this dog is better. It does not matter who recommended what, the evidence, and picture says "thousand words".
And these people who are going to monitor and place pit bulls for Rhonda Steele's shelter?
OMG! What is WRONG with Pasado? Are they out of their mind or something? SUSAN, MARK! Can one of you get your butt to Rhonda Steele/Pet Pawlor Inc. and DO THE SHELTER CHECK for yourself? Have you learned a lesson yet with EDNAH/Tammy Hanson?
this is in or around Sick Sick Sick
"Didn't Diane Jessup and the west coast sites say they respect TurtleBay Pits and TurtleBay in turn did the check and this was a good place. (Ronda's) "
no, Jessup certainly has not indicated that...
Pasado has not stated publicly how they decided TurtleMoon was THE authority, or indeed how they made any such decisions. After their decisions result in a disaster like EDNAH, THEN they are quick to blame others for recommending the facility. All of this is completely avoidable
(Slidell, LA) October 17, 2005 – Noah’s Wish, the not-for-profit organization that works exclusively to rescue and shelter animals in disasters, is caring for over 1,000 pets at a temporary animal shelter located at 1325 Bayou Lane in Slidell, LA. Residents are being asked to visit the shelter, located next to Heritage Park, to identify their animals. Over 700 pets have not been claimed by owners. Animals will be held for thirty days and if unclaimed, will be placed in foster care for an additional thirty days in order to make every effort to reunite owners with their pets. Noah’s Wish expects to be operating the temporary shelter in Slidell until November 15, 2005.
“Miracles continue to happen every day,” said Terri Crisp, Founder and Director of Noah’s Wish. “Just last week, a dog was rescued from a nearby highway. When she arrived at the shelter, we realized she was nursing, so there had to be puppies left behind. We took the dog out to the area she was found, and she quickly led us to a porch where we found her puppies.” The puppies had been along for a day or two but they and their mother are doing fine.
Noah’s Wish has been working with Slidell Animal Control to rescue, shelter and care for animals in the aftermath of Katrina for 49 days. The following are the most updated statistics pertaining to Hurricane Katrina rescue:
To date, Noah’s Wish has cared for over 1,647 animals at the temporary facility including over 600 cats, over 900 dogs,12 birds, 8 chickens, 7 ducks, one emu, one scorpion, one tarantula, one ferret, one fish, 3 geese, 2 horses, 3 lizards, 2 mice, 2 pot belly pigs, one rat, 12 rabbits, 3 snakes, one pea hen, one flying squirrel, 3 squirrels.
384 pets have been reunited with owners.
708 animals at the shelter not yet identified by owners.
195 pets have been adopted. (These were animals in the Slidell Animal Control shelter before the storm and animals that have been surrendered.)
32 pets are in foster care (Some have been placed in foster care at the request of owners who were displaced; others for medical and behavioral reasons.)
284 owned pets are being cared for at the temporary shelter in Slidell. (Some pets are being fostered here and others will eventually be moved to foster homes off site.)
Total number of animals affected by Hurricane Katrina that have been cared for by Noah’s Wish and Slidell Animal Control to date = 1,647
Total number of volunteers who have traveled from around the United States and Canada to donate their time to assist in the rescue and recovery efforts =
Number of animals given food in the community on average per day = 140
Number of animals from the community provided medical treatment and vaccinations on average per day = 12
Animals that have died (Due to illness and injury. Most medical conditions were pre-existing i.e: cancer, heart problems, liver problems) = 44
Is it just me or does the CrossPost from NOLA Board sound alot like EDNAHs? Intertesting... According to the WinnDixie site, both they and Humane LA transported their dogs out of EDNAHs Sunday night to Tylertown. It also mentions that as of Sun. nite although the rest of the remaining dogs were moved to larger kennels, all the Pasado animals were STILL being kept in their original crates?! Does this sound HUMANE!! Maybe Rhonda is well-intentioned, maybe she is in it for the money and publicity, whatever, let us hope it's not the poor dogs that end up with the short end of the stick again.
ALSO I've heard that Noah's Wish wasn't listing all their rescued animals on Petfinder and was requiring proof of ownership such as pictures, etc. and that they weren't allowing owners to walk around their shelter looking for their pets?! Can anyone clarify this?? Is there not ONE rescue group I can donate to that doesn't screw-up or bash every other group or decide to play God or whatever... Any comments on American Humane, good or bad?
I believe that Noah's Wish is not listing because of people shopping for pets. Someone goes in and looks the animals over (esp. pit bulls), they call someone else who then comes in and claims it as theirs. It's rough for the owners, but believe me, if my dog were in there, I'd want someone making it damn hard for anybody else to take him.
I'm not sure how you are suppose to have a picture of your pet after your house has been under water and/or destroyed. I'm sure they are working that out. The worst I have ever heard about Noah's Wish is just that, they aren't posting pictures. Not a bad track record.
I believe that Noah's Wish is not listing because of people shopping for pets. Someone goes in and looks the animals over (esp. pit bulls), they call someone else who then comes in and claims it as theirs. It's rough for the owners, but believe me, if my dog were in there, I'd want someone making it damn hard for anybody else to take him.
I'm not sure how you are suppose to have a picture of your pet after your house has been under water and/or destroyed. I'm sure they are working that out. The worst I have ever heard about Noah's Wish is just that, they aren't posting pictures. Not a bad track record.
Maybe this is old news? But I was just reading a post from I think (after awhile they all start to run together!) and Jack has been adopted.
But Kimberly is still desperately searching for her Maltese, Princess (see for more info).
Has anyone heard of the health conditions of the animals at EDNAH? After the trauma of Katrina,rescues,transportations and being kept in kennels for days on end I cannot imagine these babies are too healthy physically or mentally. I guesstimate many of these dogs were street dogs to begin with. The reports have stated that most of the pets known to have owners have heartworms. I wonder how many have and will need to be euthanized to end their suffering?Hard fact to accept but sometimes reality sucks.
Latest on Ketel
by jmleong, 10/31/05 22:56 ET
Just spoke to Ketel's owner (this is the Maltese that was erroneously adopted out); and the family who adopted him called the original owner today. This *may* be resolved between the two parties outside of court. It's good news that the "new" family called the original owner! Like I told the owner over the weekend, it's probably very important for her to be made "a real person" in this guy's eyes, rather than just some anonymous "Katrina survivor."
I hesitate to give every last detail for fear of flubbing the whole thing up, but in sum: The man claims to be holding onto the dog for a variety of reasons, including his concern about what sort of home Ketel'd be going back to; and also he doesn't sound too keen on a bunch of media attention or animal rights activists parking themselves on his front lawn. Heh. The local police seem to have been very influential in warning him that this could happen. (I'm only a six-hour drive away from Chicago -- anyone else?)
Owner's best hope right now is that she'll be driving up to Illinois to get Ketel very soon (if the man relents) and for that reason, she's asked Son's foster mom (he's Ketel's Boston Terrier brother, being fostered very near where Ketel is) to hold onto Son for a few more days because ideally, both doggies could be picked up in one trip.
If the man decides to fight for the dog, the original owner has already sought legal advice in Louisiana, and she has a veterinarian in Illinois offering her a name of a lawyer in that state. Her first action will be to file a motion to remove the dog from the new guy's home for the duration of the legal battle. Ummmm, not unlike escrow? Heh.
Keep fingers crossed. Now that the man has talked to the owner, been assured the dog will be well taken care of, and knows the story of how Ketel and Son ended up in Tylertown after the hurricane (they'd been at Chalmette Medical Center, but then were not allowed to be airlifted out with people), hopefully he is re-thinking his stance.
Please join me in hoping that this man decides to "do the right thing" and releases Ketel back to the dog's lifelong family.
You are a riot Eric. And yes, she would be happy if it all would "go away" and she could get her Coffe with Chicory as requested...LOL.. Thanks for your continued care and concern for the most innocent storm victems. I know that by you continually sticking your neck out for the animals you are one of the most dedicated people I have met since Katrina. All you have done and continue to do has not gone unnoticed.
Pasado sent their EDNAH to Canada???!
Date: 2005-11-01, 8:38AM CST
Some of the dogs going to Canada shelter????? Does anybody know anything about this?
Some dogs get out of Gamaliel
Bulletin Staff Writer
GAMALIEL — Some were found dog-paddling in the murky waters in Louisiana, others were still in heavily-damaged homes, and a few were still chained to trees or posts as floodwaters rolled in.
More than three weeks ago, pit bulls rescued from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina made the long journey to Arkansas. Now, they are making a return trip and will be a little closer to home.
As heavy rain fell Monday, the dogs sat in cages in a warm tractor-trailer, most barking loudly but some curled up into balls.
According to PasadoRescue, an organization based in Seattle, Wash., 25 dogs left Gamaliel Monday afternoon for an animal shelter in Alabama.
The pit bulls were brought to Every Dog Needs A Home (EDNAH), a Gamaliel animal sanctuary that has come under scrutiny after Baxter County authorities discovered approximately 477 dogs on the property.
The pit bulls are some of the first dogs to be removed from EDNAH.
The event was not without drama. The Humane Society of the United States would not let the dogs leave until they approved the shelters where the dogs were slated to go.
Representatives from the Humane Society of the United States will stay onsite in Gamaliel to oversee the care of the dogs.
Susan Michaels, co-founder of PasadoRescue, said the remaining Pasado dogs may go to a facility in Canada. She did not know when the organization would be allowed to move the other dogs.
Michaels said both the Alabama and Canada shelters have been inspected and received good reviews. She said during Hurricane Katrina Pasado did not have time to view the EDNAH site and had to rely on references and recommendations.
"Now we have the time to go back to our standard practice," she told The Bulletin Monday.
Michaels said all of the references of William and Tammy Hanson, EDNAH owners, checked out.
"We thought she was legitimate," she said.
People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) also is weighing in on the EDNAH situation.
Cruelty Caseworker Daniel Paden sent a letter Monday to Prosecutor Ron Kincade requesting that if the Hansons are convicted they be required to undergo psychological evaluations and counseling. He also asked that the couple be prohibited from owning or possessing animals.
Originally published November 1, 2005
.as long as they are getting good homes and love,who cares where they go right now?
Response from TurtleMoon on my request to track the dogs they go from EDNAH...Eric
Hello Eric, the dogs were received last night and over
the next several days we will be working with them to
decide how they are in tempermant and health. Once we
have done that we will be posting updates and pictures
about the dogs on our website. Anyone is free to check
on them through
Thank you and your readers for concern, it is
appreciated greatly. Turtle Moon assures everyone that
these dogs will get the utmost in care and love until
they have been placed in loving homes.
Thank you
Secretary of TMR
--- Eric Rice wrote:
> Hi. I run a blog called
> I have a ton of people writting me woried about the
> EDNA situation.
> If you get the dogs you be willing to post the
> status of each dog you get?
> Regards,
> Eric
Turtle Moon Rescue
November 1, 2005 -- You don't have to die for Fido — the city will change its rules to allow people to bring pets to public shelters during severe hurricanes or other disasters.
Office of Emergency Management Commissioner Joseph Bruno told a state Assembly committee yesterday that Hurricane Katrina proved that far too many people tragically put themselves at risk by not going to shelters when it means abandoning their pets.
OEM's existing evacuation plan allows for evacuees to bring only service animals — such as guide dogs — with them to the Big Apple's 800 or so emergency shelters. But Bruno said...
"I think there is some political infighting and control issues going on between west coast pit sites and pasado."
That's what I heard as well. Diane Jessup has a personal vandetta against Mark (for whatever reason) and whenever an opportunity comes up to badmouth Pasado she takes it. I have no idea where this comes from. Pasado's is a respected rescue organization and is checked out and approved in Washington State. Diane and Mark must have had a falling out a while ago and it just never got resolved.
I'm curious...Anyone know why so many rescued animals from NO weren't fixed? This is a relatively low cost procedure that most vets will do for cost.
Are the rescued animals being checked for microchips? Microchipping is also fairly cheap (I got my animals done for $35 a piece). I know it's mandatory in my state that when an animal is adopted out by the Humane Society that the dog or cat be microchipped.
The residents who microchipped their pets have claimed that they do not know the ID# because it was lost in their destroyed houses.
Most people who do not spay or neuter believe it is cruel to animals because it involves "surgery." You can try giving coupons and discounts, but these people will not spay or neuter.
I think if you went into the poor communities of Baltimore you would find the same low rates of heartwork preventative, fixed animals, and microchips. Nobody has been able to "look so close" as is being done in this rescue. I can't tell you the number of totally loved pets I have retunred to that were not fixed. Several have done all the things I have asked after I educated them. Eric Rice
Now that the horses are in better shape, Margo and Lori have been helping rescue dogs and cats south of the area. Margo reports that places like Port Sulphur and Empire are the worst she's seen it, even worse than St. Bernard's in NO or anywhere she's been. Margo also says that there's a place accessible only by ferry called the East Bank which has received little or no help.
**** Sadly, there's been little or no animal rescue in these areas! ****
Margo reports seeing cattle wandering around, nothing but skin and bones. And apparently the local government is going to stop giving them the little feed that they have been giving them, because this is now up to the owners. Catch 22: the owners aren't allowed back yet! There are cats and dogs everywhere. But apparently the local government doesn't want outsiders there. But since Margo's with Lori, she has the "credentials" to stay, although she did have a run-in earlier this morning with a local animal control officer who hassled her. According to Margo, when she asked why there was still so many animals, the animal control person replied, "we're getting ready to start". 2 months later and they're getting ready to start? Agggghhhh!
This is a nightmare. While it's great that NO has gotten a lot of attention and help, this area has been terribly neglected. But there are animals who desperately need help!
Here's the thing. Margo rented a van for a week. She has enough money to get back to Kentucky but would like to stay as long as possible where there's such a great need and where there's little or no help being offered. The problem is, she has to return to Kentucky *tomorrow* to return the van unless we can get her some more funds to recharge her credit card.
I'm going to pay for her to keep the van for another week. I've already given her a large sum of money for her expenses to get her down there and to pay for meds. I am telling you NOT to toot my own horn but simply to let you know I could I/we need your help. If any of you can kick in some money to help out, it would be awesome. I'll be offline for much of Wednesday night and Thursday but will be back in touch the end of the week. You can PM me if you'd like to donate - or just send money to this paypal account: coololdstuff at gmail dot com Any little bit helps.
Please help if you can. Margo is a good soul, a hard worker, and
Am I wrong in thinking that the microchip companies keep records of the pet/owner info? Or is it just the vet/shelter who keeps these records?? We have our lab chipped, but haven't looked into it further! I DO KNOW that you can REGISTER your chip#, which would be the smart thing to do since in times of disaster, the vets/shelters/owners records are lost. I think initially some animals that were being rescued weren't being checked for a chip and NOW those who are trying to help reunite pets and owners are asking ALL shelters/groups to REcheck for an "original" chip!!
I my state, once a pet is microchipped you send in the registration to the state office that keep the records. If a pet is picked up by the HS, they scan for the number, then contact the state office (whoever that is) to get the owner info. If the owner dosen't register their pet's chip then of course this doesn't work.
Thanks for the heads up on microchipping.
Is there also a National Data base?
I don't think so. I believe it's state by state.
I have been told that some of the newer chips can't be read by the Humane Society's older scanners. I don't have much more info than that though (like chip manufacturer or model number). I guess before getting a pet chipped you should check with your local HS to see which chip they recomend.
"No couches", eh? Who is that red blanket I don' tink so!!! ;-)
Dear Eric:
I am so disappointed in you. I really believed you would tell the truth. That picture of the pups not on the couch and on the floor clearly is nothing but the work of photoshop and trick photography. . . .
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Tammy Hanson continues to amaze. she keeps stealing dogs from shelters and finally was arrested by Missouri authorities today after she was found guilty in court. She trashed a motel room by putting 8 dogs in the room and then skipped out on the bill in Springfield, Missouri. How many times does it take before people will stop listening to her lies. How much proof has to be presented, over and over before everyone of her so called friends, realize she is sick and needs help. She gave an interview in Kansas City and admits to stealing the dogs from a shelter, and in fact you can see the dogs in the video. She is truly sick.
With continuing rumors of hoarding I wanted to touch base with you and make sure you had received the care packages sent to you--particularly the search lights I had sent to you. Please feel free to contact me at, or on the nolapetrescue site, to let me know that you received those items during your time searching. Thanks again for all your help.
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